Thursday Out of Inspiration PWYC

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Thursday Out of Inspiration PWYC

Postby Twins' Mom » Thu Jun 14, 2018 7:59 am

Out of inspiration for a topic today. Make it what you need!
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Thursday Out of Inspiration PWYC

Postby Twins' Mom » Thu Jun 14, 2018 8:27 am

I need to get cracking today. I was up just before the alarm this a.m. I'm dipping into creativity again and going to "Stamp club" at 10 a.m. this morning, then having lunch with a former co worker/friend afterwards. I'll need to leave here in the 9:25ish range to get there.

After lunch I need the grocery store run, and to drop two bags and a doll at Goodwill. Later this afternoon dd will come here, and I will take her to pick up a rental car, and the guy who will fix her car will pick it up here later. So I need to be productive this afternoon in between those activities, if at all possible.

I haven't finished the draft of the presentation that is a week from Saturday, or the draft of the Pro Gen assignment. I had hoped to have a good draft of each this week. I also need to write some thank you notes and get the guest bedroom ready for dusting and vacuuming tomorrow.

-breakfast and meds/vitamins
-clean up, get dressed, brush teeth et al
-walk the dog
-make the bed
-fold and put away two loads of laundry (have one more unfolded... :shock: )

I have about an hour....
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Thursday Out of Inspiration PWYC

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Jun 14, 2018 8:36 am

I'm not inspirational today, either.

I am thankful. Specifically, thankful for you all. Here's my big hug to all of you since I love having you in my life!

((((Thank you))))

Goodness knows what I'll get done today.

I have friends coming to see the apartment at 1 so a stash-n-dash will be part of the day.

At 5:30 ds picks me up and we'll head out to dinner and an investment seminar. He's doing a lot of 'adulting' this week.

In between, I need to do laundry so I have clothes for tomorrow, and I need to pack a backpack with everything I'll need for a day wandering around a far-away city with dgs. I'm bringing the stroller but I'm sure dd will fill up the carry-basket underneath with things for dgs! I have determined where I can attach my walking poles to both it and my backpack, so will bring those. I'm terrified my plantar fasciitis, which has been quite good the past few days, will be bad. I haven't even done 3K steps for the past 2 days so either it is healing, or more likely, I'm not moving enough to irritate it.

Next up, get dressed. I'll shower this afternoon between showing the apartment and ds coming to get me, so tomorrow I just need to sponge bath before leaving here at 5:15 a.m. (gulp!)

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Re: Thursday Out of Inspiration PWYC

Postby Harriet » Thu Jun 14, 2018 9:15 am

:D I took our title to mean :

"Out of the inspiration I've found, I'm going to... ..."

Maybe, going to... .. do great things!?! :)

Awwww, thanks, Kathryn. You inspire, btw, and you're right everyone here deserves Thank Yous often.

Did I read some post wrong? I thought Elizabeth could have had her surgery done on birthday but was going to have it a different day? I bet LadyM is right and I've misunderstood that. It sounds like Elizabeth to plunge right into a dreaded task whatever day it comes up. BEST WISHES!

Harmony, yes, that crossed my mind. If we have a good experience, HRH or I could put in a good word on his fb and maybe mitigate some of the "bad press". Btw, none of it was about the company's work, but about an incident in which his employees were spotted (and photographed) putting flyers onto city-owned objects such as signs or signposts. That's considered defacing. Also they were rude when someone approached them about it, so... ... seriously bad press. Otherwise, it is his personal life that once caused a lot of head-shaking in the family and marked him as "undependable". I assume the working world doesn't know about that.

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Re: Thursday Out of Inspiration PWYC

Postby Twins' Mom » Thu Jun 14, 2018 9:22 am

Kathryn, I feel the same way about this group!
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Thursday Out of Inspiration PWYC

Postby DeeClutter » Thu Jun 14, 2018 9:25 am

I was up at 6:30, took my T-med and decided to go back to bed for the 1/2 hour before the rest of my meds. Bad decision. Woke up at almost 8:20 and then had a very hard time getting out of bed. I've had a stiff neck on the right side for the last couple of weeks off and on. Today it just decided not to let me roll over to get up -but obviously I finally did.

I listed every little (and I mean little) thing I had to do yesterday. Must have been a good thing as I accomplished a whole LOT. Will try the same technique again today and see where it gets me.

DD/dsonil have a new black lab puppy. Of course Bailey's nose is quite bent. It is a little confusing to that poor dog. They named the new one Biscuit -biscuit is a slang term for a hockey puck and they wanted a hockey term of some sort. So now when they call Biscuit, Bailey of course wants a "biscuit".

Realized yesterday that dh and I have dentist and dr appointments Monday for 9am. In 2 different towns. I'll change mine if I can as dh can't afford to miss this appointment. It's for his physical and they are booked quite a long time in advance. And he needs to have it before his shoulder surgery. I see my primary on Wednesday and we both see our cardiologist on Thursday. Somewhere in there I need to have labs done -before my appointments.

Not a big appetite this morning. Ate 1/2 an English muffin.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Thursday Out of Inspiration PWYC

Postby Nancy » Thu Jun 14, 2018 10:14 am

Be inspired today. I to am grateful for this group. I am listening to my fav. Motivational preacher for some inspiration.

If I get discouraged I think of my aunt who lost everything in a house fire and then I do not feel so back about all the clutter. At least I am not picking through ash!

Thinking Thursday for me I am writing a pen pal letter, journaling us not done. Writing helps me to sort out mental clutter.

H. Took the jeep and will fuel it. I will take a few items out to the carport, they will go in the car if they fit. Payroll day for me. I need to focus on daily things and weekly home blessing in the master bedroom got it picked up enough to vacuum in there. Done.

Next up -
Journal x
S2s x
Bring up extra office chair & load.x
Take out deck chair & load x.
Last edited by Nancy on Thu Jun 14, 2018 12:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Thursday Out of Inspiration PWYC

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Jun 14, 2018 10:56 am

(((Nancy))) I remember the overwhelmed feelings when going through our downsizing process. We often file objects away and when they are dug out for downsizing decisions we are dealing with emotions as well as the object. Even little things like a child's baptism cards, brought up tons of feelings, like how I miss my little babies, or I miss the people who sent the cards.)

Just got a text asking for help to plan a celebration of life. That has been put off for months so she won't meet with me until the week after next, or even later. I suggested we meet at the beach after school is out (that's where I first met her years ago.) It will take some of the pressure off the meeting for her.

Dd called. She looked at my calendar and realized I can't come over today but wanted to touch base about tomorrow. Dgs won't let go of her so she can't plan things to do tomorrow so I just took a few minutes to go over possibilities and through all the ideas into an email so we can just click on the links when we are there tomorrow.

Now to get back to the laundry.

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Re: Thursday Out of Inspiration PWYC

Postby Ramblinrose » Thu Jun 14, 2018 11:31 am

Well I have a few things to do but I hesitate because it means going out in the sun and 110 temps which can trigger my CH. Weather is suppose to change and that may help.

I cooked a turkey breast yesterday and it turned out great. Made mash potatoes and green beans to go with it. Sweetie loved it. I had turkey and green beans along with an avacado, but I did sneak a spoonful of potatoes... made them with butter and cream because I have no milk in the house and they were delicious!!! Anyway dinner is already done for tonight.

Perry’s on and I need my second cup coffee. Waving to y’all.
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Re: Thursday Out of Inspiration PWYC

Postby Nancy » Thu Jun 14, 2018 11:34 am

My friend who lost her mom this spring is doing the celebration of life in Aug. For a family gathering when weather is better for travel than Feb. Was, gives her time to process, she is going to give things to their church in the fall / Sept. For a fund raiser. That way she yas the summer to sort it out.

We were laughing at group yesterday how kids do not want photos back and jewlery goes out of style, even royals have to deal with it.

My reward will be a gem ring when I get through this & for our 45th w a , it will work small in size and not cluttery.

Glad h is on board and helpful. We had 3 grills lol! I need to get a call in for the comm.ncenter to pick the last one up for us. Hand wts can go I use rocks lol! Truck has a load of karger stuff fir tomorrow he can take the truck.

I will put smaller things in the car now.

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