good morning, Good Morning! Monday

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good morning, Good Morning! Monday

Postby blessedw2 » Mon May 28, 2018 7:54 am
A little bit of Good morning song to start your day!
Hope the sunbeams are gently waking you up to start your day.

If you are in the states it is Memorial day!

My week last week was a rough one but I love a new crisp Monday especially a holiday one!

I hope you joyful today!

Make it a good one!

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Re: good morning, Good Morning! Monday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon May 28, 2018 8:07 am

Good morning!

I'm awake. I've mended all but one of dgs' books. The last one needs to be sewn together as staples are too dangerous (dd found one on the floor of the play room.) I have found my 'coat' thread (more like fishing line) and have it beside the book so I can do that mending tonight. He has two editions of Chicka Chicka Boom Boom and both are in the mend pile because he loves them sooooo much.

Gotta run. My day/week are a mess. I've done nothing. Hope to pull it all together in 3 days. Wish me luck!

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Re: good morning, Good Morning! Monday

Postby blessedw2 » Mon May 28, 2018 8:19 am

yesterday was a lovely day! Stop by the beach for my beach pass, stopped at sailing centre for dd, picked up phone I forgot at dh's cousins 8-), had dinner with d mom and dd's.

so far through in a load of laundry. kitchen towels.
went through emails
redid bwp
no paperwork today
have things for dinner tonight.

My goal this week is to go to the beach twice and have my coffee and an early morning walk. The water is freezing!

Yesterday I was waiting for the printer at the beach to print my waiver to sign but they had trouble with it. a woman behind started complaining and I let other people go through while the printer tried to figure out what it was going to do. The woman was a guest of one of the beach pass holders.
even though I let everyone through - when her friends turn (the pass holder) came up the woman complainer came next to me and started to say what a terrible system it was and that they were taking too long and blamed the girls behind the desk. It wasn't long. What a scowl. She tried to complain to me - and I gently told her that the girls behind the desk were really working hard and they just had a glitch with the computer and the printer. I didn't say it but She was not giving herself a lovely start to her and her children's beach time.

After her was a family, who didn't realize how expensive a pass would be for their family of 5, - they had stopped at the beach where there wasn't a life guard thinking they could swim for free. They had to go to this paying beach. But stood in line and were so disappointed that it would cost $10 a piece, but their kids never complained. They were counting through their cash trying to come up with the money, I gave some to the girl behind the desk a bit of cash, bc I couldn't see this family coming all the way for nothing. I no longer have little ones and it was such a pleasure to help them. The kids were thrilled - the dads worry melted off his face. Attitude and gratefulness is everything. I was amazed at this family attitude and grateful that I could share in their happiness.
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Re: good morning, Good Morning! Monday

Postby blessedw2 » Mon May 28, 2018 8:19 am

good morning d kathryn!!! wishing you luck!!!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: good morning, Good Morning! Monday

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon May 28, 2018 8:27 am

I am woke up feeling rested and ready to get started.

I've spent time doing laundry - starting a load, putting a load away and ironing. It has been a long time since I've ironed. I found it oddly calming to watch the material become smooth and crisp creases appear.

I've S2s and recorded weight. The scales are still going down but in an oh-so-slow way. If losing weight was a race between the tortoise and the hare.....I would be the inchworm and lose to the tortoise AND the hare.

I've been outside and watered the new grass that is sprouting. I need to keep it watered several times a day until it gets past the "baby" stage. The heat is in triple digits now so with the wind blowing the dirt dries out very quickly.

DH and I discussed today's doings while enjoying a cup of coffee.

It's time for me to go on a morning walk and attend FoF phone meeting. *POOF*
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Re: good morning, Good Morning! Monday

Postby Lynlee » Mon May 28, 2018 8:54 am

yoga - workers in vicinity meant we got to choose the stay calm inspite of noise option, though I found following the guided meditation impossible
tried to get a call to financial person for appointment as I need some details. I hope I haven't screwed up pension possibilities.
Tried to find paper work I possess that I need.
house pick up/ clear off / tidy
helper came - one I like who I haven't seen for months
changed sheets - new ones tonight

bathroom/ toilet plus floors done.

Yes the expensive vacuum does still work, and collected a huge wad of dirt after a lot of time with just skimming the surface with the other.
I asked her to take longer with the vac for that reason, and mopped the floors myself as her time ran out.
Also washed some bits of wall/doors that especially needed it.

Must get to bed. Tomorrow an out of town appointment. Perio hygenist.
There are other 'out' things I could do there but I think that might be enough for me.
Showers continue.
Just begin.
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Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
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Re: good morning, Good Morning! Monday

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon May 28, 2018 9:27 am

Lynlee - WOW! POTB! You had a really productive Monday! I always enjoy reading your doings and thoughts.

I'm letting DS9 sleep in this morning.

I've enjoyed my walk and visiting with a neighbor who was out working in one of her flower gardens.

Next up -
* biweekly phone meeting with a sponsor
* Painting another coat of paint on front porch post and trim
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Re: good morning, Good Morning! Monday

Postby Harriet » Mon May 28, 2018 9:30 am

We are observing Memorial Day in US. Much to remember. I don't understand the fireworks I heard last evening. Celebratory - what is the purpose. I think there is some confusion that a memorial or remembrance day is just a smaller version of an independence celebration, a "warm-up" to get ready for a big noisy blowout, without significance of its own.

Lynlee, that's bright to get the most out of her visit with better equipment. Rain. Yes. It is all we have here, it seems. There are many "rainforest" jokes. Were they construction noises/workers? That always distracts me from listening to someone - waiting for the next nail or hammer to drop, lol.

blessed, your beach experience and so much misunderstanding back in the waiting line, reminds me of HRH often saying, "We all do the best we can with the information we have at the time." He may not realize it, but I think he's actually saying that statement out loud as a way to convince himself to forgive people.

Our household is having a lazy morning, what with the rain, the aftermath of a very social day yesterday (HRH had 2 cousins come over as well), and just probably needing some "down time". I think dd does work the late part-time hours today so will probably leave about 4.

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Re: good morning, Good Morning! Monday

Postby Lynlee » Mon May 28, 2018 9:39 am

Thank you LM and Harriet

Harriet - noise - think compressors, water blasting, jack hammers.
My vote - water blasting wall just outside our windows was worst. If the other was fairly continual I got used to it.
Meditative music was sometimes heard just as an offset.

K so still have to move. poof. Aiming for midnight lights off.
Just begin.
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Re: good morning, Good Morning! Monday

Postby Harmony » Mon May 28, 2018 11:05 am

Not much rain yest. Just bands of hard rain coming in. We were in a good spot for this one. Went to next town south to bring back big truck and they are very flooded down there. We were lucky to get the truck moved as it was sitting in mig batch of water.

Today working outside my feet got tangled in vines and down I went. Big golf ball size lump on wrist now and I can"t move hand. Tried to ice, both bags of ice leaked need a new plan. Called ortho dr. everybody out for the holiday and med. ans. people wouldn't even answer. sigh.

Typing w/ left hand. slow. gave up on caps. hard to get cleaned up. couldnt reach left armpit. did what i could. back in nightgown. glad i did checks earlier. what a day.

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