Wondering Wednesday

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Wondering Wednesday

Postby Twins' Mom » Wed May 23, 2018 8:08 am

What sweet or mundane mysteries of our lives are you pondering today?

How soon will Harmony will be able to rewire a truck completely? (She's Superwoman, I tell you!)

When LadyM will get the pool open for us?

What will Lucylee do today for her family?

What new fruit/veggie will Harriet introduce us to today?

WHEN will my computer come back, healed?

(I hope everyone understands my attempt at humour, as Kathryn would say.)
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Re: Wondering Wednesday

Postby BookSaver » Wed May 23, 2018 8:13 am

Telephones and the internet are wondrous communication tools.
I'm grateful to be able to keep in touch with family and friends when we live so far apart.

Even so, being able to meet in person is a blessing.

Today I am lucky enough to be able to have lunch with a good friend. Our schedules are so different that we haven't been able to get together since before Christmas.

I'm so excited to be able to see her face and hear her voice.

Unfortunately, modern life keeps us apart more than we like.
I hope that sometime soon all of you will be able to see the faces you love.

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Re: Wondering Wednesday

Postby blessedw2 » Wed May 23, 2018 8:17 am

I love your wit d twins! thank you for starting us. Good morning d Twins!

d book
So happy for you for your lunch with df!!!

Good morning d everyone
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Wondering Wednesday

Postby Twins' Mom » Wed May 23, 2018 8:21 am

My old computer is working okay this a.m. Slow but useable for a limited number of functions at a time. I couldn't use it for heavy research, where I have a number of apps and windows open, but I'll use my iPad alongside the old laptop for Dropbox and/or Evernote, and I should be okay to work on Pro Gen assignment some today. Need to turn it in on Friday, I'll have all day tomorrow if I need it, and most of Friday as well. Of course, I have a li%t of stuff to do before we head to the beach on Sunday also.

Forecast for the beach is rain! Yuck!

Today I have a massage at 10 a.m. (eek, need to get moving!) and tonight going out to dinner and to a baseball game with dh, a friend and his son. After the massage, I need to get a few groceries (dd will be staying here) and pick up script for the dog so she doesn't run out while we are away.

-breakfast and meds
-refill meds containers
-walk the ddog
-make the bed

And I'm off....
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Wondering Wednesday

Postby blessedw2 » Wed May 23, 2018 8:25 am

Yesterday I had to take a nap - back ground headache means nap time or it becomes a doozy.
Still tired with a bit of headache this am.

today is d mom's birthday and she is expecting another surprise :shock: Last year we had a big party for her and she asked what we were doing today to dd younger. I had a small present but I will have to go to the cake place - I kept thinking she wasn't getting home from FL until later and this was off my radar! Changing attitude to positive and possible.

today I started to panic but I am trying to think bit by bit. I cooked last night and did not do dishes as I cooked, or counters, or stove and woke up to my blow up kitchen. I tend to get ADD looking at the whole instead of small actions. So after this go left to right at one area at a time.
1. kitchen
2. morning swish and swipe
3. clutter check
4. dh is still sleeping - I think I am going to have to pull my cloths the night before and bring them downstairs to the closet because not getting s2s sends my mind into Sunday mode.

today I have: 9 am hair dye - leave at 8:30
couch comes at 12:30 I need to get a tip for the men.
d mom's bday - I have to think of something.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Wondering Wednesday

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed May 23, 2018 8:28 am

Twins- Thanks for the great start!

I have my hourly schedule made, menu planned and am ready to tackle the day.

I finished this hour tasks 10 minutes early so I am feeling rather accomplished & relaxed. I am rewarding myself with feet up and a few extra sips of warm coffee. I am a slow coffee drinker who doesn't care if it is hot, warm or cold. I fill my coffee cup once in the early morning and sip on it until the coffee is gone. This process takes a couple hours and I have been known to add ice to my coffee to make it extra cold later in the day.

It's time for me to grab a bottle of water and head out the door for my morning walk. I listen to FoF phone meeting while walking so the time goes fast and is doubly enjoyable.
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Re: Wondering Wednesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed May 23, 2018 8:38 am

Twins: this is why we keep old computers on stand-by. My old laptop is dreadfully slow but has Open Office and important files are on dropbox so I can work on them while my computer is non-functional. Can't do bookkeeping (home or business) though. That would be solved by moving to a cloud-based program but I don't want to because I trust no-one and don't always have decent internet, nor do I always want to be connected to the internet when I'm working since I work from so many hotel rooms or the backseat of the car.

I have to be out of here in an hour. I'm wondering where the day went.

And I'm wondering if I was diplomatic enough turning down the request that I have the services for August 7 (yes, a Tuesday) and September 9 finished by June 4.

This is what I wrote:

There's no way I'll have both services done by the 4th as I'm still focusing on June 10th (and my second service on the 10th, plus services on the 17th and 24th.) I haven't even started my work on any of those services so June 4 is an impossible deadline. July 4 would be the earliest I could be ready. I'm also waiting for the results of the congregational survey since if there is no interest in evening services, then there's no point doing them. So I wasn't putting significant thought into the alternative services until after May 29.

This gets back to the AIWATT I was talking about yesterday - Am I willing at this time to make the investments required to make a positive difference on this issue?

I'm willing to design and start the evening service program. But not while I have 3 services due, a wedding to go to (no present bought), dd requiring lots of babysitting right now and my corporate year-end questions from accountants.

I thought offering to take the lead in this project would be fine, not pile on unmanageable deadlines to me. This is why people won't volunteer for things, our time is not respected by others.

Note: While I have 7 services between now and September 9, I am only being paid to do two of those. The remainder are volunteer work, including the part where I'm designing a whole new way of worship for our congregation.

I'm so irritated.

Plus I spent 40 minutes on that letter and we have to be out of here in an hour. I'm not dressed nor have I eaten or shut down the apartment (all power is being killed to the building so we have to get out.)

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Re: Wondering Wednesday

Postby Nancy » Wed May 23, 2018 9:08 am

I am up bs is great this morning. Was glad when the hens woke me from a weird loop of dreaming. Had my meds. Fed hens pooch is napping in her box. Did my planning and journal last evening. Sipping coffee black.

I have the dryer going now.
Have sorted out hats to share w dil.
Swept seeds.
Trimmed the border.
Watered front yd.
Took rest of morning meds had breakfast.
Brought up summer clothes.
Last edited by Nancy on Wed May 23, 2018 7:57 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Wondering Wednesday

Postby blessedw2 » Wed May 23, 2018 9:30 am

heading out
hi d nancy
hi d kathryn
hi d twins
hi d lady
hi d book

hi d everyone

my kitchen is finished. time for s2s and head out the door
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Wondering Wednesday

Postby Elizabeth » Wed May 23, 2018 11:47 am

Good morning everyone! My Tuesday was just weird and out of whack. I realized at 2 pm that I had not eaten lunch, so grabbed something very fast. DD16 called at 430 to tell me that she was going to stay at the x's house tonight to study for finals. I knew I needed to eat a good dinner, but could not even think of a restaurant that appealed to me, much less anything at home. I passed the smaller library on the way home and realized it was open, so I detoured there. When I did get home, I let both foster cats out and had to play referee. The younger, smaller cat would not stop pestering the older, so she ended up back in the MBR. I had good intentions of sewing in my "found time", but ended up cooking instead. I've decided I'm a dang good cook! Did not get sewing done, did do a little crochet on blanket squares.

It has been raining and it looks like Elizabeth's Own Roofing Company's work is holding. This time, I removed all the old caulk to get a clean start. Underneath, the oldest layer looked professionally applied. However, it went down the right side AND NOT THE LEFT!!! Gee, guess I know why there has been trouble! The previous owners prided themselves in getting cheap labor and ya get what ya pay for!

Right now I am wondering how to make an SSRS report auto-generate Excel files in a SharePoint environment, but having no luck at all.

I have surgery scheduled on my birthday (June 13). However, since I am taking DD to various FL amusement parks a month later, I may have to move it. I really need to get those plane tickets, but don't want to buy them until everything is settled. Between DD's summer schedule and my FL friend's schedule, that is really the only week we can go. I am trying to decide whether to just get the tickets anyway and plan on going. If the surgeon says no, then reschedule the surgery. What do y'all think?

Why on earth would anyone give Kathryn a June 4 deadline on August and September services?

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