Conga Friday - Getting Up to Speed D Harriets-repeat

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Re: Conga Friday - Getting Up to Speed D Harriets-repeat

Postby Twins' Mom » Fri Jun 08, 2018 10:13 am

Meant to also say that I've had two pretty productive spells of writing on the elements for my portfolio. Wednesday I worked on the legal issues of the document I transcribed. I've had several additional thoughts on it that I need to add. Yesterday I got started and worked on the case study. I have a lot of comments alongside on things to add and research and document and footnote, but it was a productive time.

Nancy, I don't think men have any sense of timing when it comes to some discussions.

At 10 minutes until 10 last night (with hockey noise in the background) dh started asking me about some kind of do it yourself security system he bought without discussing with me. He wanted to know where the package we rec'd was. I didn't know anything about it. He finally got to the fact that it was the package on our DR table when we got home on Sunday. But it wasn't. That package was mine but he couldn't understand that. WHen he finally did, he needed the receipt and info he had printed out. Advised him that it was with the stack of papers next to my computer. Except it wasn't. I finally got up to find it for him and he found it there almost immediately. :shock: At that point I went to bed. I usually go to bed at 10 p.m. or so, and the TV was driving me crazy too.
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Re: Conga Friday - Getting Up to Speed D Harriets-repeat

Postby CathyS » Fri Jun 08, 2018 10:15 am


Good explanation of the election results, etc., last night Kathryn. Just as dh was turning off his light last night he said that it was too bad he (Ford) got a majority.

I was up early this morning and I have gotten a lot done this morning. Dishwasher was emptied, refilled and run. Living room and part of kitchen has been vacuumed along with the hallway to the door. I also "found" a large thick needle that can be used as a bodkin because as of yesterday I am learning how to do Hardanger. (Embroidery with holes cut in it to make a design.) All I need to do now is get a proper pair of scissors. I went through all of my vintage pieces that my mother had. There was a lot of Hardanger pieces in there. I don't know if she did them or if they were purchased. I will take them in 2 weeks to show the lady who is showing me how to do this.

I also brought in a bunch of stuff from my trunk. Along the vintage lines, I bought a lot of cornflower corning ware this week. One piece is a large meat platter. I got that for $10, and they are all over Ebay for $20 USD, so I think I saved at least $10. I just thought it was such an awesome piece to have. So many people have the small square covered ones.

I have dishes in the sink soaking, so I want to get to those. I decided that I don't want to see the same old piles of stuff on the island this weekend that we see all the time. The potatoes and onions can stay, but everything else has to go.

No idea what to have for supper tonight.
Dishes never stop.
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Re: Conga Friday - Getting Up to Speed D Harriets-repeat

Postby Nancy » Fri Jun 08, 2018 10:17 am

Posting a thing or two in j & c for privacy.
Last edited by Nancy on Fri Jun 08, 2018 2:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Conga Friday - Getting Up to Speed D Harriets-repeat

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Jun 08, 2018 10:39 am

I agree d twins. My dh is a lovely man but doesn't understand timing at all and as he ages he is getting more stubborn (as am I 8-) :D )

! D Nancy Set up a time to have a discussion. Have an appetizer or dessert - for the meeting so it starts out better. Write you questions/worries and ideas down and give it to him stating in a nice way that you are worried and was wondering if he could look at your questions first so that you two can have a good talk about your options. I am praying! Dh always wants to then discuss it right away but I tell him I won't to have time to really listen to what he says other wise I might react not as he (lol or I plan). Best wishes to you!
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Re: Conga Friday - Getting Up to Speed D Harriets-repeat

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Jun 08, 2018 10:46 am

wishing you all a great day.

i was working outside and poof it started raining. the 2 cats stay in the fenced in area (small) when I work outside (otherwise they are escape artists - it gets it out of their system. As soon as it starting pouring the two cats ran inside - funniest thing to see. d old dog wanted to stay inside but d younger 12 - 1/2 year old just went where ever I went. Now one cat is sleeping right next to dog buddy. (feet to feet)

We had a pair of sand hill cranes in our neighbours back yard doing their dance. Lots of noise at first before they went walking about. So cool. The pair of cranes have been coming here now for 3 years. the swans don't come back any more so I hope they are okay. The snapping turtles always get the babies :cry:

Hitting a I don't wanna do dailies but I have to stop that little inner stinker from having a tantrum. At 11:30 I am going to run errands as I didn't do it yesterday.
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Re: Conga Friday - Getting Up to Speed D Harriets-repeat

Postby Harmony » Fri Jun 08, 2018 11:44 am

Lovely start to our day here. Thank you blessed (and Harriet).

My speed is snail. Not even turtle. Gopher turtles around here tend to start out and just go and go and go, one step at a time and we can watch them making progress all the way across a yard. Sometimes I get up to turtle speed.

I have not done much yet. Some dailies. Last night I reconciled a bank account, statement came in the mail in the afternoon, and discovered an outstanding check that should not have been. Went searching and found the envelope still in my done "rack" behind something taller. So today I sent DH down to the tag office to get his truck tag before it expires. Thank goodness I found it before it was too late.

I also gave him a shopping list. In this whole house/office we are out of staples! And garbage bags! He doesn't know I just try to keep him busy because he has not been out working except for some phone calls and drawing plans... and he is so bored he is driving me crazy. Yesterday I did suggest he use the time to go out and clean his shop. So he went out there and sorted miscellaneous stuff all over the work bench which is piled up. He kept bringing in stuff for me to tell him did I want to keep this or that.

Of course, he did not get far. As soon as there was something else to do he left the shop. At least it's a start.

Nancy, men often want a heads up that we want to talk about something. Good luck with all that. Real estate is moving pretty fast down here, I don't know about where you are, but it's probably better than it was. We sold our house the first week, but then we had almost 2 months' wait for inspection, their mortgage loan to go through, appraisal and closing. I had it all cleaned out except for some staging and cleaning materials we kept there for upkeep. The whole thing really was a lot of work.

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Re: Conga Friday - Getting Up to Speed D Harriets-repeat

Postby Nancy » Fri Jun 08, 2018 12:03 pm

I told h I needed help and was NOT cleaning! Lol. I am decluttering today let go of one thing rolling eyes it is a start and got three bags trashed unneeded stuff w~ mart sized bags. One surface delt with in the dining room.

I have a plan, it is simple:
2. bag or box stuff up.
3. Let is go toss or give it away.

Sort Repeat.
Rinse lather & Repeat.

Room by room.
I have a plan.
That is my mantra.

Got foot stool up the stairs and out side easy peasy.

Next up: consider asking h. To do some drop offs of donations so I do not gave to do all of em. Or if the ____ whoever place can pick up like pet group, 4h group or church group etc. fund raiser.
Last of holiday dishes can go.
Take wagon & ladders around to other yard.

Told h. we needed to rent a storage shed space or something. . .

Living room is pretty much decluttered.
Return lib. Book x
Last edited by Nancy on Fri Jun 08, 2018 12:18 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: Conga Friday - Getting Up to Speed D Harriets-repeat

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Jun 08, 2018 12:11 pm

rinse lather repeat..
I love your mantra d nancy.
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Re: Conga Friday - Getting Up to Speed D Harriets-repeat

Postby Elizabeth » Fri Jun 08, 2018 1:15 pm

Good morning! I am back at payroll after feeding the vampires (i.e. pre-surgical blood work). Last night, I got the all-important cat litter and placed it close to the catboxes with scoops. Starting 6/13, I will not be able to lift more than 10 pounds for 6 weeks, so I must set everything up. Poor Briggs is more than 10 pounds, but Chelsea is slightly less. Chelsea + crate is too heavy, so they will be getting a 6 week hiatus from clinic. Fortunately, I am no longer the keeper of most of the cats in the org. I also went to the Thursday knit/crochet group that I usually cannot attend, then to the grocery store. I did not get the bills and budget done, and I got very little on the house cleaning. There is also more surgery prep house stuff to be done.

Of course, my weekend plans are not conducive to calmly getting stuff done. Saturday is cat clinic, knit/crochet group, and get stuff done. DD16 is back in town, so I get her Saturday evening. We will eat dinner then travel down to my friend's house to help her with the Sunday part of her yard sale and moving chores.

I know how to get lucylee's ToddlerC talking. Just say something you shouldn't and she will repeat it ad infinitum! Mom says my first word was "alcoholic".

Nancy's hen that can get out but not in reminds me of a childhood dog. He could climb a chain link fence, but only one way.

Window treatment advice from an interior designer with 50+ years experience: Dad says whatever you do on the inside of your house, make sure that what shows on the outside is consistent.

Back to my report!

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Re: Conga Friday - Getting Up to Speed D Harriets-repeat

Postby Harmony » Fri Jun 08, 2018 1:43 pm

LadyM, like the shears you picked. I have wide horizontal blinds with wide fabric tapes. Lots of cleaning all the time. Sliding glass doors I have drapes that I sewed together and I can pull to one side. Two windows I have vertical blinds (bedrooms) and I dislike what they look like. One bedroom I made a nice curtain for over them. Kitchen has verticals but they match the color of the cabinets. All the others are white.

Blinds look too stark on their own so I have valences over all of them.

Problem I have is DH is crazy about privacy and wouldn't let me have enough time to make / buy / install curtains the way I wanted them.

So much for keeping DH busy. He came back from tag office, had written his own check for the tag but left the check I sent with him (already made out) in the envelope with the form. I guess the gal didn't see it either and that envelope with my check got thrown out. It wasn't rocket science. Except for someone who can't comprehend details and keep his wits about him. :roll: Very disappointed.

So fixing that spreadsheet to void that check was it's own can of worms. I must have added everything a dozen times and couldn't get spreadsheet to agree. Finally it balanced but wasted over an hour just because he lost the check. :evil:

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