Torn apart Tuesday

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Re: Torn apart Tuesday

Postby Nancy » Tue Jun 19, 2018 3:25 pm

Yes they had dancing teapots. Looked, no cardfile area either. I did not register....

Trying not to take things said personally but it is hard.

Moving on - Ddog has a full tummy seems to be feeling better. Lunch is over. Cleared the door handles counting that for door cleaning. Did a pupa, more needed.
Last edited by Nancy on Tue Jun 19, 2018 4:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Torn apart Tuesday

Postby LadyMaverick » Tue Jun 19, 2018 3:32 pm

I am thankful for our librarian who puts so much time and effort into the summer program for the kids. After the program and craft time was over we went to the library to check out books to read this week. DS9 checked out 10 books, DGD7 checked out 6 books, and I checked out 3 books. Each time the kids read 6 books they get to choose a prize from the treasure chest at the library. These are really small cheap prizes but it is astonishing how much it motivates the kids to read. As soon as we arrived home today, the kids disappeared with a book in hand. DS9 is reading in his room. DGD7 is reading in the fun room. I didn't tell them to read....they are doing it on their own. I love that they have this passion to read!!
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Re: Torn apart Tuesday

Postby Twins' Mom » Tue Jun 19, 2018 3:47 pm

While I am waiting for the decision of the future of this forum. I am going to continue as if I still feel welcomed and accepted even though yall know my many short comings and many faults.
I'm with you LadyM. I miss this place and people too much otherwise.

I am likewise sorry if I have said things that contribute to uneasiness or discomfort here. I want it to be a safe place for us.

I'm weepy about this today.

I've been working upstairs on the guest bedroom. Dh wanted new night tables and they're covered with styrofoam bits from the packaging so will need to dust again. dcleaning lady, bless her, will vacuum when she comes on Thursday. I put a potted plant, some magazines, a few toiletries up there.

DMuffin has yeast infections in her poor ears again, they are going to refill her meds and I'll try that instead of taking her in there right now.

Echoing Lucylee also...
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Re: Torn apart Tuesday

Postby cats » Tue Jun 19, 2018 4:03 pm

Finally made it out the door to do two errands had lunch now to trying to get motivated to work around here

Everyone have a wonderful day

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Re: Torn apart Tuesday

Postby Nancy » Tue Jun 19, 2018 4:14 pm

★☆♡♥Sending out love to all! ♡♥♡☆★
Gold stars for participating!
Did a rock drop and a few donations went out. Walked the dog around the lot the grange. Hid some rocks.

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Re: Torn apart Tuesday

Postby lucylee » Tue Jun 19, 2018 4:21 pm

While I am waiting for the decision of the future of this forum. I am going to continue as if I still feel welcomed and accepted even though yall know my many short comings and many faults.

AMEN, LadyM!

I am going to suggest our library program for dgs, too! It doesn't start until July, but it would be good for him.

Well, I am s2s... did Bible reading... fresh nail polish on fingers and toes...
tried on outfit for the wedding and was pleasantly surprised -- I think it all looks fine. Dmom agreed with me that gauzy-linen pants were fine for an outdoor wedding. Especially one like this, where the groomsmen will be in boots and jeans, vests/no jackets.
I went to the post office,
came home & flipped the laundry. The white shirt dh intended to wear to play golf is apparently a lost cause. It has black marks all over the front of it, like it rubbed against something metal/tarnished? I've used Clorox and Oxiclean spray and washed it twice. Perhaps some regular soap? Dmom says regular bar soap rubbed into something will take care of a lot of spots. That will be my next attempt. Really -- I kinda wish dh would discard this shirt. It really has a lot of stains elsewhere -- deodorant/perspiration/etc. But it is a really light-weight that he likes to wear when it is so hot out.

I just realized I used "really" three times in those last two lines... :lol:
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Torn apart Tuesday

Postby Lilac » Tue Jun 19, 2018 4:38 pm

I think I last posted April 9. We left the next day for our trip to Nashville. Once we were home, I fell into lurking status. Every time I was caughtuop and was going to comment, then life happened, I would fall behind and this became status quo for me. Today when I came here and seen the posts, I realize how much I needed to let you all know how much I love and care about you and your lives. We got the internet in the fall of 1997 and I quickly found the SHE boards. I had/have all of Pam and Peggy's books and somehow found the forums. I lurked until July 2008, when the board moved again and I decided to join, so I would not lose the connection I felt to everyone, even though I had never posted. I have learned so much from all of you and always come here for comfort, advice, ideas, friendship and everything else this board offers. I am praying that we will continue to have this village because I would be so lost with out it and all of you, my dear friends.

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Re: Torn apart Tuesday

Postby BookSaver » Tue Jun 19, 2018 4:39 pm

Back from work meeting. It was work. 'Nuff said.

I took ground beef out of the freezer to thaw. This feels like a Taco Tuesday.

Next up is to assemble some free-standing shelves I found at Sam's last week. The shelves are not pretty, but I'm not planning for them to be permanent. I want to see how much horizontal space I can clear by temporarily using vertical space. The shelves were inexpensive. They are light enough that I can move them to various rooms while needed. When I finish using them as a decluttering tool, I can put them out in the storage shed or see if DH wants them for his mancave.

Lucylee ~ Does the shirt still have a tag with the brand name on it? If so, you might be able to google the name and order a replacement. Or maybe a site like Lands End would have something similar?

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Re: Torn apart Tuesday

Postby Lilac » Tue Jun 19, 2018 4:50 pm

DggsBabyK is now 10 1/2 months old. He has 2 bottom teeth and 2 more are trying to come in. He sits up, pulls up to furniture and walks around holding onto it. He crawls very fast. He is over 17 lbs. and 28 inches long. He says dada a lot and dgd has the cutest video of him saying it. I had never been around a premie but he has done amazingly well, with the love and devotion of his parents. So very proud of them.

I better hit the shower. Tonight is the girls' last of 8 softball games. I have not been to any, since they are 30 plus miles away and it has been hot. Dd1 and I are planning to go, unless they are cancelled due to storms that are moving in at some point this evening or night.

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Re: Torn apart Tuesday

Postby lucylee » Tue Jun 19, 2018 4:57 pm

Lilac! It is sooo good to see you! I saw where there were some rough storms in the Midwest today -- well, Wisconsin? I guess that is more north than midwest... anyway -- I hope you have good weather and get to see the dgds' games. We'll be at a t-ball practice game... dgs's very first. I certainly do NOT have high hopes for this At All and I am TRYING to keep dh from getting HIS hopes up too high. ;)
I think if dgs ever actually scores a run or makes a good play and people cheer, he'll be hooked. But while he's out just standing around in right field... hmmmm. His mind is going to be going a million places and the t-ball field may be the LAST thing he's concerned with, LOL!
DDIL will be missing the game b/c she has class. They bought a camera and tripod last night so ds can record every thing and she can watch it later.
Tomorrow is another day.

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