Thursday Out of Inspiration PWYC

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Re: Thursday Out of Inspiration PWYC

Postby Harmony » Thu Jun 14, 2018 12:03 pm

I guess my inspiration has been the book I'm reading. DD sent it for Mothers' Day and it is inspirational with a life story and a lot of poems and small sayings quoted from others and beautiful pictures.

Speaking of libraries, I am missing my reading. I have done 5 jigsaw puzzles since having no books and they are from 300 pieces to 375 pieces. The 2 300-piece ones I've done are the easiest as they are jumbo sized pieces and they go fast. It keeps me at least from sitting in front of the TV so much.

This morning, spent 1 hour+ on extension phone with DH as he set up things with SS as he is nearing 70. We had a big decision to make on the fly as the lady told us something we did not anticipate, but we did that and I'm feeling relief that this final bit of stuff with SS is done, set up properly. All we have to do is wait probably 1 1/2 months for checks to arrive in the account. I'm hoping this gets it set in his mind that he is truly on his last path to retirement.

Since then I've just had breakfast and been fooling around on the computer. Destressing from all that, I was really concerned about it all. I had all his papers set out on the counter and we both had questions. Those papers put away now. I'm still in nightgown and housecoat. Need to S2S.

Tomorrow is dr. appointment and I plan to check and see if library is open YET. And make a stop at supermarket. I need to get out of here for a change. DH and friend fixed the odometer and trip gauge and it all works. He said it wasn't hard, just removing the dash board gauge panel and changing out a gear. He was gone a few hours but long trip out and back and he said they spent some time just talking. He's a really nice guy.

Ok, off to actually DO something!

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Re: Thursday Out of Inspiration PWYC

Postby Elizabeth » Thu Jun 14, 2018 12:52 pm

Good morning everyone. Today, I am supposed to be uninspired and just laying around recovering. I am already bored; that is a very good sign. I'm not so much "in pain", but extremely bruised feeling when I sit down. Had to take half a pain pill just to CUOP. In fact, letting y'all and a few others know I am ok is my ONLY planned task today. I should also take my shower while DD16 is still here, just to be safe. I can't say yesterday was my best birthday, but I am really glad it is done. It went as it should.

I just felt my brain go fuzzy, so I should get relief very soon. I realized one of my knit/crochet groups is tonight. Don't worry, I am NOT going! I would like to be at the Friday morning group, because I seldom see them anymore. However, I will not do anything stupid.

For those with hot water troubles: my repair people said 12 years is about what you can get out of them in our hard-water area.

lucylee: You can tell your DH that you have just made your house less attractive to burglars. Your DGD has made me grateful for autism today. With her super-sensitive hearing, DD has screamed exactly once that I know of. Of course, adults often scream when breaking a leg as well. I had to assure her that, while ordinarily unacceptable, that time was ok, because it brought an EMT and an orthopedic nurse running. Parents too.

I suggest that DeeClutter rename the dog Puck. You still have hockey connection and add a mischievous and Shakespearean connection.

Kathryn: If you are not getting rain and your plants are too wet, check around for leaks! The easiest way is to wait until nothing is on in the house and watch your water meter.

Harriet: I know that they (and I) don't need romance, but they are working against decades old beliefs, probably instilled in them as children. Without a man, they think their lives are incomplete and they are undesirable. Our society really reinforces those beliefs by equating alone with lonely and calling s*x and romance a necessary part of human happiness. The moving friend has the added complication of feeling the need for financial support. The xBFF has no concept of financial management, with or without a man. Her best bet would be to marry an accountant, but frugal people bore her.

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Re: Thursday Out of Inspiration PWYC

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Jun 14, 2018 12:58 pm

Elizabeth: you forgot I'm in an apartment and the plants are on the balcony. My best guess is the problem is plastic pots so the excess moisture can only go out the bottom, not the sides as well.

Rain was plentiful yesterday. It is also cool and cloudy here so the plants are semi-dormant at the moment. Today I'd be surprised if it makes it to 70. Windy though which should also dry out the soil.

I tried to deliver stuff for the buy nothing group. Took the car, spent 40 minutes and still left 3 undone because I couldn't find the houses or a place to stop the car. Too many houses are being ripped down here and replaced so roads are down to single lanes due to the construction equipment. It is awful. I mapped the three left and it will take 20 minutes by bike. The whole thing was to take 45 minutes by bike so the car was obviously not the way to go. Driving in this neighbourhood isn't efficient.

The apartment has been tidied enough.

I'm off to just sit for a moment and try and relax. The deliveries upset me greatly because they were so inefficient.

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Re: Thursday Out of Inspiration PWYC

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu Jun 14, 2018 1:01 pm

I am unsettled so am not focusing well. I am thankful for having routines that allow me to get things done with almost no thought.

DD took DSIL to ER yesterday and he will be in the hospital several days. He has pancreatitis which they have to get settled down so they can remove his gallbladder. DGD7 will be with us full time while DSIL is in the hospital.
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Re: Thursday Out of Inspiration PWYC

Postby Harriet » Thu Jun 14, 2018 1:27 pm

So sorry, LadyM - hope his recovery is fast. No wonder you feel unsettled. That sounds pretty significant.

Work here is progressing. The system on the bedroom-and-upstairs side of the house is being done first. Just watched the old heat pump being trundled off across the front lawn.

I may hang a sheet at that doorway to hold the air-conditioning in the kitchen/LR side of the house, as soon as things are no longer being carried through the hall. The hope is that they could finish the first side today. If not, we could sort of figure out a sleepover in the LR if bedrooms got uncomfortable.

Dd has big disappointment in her boss at univ. Students are never supposed to be scheduled to work during their class time and suddenly it happened to dd, even though her one summer class is always the same. She has been emailing and calling ever since she found out. Boss who had made the mistake just put it off on her to redo the schedule by switching around various people's shifts (and begging). Finally she pieced together a plan, only to hear back that that's good because - surprise - boss is leaving on 3-week vacation! What? Anyway, the child is fit to be tied. :x Welcome to the real world rose garden, kiddo.

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Re: Thursday Out of Inspiration PWYC

Postby Nancy » Thu Jun 14, 2018 2:23 pm

I decluttered another corner of the creativity room. Yea! I boxed up full journals that will go out after trash day. did another round in the creatvity room it was getting pretty full. It is at least tolerable now or will be after a couple of rounds tomorrow so that helps too forward to another room better. Closets are not to bad bc I have recently went through them.

I was trying to remember if had taken my med dose 20 min. Later got an alert from the ddog, I checked my # Nope it was up so took med dose for that.

Kid N is here now we walked the ddog. She is coloring now. She can ride a 2 wheel bike w out training wheels yea! Practicing tieing bow knots for shoes now. Sorted a few kid dishes out cut down on the number if those with kid help.
Last edited by Nancy on Thu Jun 14, 2018 3:32 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Thursday Out of Inspiration PWYC

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Jun 14, 2018 2:44 pm

Visitors are gone. It is really windy and dull but I might try and bike the rest of the errands.

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Re: Thursday Out of Inspiration PWYC

Postby lucylee » Thu Jun 14, 2018 5:07 pm

I'm here just to make Twins (and the rest of you) feel more accomplished, LOL.

I am trying to recover from my yard work day Tues and my LONG Nana-day yesterday, and * oh me * I just realized, dgrands may be back in just a bit while ds gives a lesson. I am EXHAUSTED.
However -- these are my accomplishments:
* spent 45 minutes watching dgs work out routes from one random county in our state to another on his state puzzle
* read the paper, messed up the Sudoku puzzle
* ate one of practically every thing in the house -- banana, peanut butter crackers, granola bar, crackers & cheese, individual size box of Frosted Flakes
* s2s
* s/s master bath, including shower (but don't get excited, this is a 5-min weekly chore now)
* went to the post office
* scrolled on the internet

Elizabeth, dgs WILL scream sometimes, b/c he gets very emotional sometimes and just has a crying meltdown. DGD -- I suspect -- is more into the screaming b/c she still does not talk. Oh My Goodness I do hope she is just a late talker and we don't discover that she has some level of autism also. Because I think one child on the spectrum and one with juvenile arthritis is about all ddil's nerves can take.
I did catch dgd trying to say COW last night and I think she attempted Cheerios once. BUT she pretty much absolutely refuses to repeat words on command. * sigh *

This is the difference in the two of them, and I think, an indication of dgs's autism, (which dh still refuses to accept as a true condition and not just a personality quirk.)
DDIL sent me a link to the show they were doing last night, and when I pulled it up on the computer, dgd was just estactic: "There da-da! There da-da!" She sat in my lap and watched for long periods of time.
DGS refused to leave his room -- "Do you want to come see daddy's show?" He answered, "No thank you," and continued on his merry way of finding random cities and their flags in various countries.

OTOH -- he does have some empathy for others. I know y'all get tired of hearing me talk about him, but indulge me one more --
We left the local drive-in restaurant, and I realized I could not roll up the passenger side window of ds's truck with the driver side button. It hasn't worked in some time. So I said, "Oh, c*r*a*p," and proceeded to pull out of the traffic lane, get out of the truck and go around to the passenger side to roll it up. DGS said, "Bless your heart." :lol: I'd never heard him say that, but I had to call my "Yankee" ddil and tell her that dgs was a true Southerner.
I told dgs that some people think we say that when we're being mean, like "Have you ever seen anyone so fat? Bless his heart," but that I would never say it that way, when I said it I really did feel sorry for the person. DGS said, "Me too! I would never say it to be mean!"
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Thursday Out of Inspiration PWYC

Postby Nancy » Thu Jun 14, 2018 5:23 pm

Dgson called for a ride after bb pratice he hurt his ankle, gave his friend a ride on the way he even offered to pay for the gas. He is a good kid. The dog wanted to go with his friend and the dog does not take to just any one. KidN was here so came too. Payroll is over now. Glad I had the old caddie today it holds more people & the dog lol!

I took one more large thing out to be loaded trying to decide on it the tee pee.

I may be the one doing the gutter cleaning this time it is my turn.

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Re: Thursday Out of Inspiration PWYC

Postby Twins' Mom » Thu Jun 14, 2018 6:05 pm

I need to jerk myself back into gear and work toward some supper.

-empty dishwasher
-clear kitchen counters, put away the last of groceries.
-make chicken salad

For those of you who followed my rant over in J&C, I went to dmom's and the keys I had found there and held onto did fit the front door. DH didn't remember seeing the key to dmom's house on our kitchen counter when we returned from trip either, so I bet she still has it.
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