Royal Spot lite Sat.

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Re: Royal Spot lite Sat.

Postby blessedw2 » Sat May 19, 2018 10:20 am

kitchen morning routine done:
sink clean
dishes washing in dw as I didn't do that last night
swiped counters, stove didn't need cleaning,
recycling put out
composting put out
quick vacuumed kitchen floor and swiffer rinsed.

swish and swiped powder room and tossed out garbage.

did 15 minutes in garage
Last edited by blessedw2 on Sat May 19, 2018 11:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Royal Spot lite Sat.

Postby DeeClutter » Sat May 19, 2018 10:24 am

DD and I tried a new (to us) nearby restaurant. Was very good and we brought home 1/2 of our fairly inexpensive breakfasts -to be eaten for lunch I guess. I've been awake since about 3:45. Read a few times. Finally took my T-med just before 6. Stopped on the way back to get some weed killer for dh and dd went into $ Tree to get some frames for certificates for awards for a few of her students. Had to laugh, as one of her students (their scores come up on the computer as soon as they hit 'submit') got 100. He put his hands over his mouth to keep from shouting. She asked if he ever did yell -"Yes, when I got in the car!" :D This is on an engineering test "Solid Works". It's an either fail/pass.

We're cleaning out our cars. Mine took me all of 3 or 4 minutes. Just have to vacuum out the front. Stopped for gas so shouldn't need any more until I'm on my way out of town next Friday.

Going to compile my PODA and see about crossing off lots of it! Oops! Just remembered I need to go turn on the washer. Stripped our bed and put that all in the washer before we left. DD's dryer is acting up. We looked at washer/dryer combos while we were at L owe's. DD has a front loader (that and dryer are about 5 or 6 years old). But the dryer itself is giving us fits. Hoping it hold out at least until she comes back in August.
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Re: Royal Spot lite Sat.

Postby blessedw2 » Sat May 19, 2018 10:30 am

look at you dearest dee - a lovely breakfast and cleaning out your car and washing your sheets! well done!
we had to get rid of our front loader too! I think the machines are built to break after a couple years.
have a great day

I might head out earlier for the play
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Re: Royal Spot lite Sat.

Postby LadyMaverick » Sat May 19, 2018 10:46 am

Do you have any idea where he caught strep?

This prompted me to look to see how long the contagious period is in Strep throat. "Strep throat is contagious for about 2-3 weeks in individuals that do not take antibiotics." So there is no telling where DS9 picked up the germ. The pediatrician said DS9 would be fine to be around people after a day of being on antibodies. Hopefully, tomorrow we can resume normal activities.

With an unexpected day at home, I am looking around full of possibilities. There is so much I would like to do but I need to limit my focus. I think I have it narrowed down to 3 projects.

** Plant grass seed in the front yard. Earlier this year I had a dump truck load of topsoil delivered and spread. I've been waiting for the night time temps to warm up so I could plant grass. I think it will be okay to do now.

** Paint the front porch post, decorations, and doorway. This means detaching the handrails that connect to the posts. It also means sanding the painted wood because the paint has started to pull away from the wood in spots. The actual painting will be easy. Getting it prep'd to paint will be a PITA. It will also require us to use a different entry door for the next day or so while the paint dries.

** Trim and shape about 30' of waist & shoulder-high shrubs. The long line of shrubs looks so neat when they are manicured. But they are looking shabby now with the new spring growth popping out everywhere.
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Re: Royal Spot lite Sat.

Postby Ramblinrose » Sat May 19, 2018 11:51 am

Morning ...

LadyM... hope DS9 feels better soon.

I was up with Nancy this morning. She got up at 1:30 and I got up at 2 to watch the wedding. We are on the same Pacific time. I love watching historical events. Read some very interesting articles over the week about how Royal bouquets and wedding dress evolved over the centuries. Most interesting was learning about the strange undergarments royals used to achieve these looks.

I enjoy learning about royal traditions especially since I know my ancestors were involved with King Charles II and his courts. It’s neat to see the halls and castles my ancestors walked.

After the wedding I snoozed for a couple of hours. I now have my laundry going and need to pick up some messes I’ve made in my kitchen. Willis and I are not going to our weekly training so I’m watched Ceasar on tv.

I am also doing my laundry. Later today the Preakness will be on and I’m looking forward to that. Dinner is planned and I am off to start my day.

Waving to y’all...
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Re: Royal Spot lite Sat.

Postby blessedw2 » Sat May 19, 2018 12:14 pm

waving to you too d rose and d lady!

d lady - I love thinking of the possibilities as well! enjoy your day even with a sick young one!

d rose I love historical events as well! enjoy watching the preakness! have a good day as well!
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Re: Royal Spot lite Sat.

Postby blessedw2 » Sat May 19, 2018 12:16 pm

finished my round robins - did 15 in the garage, did 15 both, altogether, in the front and back - watering and put away. Did one put away in basement. and will swipe one part of the laundry room closet (if it is one minute i will be surprised lol evil grin).
early lunch eaten

time for shower2shoes
and get ready to go.
bring basket of laundry upstairs and put away
head out

have a great day!
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Re: Royal Spot lite Sat.

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat May 19, 2018 2:18 pm

I finished the sermon and service! It felt effortless and I've only been at work barely 3 hours. Of course, the service was 90% done last Sunday (I worked on it in the car on my way to Toronto, that was one of the items that made me feel competent and accomplished, last week.)

Unfortunately, we didn't get to dd's because I needed to get this done first. Now it is raining and they wanted us to babysit while they did yard work. I think we'll just focus at home and visit tomorrow.

We had both forgotten we have the theatre tonight so that took away the evening for me to write. Tomorrow I have church in the morning. Pentecost is my favourite of the church holidays (probably why it was so easy to write the sermon) and as a result, I want to be in church at my church tomorrow morning. Dh has to come with me since I'm preaching in the afternoon.

He's starting to get overwhelmed with all he has to do before leaving for a month. So I sense he's not pleased about all day tomorrow being taken up.

He's off sending his broken monitor back. As soon as it is in the delivery system, the company will send the replacement. Since it has to get here by the 30th, he wanted to get that done today and spent last might packaging up the broken one.

Time for me to load my preaching bag and then grab something light for lunch since we'll be out for dinner at the pub early.

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Re: Royal Spot lite Sat.

Postby Twins' Mom » Sat May 19, 2018 3:12 pm

I watched the replay of the wedding on TV and was mostly still watching when dh got home. I made the cheesecake squares and dh stripped the rotisserie chicken of meat for me. While the cheesecake squares were in the oven I made chicken salad.

I need to empty the dishwasher and clean up the kitchen from the cooking and then I might try for a nap. We're going to temple tonight for a program, mainly because dd was worried about not enough people showing up.
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Re: Royal Spot lite Sat.

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat May 19, 2018 3:47 pm

I've started the last load of laundry. There were stained white things so I put them soak with OxyClean. My almost white hat, my white capris and my tan pants. Dye from the pants stained the other items. My hat was on the bottom so it is stained evenly. The capris are stained where they touched the pants since they were on top. I bleached them for 15 minutes but they are still stained. I've run the load of laundry without the pants which are hung up to dry in the tub. I'll run them with a dark load another day. Sigh...

At least the hat is stained evenly so it will just look another colour. And the dirt on it all came out.

While the capris were soaking I did up all the dishes. The lid to the thermos still smells of sour milk, as does the stopper (it is a weird one that you pop up to pour through so lots of crevices.) My tea mug is pristine after soaking overnight with soda. The lid for that (another one with crevices) wasn't used to pour the mint tea so it doesn't smell of that.

I've had some carrots and a glass of milk for my lunch. Dinner will be in an hour so I don't want to eat many more calories.

I might take a moment and watch the wedding now.

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