Health and Fitness, June 2018

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Re: Health and Fitness, June 2018

Postby lucylee » Sat Jun 09, 2018 12:44 am

Oops — I missed her!
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Health and Fitness, June 2018

Postby Harmony » Sat Jun 09, 2018 2:15 pm

Here I am!

I am still losing. At a rate I've never lost before. I have also never eaten this low an amount of calories before either. I guess the dr. was right, 1200 is too much for some people to lose. If I stay between 800 and 900 I keep losing. I was plateaued at 1200, and that was so discouraging.

But I gotta say, there's not much room for a lot of food at this level. Tiny portions, practically NO carbs, only an apple once in a while. I've had cereal once since starting this, and only some Ritz crackers if I was panicked and really hungry.

Since my lab numbers scare I've put it in my mind that other things are just poison to my body and for the first time in my life I'm able to walk away from all the doughnuts and cakey things that DH brings into the house. Even the cookie canister doesn't call to me any more. I'm afraid if I put a hole in that dike I will go right back and go crazy again and lose all this progress.

In 3 weeks I've lost 6+ pounds which doesn't sound like much but for me it is. I've never in my life lost over 1 pound a week and I struggled to lose even that.

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Re: Health and Fitness, June 2018

Postby Nancy » Sat Jun 09, 2018 2:49 pm

I gardened 4 exercise and trips up and down stairs decluttering.

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Re: Health and Fitness, June 2018

Postby LadyMaverick » Sun Jun 10, 2018 6:48 am

Harmony - I'm am thrilled that you are finding success in your efforts.

Years ago I reached my goal weight by doing Atkins type diet (no/very low carb). But the moment I started eating just a little bit of carbs the weight all come rushing back on. It was like an uncontrollable, raging river That experience taught me how powerful carbs are. And more importantly how many calories from carbs that I can quickly rack up that contain no/minimum nutritional value.

I am eating 1000-1200 calories with 100-140 carbs a day. My carbs come from grains, higher carb vegetables, and fruit. I try to eat them in a non-processed form but I'm not 100% there yet. I eat applesauce (unsweet) almost every day. Writing this makes me question....why? Decision made......I am going to buy some apples and replace my daily applesauce with the whole fruit.

I've struggled the first few days of this month. When my emotions get pegged out, I struggle to maintain focus. xDSIL attempted suicide did a number on my emotions. I am back in my groove and feeling stronger. Today is Day #5 of 100% integrity following my food plan. It is also Day #144 of No sugar, No flour, and No sweeteners.

I'm 8 lbs away from goal weight that I want to maintain for at least a year before I decide to lose anymore (or not). That will be at the very top of my weight chart "normal" weight. At that weight, I will comfortably wear size 8-10 in clothes and be in normal BMI range. I have heard maintaining weight is harder than losing. I sure hope that isn't true.
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Re: Health and Fitness, June 2018

Postby RunKitty » Sun Jun 10, 2018 1:16 pm

Celebrating Harmony's and LadyM's successful efforts. :!: :!:
I've been six pounds under my goal weight now for several weeks. It hasn't been harder than losing. I've been adding an extra serving or two of something nutritious most days. I'm happy eating the way I did while losing. I am also adding weekly running mileage. That happens naturally as I feel lighter and stronger. :)

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Re: Health and Fitness, June 2018

Postby Nancy » Sun Jun 10, 2018 4:18 pm

I walked ddog for my exercise today.

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Re: Health and Fitness, June 2018

Postby Harmony » Mon Jun 11, 2018 11:39 am

I haven't figured out yet what goal weight I'm shooting for. I plan to go by my clothes size and how I look and feel. I have an idea where I want to be, but I'll see.

Looking back in my records, I'm actually 8 lbs down from what I'd been staying around. Before that I shot up another 4+ pounds, but that was ridiculous and I did get that off. I'm soon (I hope) to be in the 150's finally, just another 1/2 pound.

Last time I did this I got into high 140's but when I got off the diet I went right back up. So maintaining is a worry to me. I am hoping to add in a little brown rice, a slice of bread once in a while when I hit maintenance. I'm a long ways off from that. There will be holidays and family get-togethers, Christmas especially to navigate. I do no added sugar or sweeteners, no soda, any of that, so all I'm getting is what's natural in foods, though I don't do much fruit either. A while ago I did 1 spoonful of ice cream and it was too sweet. So, I'm losing my taste for sweet.

But no doubt this is hard! Still, losing at a more reasonable rate is more motivating to me, so I'll just keep on, like the turtle going down the step at a time.

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Re: Health and Fitness, June 2018

Postby Harriet » Mon Jun 11, 2018 9:55 pm

HRH and I took a walk today. The temperatures now are draining.

Both of us are trying for set amounts of water. He is starting out the mornings with containers that have the amount and "drinking it away", rather than trying to add up glasses.

I remember the days of holding to 800 calories as difficult, but I was having significantly more calories on the alternating days. So I really don't know how this must feel, Harmony. Any loss of weight caused by any means can bring blood sugar numbers down. Strangely, being sick or having treatments or other medical interventions/troubles often cause lowering of blood sugar if they cause weight loss. Do you have a method of testing on your own without buying equipment? Could you ask dr's office to test a.m. level with finger prick one day for you? That should be almost effortless on their part, but I don't know if they would. Is there a friend or neighbor, someone in church family who would let you finger-prick test with them one morning just to find out? Hmmm ... ... wonder if CVS or other drugstore nurse situation would do it... .. My thoughts are that you would see a difference by now and it would encourage you.

Edit - no NOT at CVS. Checked their price and they do it but ask $25! LOL! You could buy your own meter.

You probably don't need me to encourage you to cuddle up to your veggies. :) They will fill your tummy and signal fullness with few calories. Also, a starch like a small potato at 119 calories would give you welcome fullness and energy. I find the gold varieties with the thin skin to seem the most buttery without butter. Hugs.

, enjoy your walks with your pal.

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Re: Health and Fitness, June 2018

Postby Harmony » Tue Jun 12, 2018 5:24 pm

I don't know about testing. DH told me to go ahead and get a meter. I will if they deem it necessary, hopefully not. I guess one gets used to the feeling of empty at 800-900 calories/day. Once in a while I will have a tummy rumble and feel really empty and it's like hmmmm, this is what it feels like to be totally hungry. I rarely felt that before. :oops: The difference now is that I don't panic when I feel that.

I know if I hit a health fair, they'd check my BS. Also BP. I'll have to watch for those.

I am doing some starchy veggies. Yesterday I had some fresh corn cut from the cob. Yumm! Have not done potatoes yet, but will add those in as the weight comes off. I do beans, all kinds and know they're starchy. I guess it's grains I'm staying away from right now and I miss my rice more than wheat and bread.

How is HRH doing?

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Re: Health and Fitness, June 2018

Postby Harriet » Tue Jun 12, 2018 9:41 pm

He is feeling much better. Felt well and normal today, was out getting a lot done. I'm grateful. Whatever it was, dd and I don't seem to have come down with it, so it must have been a 24-hour deal.

Yes, had not thought of a health fair kind of thing. They have those often on the front lawn of a hospital not far from here. It's amusing to me that something that will take a couple seconds, with a lancet that's going to cost less than 2 cents each and a strip at about 30 cents each, and CVS wants $25? Good grief.

This has nearly been a form of fasting you've done - I bet your bp would be normal each morning by now. Tried to look it up, but could only find a rat study, in which calories were reduced by 25 percent and it took 3 days until a "significant" reduction in fasting glucose. That's only a theory for humans, then, but a clue. In theory, 3 days wouldn't be too soon to expect potential change for humans reducing calories by 25 percent. Another study found that calorie restriction had more of an impact on lowering fasting glucose than weight loss, but I don't see how they could prove it since the restriction resulted in weight loss. Still, that sounds good for your number.

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