Tomorrow in Aust.

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Re: Tomorrow in Aust.

Postby Kasalia » Sun May 27, 2018 6:00 pm

I am trying to get DH to fix our spa for several years now. He has back and shoulder with I cant spell names, and I think the warmth would do him good. Finally the spa man came last week but found rats had eaten all the wires, so an electrician is here now at 7.45am Monday morn. Hows that for tradies!!

I am off for my needlework group. 4 of us in all. Our "teacher" is the expert and we are doing a particular intricate hardanger piece 3 foot square cloth. This is year 2, every night I work on it.

It is week 8 of the Grand Cleaning plan ......laundry and office. Started with 31 forum ladies but quite a few have slowed down, even though last weeks family room not completely done, boxes still there, it is clean from the ceiling to the baseboards.

This weeks will be harder, I gave up half of this room to DH, one side is my laundry tub, washing machine and one long bench that ends in my computer and paperwork area.

The other is DH L shaped bench with his computer, and all the bench is piled high with printers, books, papers. I dare not touch it, then there is the floor as well so quite difficult to do a thorough clean, must do the windows if I can so much dust.

It is very overcast this morning, think I should throw on a jacket as well, the cold is seeping in.

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Re: Tomorrow in Aust.

Postby Lynlee » Sun May 27, 2018 6:27 pm

Morning Kaz.

needle craft and a grand cleaning plan. You go girl.

That's good news about the spa getting fixed. I hope FH can improve. (I need the yoga to be more painfree.)
Bush rats?
One place I used to go they came in a drain pipe, then set up home in the workings of a dish washer. The wiring there they found delicious, apparently.

For a change I had bathed etc ,and was into bed when you posted last night. There is a win.
Then of course I read, lights out / book finished by 12. Sleep took a while but I managed to drop off and wake maybe after 6 without relying on the radio, so I count that as a win too.

Dishes washed, eating bfst now.

Yoga today.
Smattering of showers continue here. I'll craft a cover for my yoga gear in case I get caught in transit.
Buses and shanks's pony are my main means of transport atm.
Just begin.
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Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
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Re: Tomorrow in Aust.

Postby Nancy » Sun May 27, 2018 6:37 pm

Oops wrong thread.


Re: Tomorrow in Aust.

Postby Kasalia » Tue May 29, 2018 1:50 am

Today being Tuesday I had to spend the morning with the Community Garden to welcome a Special Ed boy and his carer to see if he would like helping in the garden, as he has now left school. We have just set up a donated polytunnel into a shade house and so I got them to sort pot sizes out. Unfortunately he didnt like being outside with the lawn mower going or getting dirty much.

I was hoping to have a whole day at home, but managed this afternoon to clean in front of my washing machine and tub and sort out the bench next to it. So part one of week 9 Grand Cleaning done and dusted.

Next the office.

Enjoying lighting the fire in my Nectre Bakers Oven every night it is like a pot belly with a small oven on the bottom. Great for the kettle or a soup pot on top and cooking underneath if I watch it, the oven can get mighty hot. The warmth is very soothing. Mind you most of you would think 12C (53F) at night warm . When you live in sub tropical though it is cold.

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Re: Tomorrow in Aust.

Postby Lynlee » Tue May 29, 2018 2:50 am

Hi Kaz
Special needs folk can have all sorts of sensitivities / difficulties so I understand the no dirt/ certain textures, maybe little muscle tone thing. I hope you can find enough things to keep him occupied when he attends.
Perhaps he will get better about good wholesome dirt.
Maybe he will grow stronger. (I'm assuming the muscle tone component, especially if his opportunities have been restricted, or as part of his condition.)
Here a young man with cerebial paulsy ?sp? that affects both speech and locomotion works with the tow truck business, and he often has a specialised work truck out front of his house. Prior to that I would see him loading grass mowing equipment on a trailer. I must see if the boat is still there. He refuses to let his condition define him.
Not to compare apples and pears, but who knows what the young man down there may find he is capable of learning to do. Its great that you can encourage him.
I know I hate plants with 'fur', and totally need to cover up if dealing with those. And grass seed. I hate grass seed on bare legs.

Good going with your laundry room clear out, clean and tidy progress.

IKWYM (iknowwhatyoumean) about temps inside our houses. Already I've had my 'polar fleece sarong' on this year. When the rain clouds move on we are expecting cold again. Good for you with the pot belly plus can you regulate this, attempt at an oven. You need to burn down to coals for that I'm sure.
I have no such animal here. Hinterland here, so the potential for frosts. I remember a childhood with 32F temps inside on a certain white cover frosty morning.

Today was a bust for me. To get up for Thyroid meds I knew I had a problem. An ate the wrong thing nausea, irritated glands, annoyed neck and headache problem. And a periodontal cleaning appointment. I'm blaming last nights dinner with old, store bought mild curry paste in the mix.
I hoped for feeling better, but I couldn't do the throwup or whatever that may have helped, nor could I eat a late breakfast, so finally I called in sooner rather than later so the time slot was open if they had an urgent case waiting.

Snoozed a little. Finally have eaten something, and need to drinkmore hot water.

Green bin is still waiting. Head still aches, neck still out, but I'll see if I can do something is better than nothing as an exercise. There is not a lot of daylight left. I need to get bin/s to curb, and check mailbox.
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.


Re: Tomorrow in Aust.

Postby Kasalia » Tue May 29, 2018 8:40 am

Goodness me Lynlee you sound in a bit of a mess. Hope you have a goodnights sleep, and feel better.

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Re: Tomorrow in Aust.

Postby Harmony » Wed May 30, 2018 12:59 pm

Interesting reading about your life in diff. country. 80 deg f here in house, yours would be cold to me. Sounds like you have a lot of interests. Good luck with the house work!


Re: Tomorrow in Aust.

Postby Kasalia » Wed May 30, 2018 7:24 pm

I borrowed Pam and Peggy,s Kitchen Book an e book from the world wide library, and have 2 weeks to read it, so spent most of yesterday doing so. I would rather do that than clean the kitchen. I did have the kitchen sparkling on the Grand cleaning plan week and now it is covered in stuff again. Sigh

The man up the street keeps giving us a bag of oranges each week so now I have 3 fruit bowls, I found 3 bottles of laundry softner this week (laundry/office week) dumped in kitchen ready to take to scrapboking Sunday, someone might like it.. DH decided to make pea and ham soup and everything is left for me to clean up. Add papers, chopping boards, empty grocery bags ...etc etc you get the picture.

The mess in the family room adjoining the kitchen is just as bad. It is consuming me. Mostly papers to go through and those little bits, from photos to glue. Sometimes I feel like picking it all up and throwing it in the bin. I think I need some time off, I am just doing too much overall.

My new raised garden beds are finished so going to plant seedlings, it is a lovely Thursday morning it will do me good. This afternoon will visit my mum in the nursing home. She has Alzheimer's and my sister and I go together. Some days she sort of knows us other days not. She is 85, dad went 3 years ago.

Sat. I will be helping Rotary plant bush tucker trees at our Community garden. I need to go and water them as they are all here.

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Re: Tomorrow in Aust.

Postby Lynlee » Wed May 30, 2018 7:51 pm

I'm better than I was on Tuesday, so am thankful for that. A reminder to me, no no no casein / milk products.
read the label, even if its in the pantry.
Butter seems ok but that is the fat, not the protein content.
Goat milk doesn't have that effect on me.

was last tai chi intro class - Great that I got to the end. Moving on to regular continuing classes in June.
Dish washing happened.
Snooze in the arvo.
Cooked dinner.
A bath even. :?
read some of the herb libary book.
Do I care to bathe with herbs? Wondering what might help my jaw joint.

Stayed in bed 8 hrs after lights out.
Tmeds, bfst started, washing on. There is another load lined up to do.
Its a home day, so good for getting washing completed to away status..
Hoping to get in touch with financial planner today. I need super info.

Kaz - could you take excess oranges to the community garden for people there?
Reading the P&P book seems like a help to me. Hope that most of the visible stuff in the K is an 'easy fix'.
5 minutes or so's effort repeated will make a huge difference.
I'm glad you have dsister's company to visit your Mum.
hugs and prayers for the visiting.
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.


Re: Tomorrow in Aust.

Postby Kasalia » Thu May 31, 2018 2:16 am

Mum knew us today, but she mumbles when she talks, so it is hard to understand her. We take her to the little coffee shop there which is at the front entrance, while the locked dementia ward is way at the back, via just the old age ward. So it is good for a different area.

We used to take her out in the car, but the co-ordination of actually doing that to get in a car is gone. Next time you get in to sit do it slowly, with alzeimers, wrong leg, wrong arm, cannot turn the right way it is amazing what you lose. Now we eat with fingers, everything main meals and all. So sad.

The weather has been so dry so gave all the new seedlings a water and all the plants front and back, after I came home. I have lots of garden.

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