The Beauty of Wednesday

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Re: The Beauty of Wednesday

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Jun 06, 2018 4:13 pm

((your d mom))) glad they are taking care of it! so cute about d dog laying on his back enjoying the beginning of summer

hi d kathryn

hi d Lady! so happy your pool is looking spiffy.

glad you enjoyed knitting group d nancy

hi d harmony glad you were able to work on the bare necessities - they always help

dr. appointment is over and I am home again. I am suddenly tired :shock:
before I continue on the partial home blessing and the clutter check I am going to take a break.
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Re: The Beauty of Wednesday

Postby Twins' Mom » Wed Jun 06, 2018 4:22 pm

Forgot that dd wanted to come over this afternoon to go through her "Lunch and learn" for tomorrow at the temple. When she's done she can help me move her stuff. :roll:

Also spending a minute reviewing materials for the Saturday at the DAR library when I'm in Washington for the other institute.
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Re: The Beauty of Wednesday

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Jun 06, 2018 4:51 pm

Homeschool lessons are done. Both of them did better than normal. I am going to try afternoon classes again another day and see if that has anything to do with how they perform.

I'm sitting on the pergola next to the pool watching the kids swim. It is SO NICE that they are relatively good swimmers now so I don't have to be on HIGH alert at all times that they are in the pool. Now I can just monitor their chatter and do some other things. I never leave them and always stay within 10' or so of the swimming pool, but it is a relaxing time for me. I don't like to be splashed so I don't go swimming when they are in the pool. The water moves like a tidal wave with all their activity.
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Re: The Beauty of Wednesday

Postby Nancy » Wed Jun 06, 2018 5:55 pm

I did a round of weeding in the back garden. And a bit of reading in the potato peel book.

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Re: The Beauty of Wednesday

Postby lucylee » Wed Jun 06, 2018 5:58 pm

On the phone with dmom for the third time today. I know you can relate, LadyM. :roll: None of the calls have been about anything of any importance at all... except she IS very nervous about getting out on the highway now. I just can't deal with this. If I am going to have to start driving for her, she's going to have to move closer to me.

Dgrands did finally get their first day of swimming lessons today. DDIL says they both had a good time -- but that I should be prepared to wear my swimsuit Friday, b/c it is almost impossible to keep one out of the water during the other's lesson time, and I will probably need to be prepared to get in the water with the one who is not with the teacher. I may go buy me some men's swim trunks to wear over my suit. I don't think I ever bought a swimsuit last year, actually.

And now ds has called and asked us to keep the kids b/c ddil has broken a tooth off at the gum line and is going to the dentist.
And their insurance probably won't cover it -- still in the grace period -- or whatever you call it -- won't take effect till January? Although they are paying for it NOW -- and of course there is the possibility that they won't qualify again next year.
DDIL called -- SHE is freaking out about the tooth... she has TERRIBLE dentist phobia and the dentist she has seen before (a friend from church, actually) is not in. His office referred her to some group in Next Town. She's a basket case.
Dmom's a basket case.
DH's not far behind.

(((Twins))) (((Twins' dmom)))

So glad you had a better office visit w/the new doctor, Harmony!

And thanks for noticing my curtains, Harmony! :D Yes -- that is where I am finding beauty today.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: The Beauty of Wednesday

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Jun 06, 2018 6:43 pm

I loved opening this thread each time - the beauty of Wednesday to remind me what a beautiful day it is.

I finished the hall bathroom as I didn't do it yesterday. bleached some tiles. I have to redo dh's bathroom daily :shock: how he can't see his sink and the toilet. He is also a messy, (does not put away stuff), on the dining room table and underneath his chair (popcorn man).

vacuumed upstairs and swiffer rinsed the bathroom floors
dusted upstairs as well.
took garbage from upstairs.
swiped marks on mirrors etc. upstairs
vacuumed the dining room - I should do another job in here but I won't I will look at it and say hi see you - you stinker job- and I will get to you kicking and screaming tomorrow 8-) You know I wouldn't physically do it but I can imagine it in my head. ;) :D

I haven't finished the surface dusting downstairs (missed it monday)

just finished swiping the dining room table, swiffering the surface of the wood floors, dusted surfaces, put away. dh was not at all happy. He sits at the dining room table every evening and I told him I wanted to finish as I have so much to do tomorrow. He grumbled and went out to his garage with the doors open.
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Re: The Beauty of Wednesday

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Jun 06, 2018 7:00 pm

Did anyone see dear Lucy's wonderful work in the cleaning focus - well done d Lucy!
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Re: The Beauty of Wednesday

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Jun 06, 2018 7:08 pm

dd younger is making dinner on the grill yay.
I emptied the dw earlier so that now the dirty dishes can wait there happily for the next washing cycle.

truth: still one basket of things to put away from upstairs (from the other day) sitting on the floor in the dining room.

dusted stairs before and swiffer rinsed.
time to put the curtains in the dryer and take the sheets for one bed upstairs.
I picked up dog stuff outside

what I still want to get done tonight even though I am tired.
I would like to finish the surface dusting in the family room and vacuum - done!

push to tomorrow
1. I would like to do surface dusting in the front hall but there is stuff to put away and I don't think I have the energy for it. (when it comes for to making decisions I get cranky).
2. cat litter
3. dust and vacuum three season room and swiffer rinse and clean spots on windows.
4. pool
5. week
6. phone calls, copies of forms etc. etc.
7. deposit bank

Job I missed this week:
laundry room
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Re: The Beauty of Wednesday

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Jun 06, 2018 8:27 pm

I've had a busy house the last couple of hours. DGS21 came and ate supper with me. A new friend of DS9 showed up and stayed for an hour or so. I am feeling kinda out-of-it that I don't allow DS9 to ride his bike around town with no one knowing where he is. Several of his friends' parents allow them to do this. Some of his friends take fishing poles on their bike and go to the lake by themselves. I am not even close to allowing DS9 to do that. A group of boys roaming the streets for hours with no supervision just seems like setting them up to get into trouble.

I am just now getting comfortable allowing DS9 and DGD7 to walk the 2 blocks to the church by themselves. I can watch them the whole way. DS9 will walk DGD7 home (1/2 block from the church) afterward and then walk the 2 blocks home by himself. He has his cell phone and can get hold of me if anything happens.
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Re: The Beauty of Wednesday

Postby lucylee » Wed Jun 06, 2018 10:10 pm

Oh my goodness, LadyM -- I don't blame you one bit! Nine years old is just a little too young (IMHO!) to be roaming around without supervision or parents even knowing where a child IS! And to go to the lake by themselves? NO NO NO!!! You are NOT being over-protective.

When I was little, 5-10 or so, I had neighbors in the two houses beside me and we pretty much roamed from one house to the next, but we were almost always outside in each other's yards, so all our parents had to do was come out in the backyard and call our names. I remember my daddy thinking it was sooo awful b/c the little boy, two houses down, answered: "WHAT???" once when his mother called for him. Now this was not in a subdivision or anything; we had all had large yards -- 2 or 3 acres -- but still, we were pretty much in sight of our parents IF they wanted to come out and look for us. Of course we were not under their direct supervision all the time. There was also a very large, and very deep pond behind our houses -- it belonged to the boy's parents. We DID play around it some, which my dad did not approve of very much, and in hindsight, I'd be a nervous wreck if the dgrands were near a body of water like that with no more swimming ability than I had then (or now, for that matter).

When we got older, they would let us ride our bikes to the store * only occasionally * which meant maybe a quarter mile down the ditch beside a fairly busy highway -- but the ditch was VERY wide and we were able to stay in it until we got to the store. But we were probably 12-13 by then.

Anyway -- I'd stand firm on the restrictions if I were you, LadyM!

The beauty of Wednesday is getting harder and harder to find, y'all... :? :roll: :evil:
:arrow: DDIL is going to have to have TWO more teeth pulled and get an implant. :shock: $4800. :shock: Yep. And she's just going to let the dentist she saw today do it; they agreed to allow her 18 months w/no interest to pay. DDIL's insurance will pick up in 25 days -- but it wouldn't cover all of this anyway, probably just the basic extraction. * sigh * They told her to do a crown and a bridge would have been over $4000, so she & ds figured it'd be better to go ahead and do the whole works.
:arrow: PLUS -- their ac unit in the bedroom part of the house is out. They called The Man, who is coming out in the morning.
(Of course, none of the above is part of my circus, but you hate it when your adult child is having a rough time, no matter what.)
Under part of MY circus tent --
:arrow: dgs heard from his t-ball coach, who is a young man whom dh and I taught/dh coached in school, wonderful guy my dbro's age who actually raised his own two nephews b/c his sister was unable to, in addition to his own two sons. The only negative to this is, his older son is in 12-yr-old all-stars, and he doesn't know WHAT days they will practice next week; he will let ds know sometime during the weekend. This is bad b/c IF dgs has practice Monday, dh and I need to take him -- ds will be in Indiana, and ddil will be getting her teeth pulled. IF he does not have practice, dh and I would like to be in Indiana also, w/dgs... but... who knows when we will know??? So -- playing the waiting game again, which you all know is one of dh's very favorite games of all.
:arrow: DH is in a terrible mood already, b/c of lack of sleep last night, but he is getting a shower now and we plan to go to a movie in a little while. Hopefully a very hilarious comedy. ;)

Thank you for bragging on me, blessed! And WTG on all your work, in spite of your dh's being underfoot. Believe me I know how that is!

The kitchen is all s/s after supper, dgrands are relatively well-fed and back in their own home, and most of the toys have been put away.
Tomorrow, I have to go with ds to take them to swimming lessons, so that will be a good chunk of the day -- we have to go to Next Town. DDIL says she may be home before ds has to leave tomorrow night, however, so we may not have them long tomorrow afternoon.
She will bring them back to us EARLY Friday morning, and we'll have them till around 5:30-6:00, and I'll be taking them to swimming lessons by myself. DH says he just isn't up to it, with a fairly long road trip Saturday, and possibly more -- depending on when the t-ball coach calls back.

DH will be disappointed to miss the Indiana trip, but OTOH, he and ddil are going BACK to Nashville (TN) on Wednesday to a thing ds is doing (and I am keeping the dgrands) so that's going to be enough for dh anyway, if he is honest with himself.
Tomorrow is another day.

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