Wednesday Warm-Up

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Re: Wednesday Warm-Up

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed May 30, 2018 11:12 am

I had a refreshing night sleep and woke up naturally ready to get started on the day.

I was out of the house before 7am and did a Sam's run. I had a long "buy this" list and wanted to get it done as quickly as possible. Going without kids and before many people were there made it so easy. I bought almost $300 of groceries and back home in under 3 hours. That included an hour of travel, filling up with gas, and manually washing the suburban.

I have both Instant Pots going cooking meat that I bought. 5 lbs of beef in each one plus seasonings. I have a pork roast to cook when they are finished. This will restock our ready-to-eat meat portions in the freezer.

I am taking a short break with a glass of tea and then will do the 2 hours of homeschool.
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Re: Wednesday Warm-Up

Postby Elizabeth » Wed May 30, 2018 11:24 am

Good morning everyone! Yesterday was a day of blessings. First off, someone from the church called to offer me a ride to/from the hospital. Word had gotten around to the visitation committee. Then, my swamp cooler wasn't functioning. I know that does not sound like a blessing, but Elizabeth's Own HVAC was able to fix it, and without any roof work. Then, I remembered an appointment that I thought was today, but had listed as Thursday. I was able to track down what happened - the doctor moved it to Thursday, but the appointment auto-messages still say Wednesday. No lost work time due to incorrect info. I did waste a lot of time on computer jigsaws, but the essentials were done.

Today at payroll, I will make 2 DPCs on a break. Tonight, in honor of anti-procrastination day, I will do Briggs's paperwork. It looks like one of my brothers will be able to join us at Busch Gardens, so I must make the hotel reservations and tell him where we are staying.

Briggs and Chelsea are doing better. Briggs was the bedroom cat.

LadyMaverick: Life Skills 101 at home school will not cause any boredom at regular school. A kid who can add and subtract can be taught to balance a checkbook and make a budget. There is also cooking, with label reading and nutrition. And the all important basic auto maintenance! Who doesn't need to know how and when to check and add fluids. What about vacation planning skills - budgeting, trading off between desirable activities when there is only a certain amount of $$$. Depending on her skill level, credit card comparison and management, managing any kind of loans - how much will you spend total, large down payment vs keeping an emergency fund, etc. Sewing too.

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Re: Wednesday Warm-Up

Postby Nancy » Wed May 30, 2018 11:26 am

Nope not warming up it is cooling off here this week. Got up at 5:30 and wrote a letter, journal and planning done, watered new grass, have a bit more out side stuff to pay attn. Too carport, it needs a pick up. Empty feed sacks blew around so I will do that and walk the dog too, short walks for her she had a bit of a limp so has been off it, great time for my gardening!

Back from walk in the field while it was cool ddog is fine yea!
Last edited by Nancy on Wed May 30, 2018 12:26 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Wednesday Warm-Up

Postby blessedw2 » Wed May 30, 2018 11:35 am

so happy you had a good night sleep d lady! great work so early in the day - good for you!

d nancy I hope your sweet dog feels better. happy garden work to you!

d elizabeth so happy you had a day of blessings
glad d briggs is doing better too

two of last weeks zone works cards done. nothing big but it bothered me that I hadn't done it. It's amazing how in one week of not doing home blessings or routines my house got dirty.

still doing a backward day. I need to call d mom to tell her what time we are leaving.
d mom and d bro did some lovely things for me. Wonderful surprise that I never expected. She said I never ask for anything and thought of me. Very nice.

hoping to go to museum and to church downtown
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Re: Wednesday Warm-Up

Postby DeeClutter » Wed May 30, 2018 11:41 am

Knew I had to wish someone a "happy" something when I got here today. It's your day Mr/Mrs Harmony. Be good to yourself today and have a HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Wednesday Warm-Up

Postby DeeClutter » Wed May 30, 2018 11:50 am

Just got back from taking dh to his orthopedist appoint (8am). Good thing I was driving -he might still be looking. I was going to turn left and he said, "No, no at the next light." So of course you know what happened -went down a couple of roads away and turned around and came back to where I was going to turn. Glad we did a trial run on Monday. He was actually seen within minutes after we got there. Dr. had him move his shoulder and said, "Aha! Yes." So he's scheduled for an MRI next Thursday and follow up with this Dr. on the 12th at 8:10. Now I have an appointment with my retina specialist at 9am, 40 miles southwest of us. His appointment is at 8:10, 30 miles to the east of us. I've been wanting to check to see if I have to keep seeing the retina specialist or if I can go back to our regular ophtamologist. I'll call and change my appointment at any rate. Not going to make a new appointment until I know when his surgery is going to happen.

Stopped at Tim's (Horton) on the way back. Dh had to go to Spencerport to renew his driver's license and they didn't open till 10am. They have a mobile unit that stops in different towns on particular days. So that's done for another 8 years.

I'm going to just putter away "one thing at a time" today and see how much I accomplish. Dh has a golf tournament for our campground fund raiser on Saturday. He bought an extra dining ticket for me -I've never happened to go to that. DS-R is golfing too. Then he and our dneighbors have the Knighthawks (lacrosse) play off game that evening. Going to be a busy day.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Wednesday Warm-Up

Postby blessedw2 » Wed May 30, 2018 11:50 am

Happy Anniversary d Harmony and mr. D harmony
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Wednesday Warm-Up

Postby blessedw2 » Wed May 30, 2018 12:39 pm

Hello d dee!!!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Wednesday Warm-Up

Postby Harmony » Wed May 30, 2018 1:21 pm

Oh thank u for reminder. We have talked about our anniv a couple times but not today yet. Too much going on. If we celebrate it will be another time. I consider it a miracle at any rate.

It is raining hard again. Enough for a few days! DH and customer/friend are moving trucks and unloading in this slop.

My driver took me to church to pick up my papers for my volunteer gig and then to ER to get copy of xray and report. I tried to do some paperwork and organized some of the stack. Wrote payroll ck (looks like a 6-yr-old wrote it) and submitted payroll taxes. Mouse work is really hard. Keep losing the curser if I try with left and right doesn't work well.,.. and in the middle of all this they made me reset password because it was too old. Sheesh.

I need to rest arm a bit. Sore from struggling to write.

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Re: Wednesday Warm-Up

Postby Harriet » Wed May 30, 2018 1:45 pm

Happy Anniversary to The Harmonies

"If I don't get some help cleaning this house, I'm going to lose my mind!"

what color embroidery thread do you think for that one, guys?

I also went with a husband to doctor this morning, following the DeeClutters. HRH had a follow-up for his "severe muscle strain" (now called) and I waited in waiting room reading this month's JAMA. Love that stuff. Anyway, as he came out just to the appt desk where I couldn't see yet, I heard his voice booming telling the women there, "Dr says I'll have to scale back my Super Hero duties for another 2 weeks and then see her again." And of course they were laughing, saying "Oh, no. Who are we going to call?"

So he feels better. So for our household, one thing down - uh, no, more like one thing improving - and 999 to go.

Got deposit made on the same trip and we ducked in to healthy foods store for some produce and a buffet meal to go.

I don't have time for this pleasant schedule. :| Dd38 and family arrive Friday (2 days, isn't it) and the house is needy. Need to step it up to Rocky pace. Move it, move it, move it.

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