Wednesday Warm-Up

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Re: Wednesday Warm-Up

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed May 30, 2018 2:02 pm

Happy Anniversary Mr & Harmony!

Homeschool is mostly done. Both kids are doing their SSR (Sustained silent reading ) now. DNeighborhoodboy10 will be here in 10 minutes to play. DS9 is motivated to finish his school work on time so he can play the rest of the day.

The 10lbs of beef cooked in instant pot came out wonderful. It is so tender and favorable. I have it weighed and packaged into individual portions. Most of it is in the freezer. I'm going to wait until tomorrow to cook the pork roast.

Our a/c unit isn't working in the fun room part of the house. I have called the HVAC folks and they should be here today. We tried using our version of Elizabeth HVAC service but we weren't successful. DH replace wiring that we thought the dogs might have bothered but it didn't fix the a/c unit problem. To prevent future problems, DH built a lattice covered wooden structure around the a/c unit so the dogs can't get to it now. However, that is like shutting the barn door after the livestock has escaped. ;)

I think I have finalized my decision on which company to use on exterior wifi cameras. Now that decision is made I can choose which porch light to get. I kept trying to find a reason to not use Ring systems but all the other competitions kept eliminating themselves for one reason or another. I thought I was going with Nest but then I saw the spec's that it is only rated up to 104F degrees. Excuse me! We are going to hit that temp this week and we haven't even got to the summer weather yet. Ring is rated to 120F so that should be okay.

DBro drove today for the first time in 6 weeks! He is frustrated with how weak he is and can't do much without becoming exhausted. I keep reminding him that he is doing fantastic and is way ahead of expectations.
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Re: Wednesday Warm-Up

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed May 30, 2018 2:07 pm

Harriet : Brown thread - the colour of dirt!

I am sitting in the car with a sleeping dgs. My fault. He's exhausted and I waffled about being the driver and dropping the kids at the clinic or keeping him in the stroller and shopping with him. None of us have a wedding gift yet.

He fell asleep before the clinic so I am at a mall with with covered parking so we are out of the sun. The feels like temperature is over 90.

There's a breeze so we are fine. I should nap too.

But first I will try to write the last prayer I need for the bulletin to be done.

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Re: Wednesday Warm-Up

Postby blessedw2 » Wed May 30, 2018 2:11 pm

its thundering :shock: we will probably drive downtown and they will cancel the race :D 8-)

dh is washing the dishes yay
I haven't done routines except laundry because I was doing a backwards day. zone work is done for today,

what still needs doing (push to tomorrow)
clean the powder room
clean the bed frames (zone from last week)
vacuum the other 2 bedrooms
I haven't dusted this week
I need to swipe the marks on the door to the 3 season room
I need to vacuum and swiffer rinse the 3 season room, the dining room, front hall and stairs
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Wednesday Warm-Up

Postby Sunny » Wed May 30, 2018 3:02 pm

Happy Anniversary Wishes to Harmony and Mr. Harmony.

We had a good amount of rain this morning and might get more later today. I just heard today that our state will have a tax free week starting June 1st during Hurricane Preparedness Week. Good time to stock up on batteries.

I am continuing Desk Day from yesterday as I have some more papers to shuffle around. I'm going through my file cabinet to get rid of some old files and reorganize. I also want to redo our budget for this year and next to bring that up to date.

I didn't get a full night's sleep last night so I think I will set my alarm and take a short catnap, then get back to it.
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Re: Wednesday Warm-Up

Postby Elizabeth » Wed May 30, 2018 4:21 pm

ACK!!! Just got off the phone with my tax person. A late statement caused me to have to file an amendment to my tax return. I owe about $950 total to the state and the feds. ACK!!! :( :o :? :x :evil:

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Re: Wednesday Warm-Up

Postby Nancy » Wed May 30, 2018 4:22 pm

Am back from knitting group that was fun today was at the coffee shop this week. Lunch is over. I cleaned the main bathroom today.

Need to do something in the garden. Ddog is fine after our walk in the field. She had a good romp.

I have worked on getting some weeds out did my ten in the garden. Hens are happy to debug that area. :mrgreen:
Last edited by Nancy on Wed May 30, 2018 5:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Wednesday Warm-Up

Postby cats » Wed May 30, 2018 4:59 pm

Oh no Elizabeth that's totally a bummer
Did you figure out what caused you so much and fix it so next year you will not owe

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Re: Wednesday Warm-Up

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed May 30, 2018 5:20 pm

Dd was done early. Passed this test with flying colours. So far so good. They were 30 minutes early and have always been late seeing this doctor so I didn't have time to buy something for the wedding gift.

They dropped me at home and took our car to make their morning faster but that meant that I am carless so can't go shopping. Dh and I walked over to the same store where we bought a previous gift but it and the other gift shop around her have closed.

The paper shop had nothing and nothing jumped out at me at the kitchen things store. That left the toy store which has a side section for adults, mostly games, puzzles and gag gifts. Found a set of mugs, one says The Adventure Begins, the other says The Adventure Never Ends. Perfect. Done. I'll write a cheque and put it in a mug and wrap that tonight.

We're having pork stir fry for dinner so that's next while the washer finishes up. The clothes should be dry for dh to pack in the morning.

His replacement monitor arrived. The postman was leaving as I checked our mail box and there was no parcel locker key so I chased him down in the parking lot. Sure enough it was in the back of the truck but he wasn't leaving, he was just moving the truck and getting ready to load the parcel locker. Ours wouldn't have fit inside so he would have delivered it to us.

So things are coming together nicely. I still have to pack, I never got shoes, and I'm still sure I have things left undone but we are progressing.

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Re: Wednesday Warm-Up

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed May 30, 2018 6:07 pm

I took 3 kids to the splash park and let them play in the water with about a dozen friends. They had a blast. DS9 and friend walked home from the splash pad (1.5 miles) while DGD7 rode home with me.

I let DS9 walk with a friend to his grandparents home and go swimming. This is within my comfort zone but it is close to the edge. I am confident in DS9 swimming ability and we have known this family for decades. Unfortunately, he was late getting home because he didn't allow enough time to walk home.

The HVAC company came and our A/C units are working now. It was 93 degrees indoors when they arrived to start working on the a/c.

DS9 is going to attend kids program tonight at local church. They are taking his age group to the country for a hot dog roast. I talked it over with DH and we both agreed he is old enough to do this on his own. I can feel those apron strings loosing as he gets older.
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Re: Wednesday Warm-Up

Postby Nancy » Wed May 30, 2018 6:48 pm

Even wout ac on I had to go sit out on the deck chair in the sun to warm up. That worked!
It has been a good week nobody died & those that were in the hospital are out.

I watered in back and in the front yard too. Did another round of weeding in the bed I am focusing on in the back yard.
Last edited by Nancy on Wed May 30, 2018 8:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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