Peace Sunday

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Re: Peace Sunday

Postby Nancy » Sun May 20, 2018 4:39 pm

Dgd did not take any furniture. The dish cloths, 2 dishes, cutting board, plastic cobtaa trash can were items she could use. Any way it good to have more things are gone now.

I raked up more of the seeds. I have seeds I raked up containerized and under the carport tovstay dry. I weedec by the West side of the house dug out two herbs that had been in the way of the walkway by the gate & I moved some onion plants too.

H finished adding the rest of the stuff to the pasta salad to his liking for his lunches.

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Re: Peace Sunday

Postby blessedw2 » Sun May 20, 2018 8:44 pm

hello again!
had a lovely quiet afternoon
went out w dd older and d mom for dinner
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Peace Sunday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun May 20, 2018 9:06 pm

Long day.

Was out the door at 8:40 but forgot the table cross ds made me. Didn't remember until it was way too late to turn back.

Got to church. Dh and I sat in the choir loft and our tenor friend was there so we did parts (sop/tenor/bass) and the congregation loved it. The Rev did a low-key Pentecost which was a disappointment but I suspect he's feeling the lack of the Spirit with regards to our church. I certainly am and am having trouble with the June 10 service as a result.

It was good to be in church and I draw energy and inspiration from the building. I used to go over when I was stuck and just work through what I had standing in the pulpit. I'd 'toss it out there' and see if it felt right or not. The ideas for the 10th flowed to me today so I think I'm done. I wrote most of the service on the way to and during lunch.

We drove down to the market town 15 minutes south of the village. I phoned my bosom buddy and she was on her way to the barn and her dh was out. I said we'd be at the Tim Horton's so she left a note for her dh and he dropped by and visited with us for an hour. So that was great.

Dh then had his last service with me at the retirement home. I'm sad I won't finish up my time there with him to help me. I feel I'll end my on a lower note than usual because I won't have musical backup. Two more services (June 10 & 17) and I'm done there. Five years is a long time in one place. Especially as a volunteer. But I'm confident I'm no longer to be there. Today I found they had replaced the lectern with a turned wood stand. It is a Bible stand and is about 8" too short and not the right angle to preach from (it holds my papers at such an angel I can't see them.) I'll try with my other glasses next time but it was as if the Spirit was nudging me away from there.

From there we went to dd's. They needed to use the car to buy plants so we babysat. Dgs and I had a good time. He's talking more. His name is a two-syllable M word and dd can't tell when he's using his name or Mama so he points to himself and says his version of his name. Which I think is adorable and clever to come up with a way to communicate. I'd turn the page in the book and there'd be a wagon and he'll point to the wagon, then point to himself and say his name and I'll say "Yes, you have a wagon!"

He asked me repeatedly to take him to the library but it is closed today and tomorrow. He normally goes every day. His dad's been taking him after work so dd can sleep.

The poor little guy is exhausted because he's too congested to sleep properly. But we kept very busy. Dd was surprised I hadn't taken him for a walk but we were too buy colouring and reading books and wandering all over the house for his other bear. His parents confirmed he only has 3 teddy bears so I have no idea what we were looking for. He stretches Owl into almost three syllables so I kept making him say the word because it is so adorable.

He walked to me at one point without my prompting so that was good. Now I understand why dd says he can walk. I still maintain something is wrong. It is another 2 months until her next appointment with the GP who still maintains there's nothing wrong with him. I sure hope she's right because I feel we've lost 3 - 6 months of physiotherapy if there is. I feel he's learning 'wrong' (having figured out to compensate partially for whatever his holding him back.) He also can't stand unassisted, there's simply no balance. This time he took 8 steps to me so that's more then the 3 - 4 step controlled falls I've seen in the past. He got a ton of praise for that, btw. His dad and I played the walking game upstairs after a diaper change as well, but that's only a few steps at a time and Daddy has his hand behind him to correct as he falls backwards. So there's a long way to go before I'll say the kid is walking.

Dh and I picked up a cooked chicken on the way home and watched half a movie while we ate dinner. The remainder will be another night.

Dh washed up the hand dishes and I tidied a little bit in the kitchen. I'll tidy some more now and then head to bed. I'm too tired to be productive this evening.

I went to work on my bullet journal but was depressed to see that I had not accomplished one item from my last Monday's list. So I set the journal aside.

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Re: Peace Sunday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun May 20, 2018 10:19 pm

Right, it is the Victoria Day weekend so there are fireworks going off below me by the river. A set in the parking lot by the bridge and another on the island. The big fireworks for the city should be seen from my place but I haven't heard anything yet. Not sure if they are late or I missed them.

Anyway, I've been watching clips from the wedding yesterday so am still up.

<Edited to add>

Checked reddit. I missed the main fireworks. Honestly didn't hear a thing.

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Re: Peace Sunday

Postby lucylee » Sun May 20, 2018 10:53 pm

LONG day here, especially for a Sunday. Maybe this is why I collapse on Saturdays -- even though my 40-hour ;) week days are past, I still have a hectic week day routine most of the time, and on Saturdays, I (usually) get the equivalent to breakfast in bed -- although I come to the table for it, and I just treat it like my self-preservation day. BUT I still think I'd feel better about myself if I started my Saturdays with a brisk walk and/or s2s first thing -- and THEN collapse, if I chose to.
ANYWAY -- I had to wait a long time for my Sunday nap. And it was MUCH needed b/c dh had a terrible night, up and down all night long with his stomach distress. I was seriously a little nervous about leaving him to go to the shower, b/c I was afraid he would get dehydrated and pass out. (OTOH, I had such a nice time talking with my cousin at the shower that I stayed longer than I intended! :oops: I left before it was over, though, and did nothing to help "host" it except pay my $20.)

DGS was up before 7:30, and he and I played dominoes with our "bonus" time. Then I got him dressed, s2s, and we went to church.
After I got him home from Sunday School, we ate lunch and I got all my afternoon Sunday chores done -- allergy shots, refill meds, washed dishes, etc -- and he and I went to my cousin's wedding tea/shower. (I took him with me b/c I knew other cousins his age would be there, and I figured ddil needed a little more time to recuperate from her own stomach distress.) Had a nice time there, and dgs was fairly well behaved. ;)
We almost had an incident just as we were leaving, and I had my back to him, talking to one of my daunts and another cousin. He was twirling around -- making himself dizzy -- and he fell and crashed into the food table! :o Oh. My. Goodness. I was scared to death for a moment there -- but none of the food fell. I fussed at him pretty sternly -- I had told him on the way that "this is a grown-up party and you've got to be good, okay?" After that escapade, I asked him did he see any grown-ups making themselves drunk and crashing into tables??? (Then I thought, well, at SOME grown-up parties, that actually might happen -- but none I want to attend -- and I told him if we didn't get out of there before we created another scene, we'd never be invited to anymore grown-up parties.)
Other good news -- dmom came to the shower, had been to church this morning, and planned to go to church tonight & attend the "tool & gadget shower" that HER church was hosting for the bridal couple.

I took him home, came home, went back to town to get dh a KFC pot pie -- the only thing he could think of that he might keep on his stomach. (And so far, he has, so MAYBE he has turned the corner.)
I then HAD TO take a nap. I was falling asleep in my tracks.

THEN I took the garbage to the road, went to Wmart, came home and put away all the groceries... and I am BEAT. Boy, I take for granted having dh's help on the grocery run, that is for sure.
I have more dishes to wash now, also.

Kathryn, that sounds so nice, to be able to sit on one's balcony and watch fireworks. (If you ARE able to see them, that is.)
I am so impressed with your dgs's vocabulary and communication skills! Of course, I can't really say dgd here fails to communicate -- she is quite skilled at making her wishes known -- just not putting it into words just yet. But I think I see improvement, so I am still trying to be patient.

Blessed, I'm so glad you had a nice dinner with your dd and your dmom!

Nancy, WTG on blessing your dgd with items you don't need.

Hah -- just seeing where you compared your grandmother & mom to your grandfather re: physical complaints, blessed. * And Rose -- re: your dmom -- Oh my... dh is certainly NOT the strong silent type when it comes to suffering. Oh my... I don't mean to get impatient with him, but sometimes I just want to scream. When he is sick, he can NOT just be quiet about it. When I am sick, I think I normally just want to lie down in a dark, cool room and be left alone. I wish dh was more like that. Shaking my head.

LadyM -- (((HUGS))) for you and ds9! I hope he feels better SOON -- and I hope you don't come down with it yourself!

Waving to EVERYONE!!!
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Peace Sunday

Postby Harriet » Sun May 20, 2018 11:23 pm


Ya'll are on my mind.

Hoping those who are sick recover quickly.

Church was rough. For one thing I messed up leading a song, for which I forgave myself and was pleased I did not turn red but just went on. The rest was a downer. But I have gotten so that I have the same attitude no matter what and chatted with many afterward. Just determined no one's going to see me sweat, I guess, lol. I tried to chase a friend down and talk but she had bolted out of the church as soon as the service was over - maybe before. The couple who sits in front of her said how strange because she always says hello. I think she was upset and now I don't know how to approach. Will have to think.

When dd got home from work (yes, that's happening - it could be a month of Sunday workdays, so, oh well), she insisted we go to WMart. Random thing to do but we did it. A few helpful things were found.

LadyM, I traveled in the tops/shirts direction you linked. Although I didn't choose either of those particular ones, another suggestion on one of the pages turned out to be a helpful, quick buy, arrived fast and was just fine to go to church today. I had a necklace that worked. Nobody there in a mood to give compliments but HRH, and he did.

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