Monday Make a Difference

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Re: Monday Make a Difference

Postby Elizabeth » Mon Jun 25, 2018 11:56 am

Good morning! I am making a difference by removing a cat from my friend's domestic violence situation. Met with her Sunday far from her house and took him home. Had to listen to her extol the virtues of the x boyfriend. Apparently, he is a great guy and a real cat lover when he is not strangling her. She takes possession of her new place this week, which is good since all the other places would have a Aug 1 move in date, which would cause her to move twice. Her plan with the Aug 1 places was to stay with me a month. I would do that for a friend with a specific date to leave my house (i.e. contracts signed, deposits made, etc) BUT I doubt she would like my conditions. First, absolutely NO male visitors in my house or even knowing what area of town it is! This is not a rental, I cannot move easily if she picks her usual loser. Second, her indoor/outdoor cat would be completely separate from mine unless he tests neg for diseases. Fortunately, her x never met me or came to the Halloween party. They cancelled when she learned that unmarried couples are assigned separate bedrooms in my house, especially when my daughter is present.

Payday was Friday and I still have money, but only because I have not yet done bills and budget. I will remedy that and return to my usual broke status tonight. At the Sunday Planner Addicts meeting, people were talking about mood tracking. I already know how my mood tracks - just check my bank balance, credit card statements, and pay cycle. Anyone who does not believe money buys happiness is deluded!

Other weekend goings on: We had FOUR adoption applications at cat clinic! One is a definite no-go. Another is a good home with a (temporarily) bad situation. We advised her to adopt after her dying cat is gone. Old kitty is not as likely to appreciate a kitten, even if younger resident cat loves it. I went to a pool party and enjoyed it, even though I had to sit out. There will be another in Aug or Sept, when I will be medically cleared to get in water. Picked up some fabric for a new shirt (99 cent Goodwill pattern 8-) ) and ninja turtle yarn.

I have missed an entire month of church and Sunday school, three weekends helping my moving friend and one post-surgical.

blessedw2: There are dog diapers used for females in heat. They also can be used for other leakage.

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Re: Monday Make a Difference

Postby Nancy » Mon Jun 25, 2018 12:23 pm

Erased some footprints in the kit. S2s happened, worked on the dining room foot prints. Delivered a few more donations and was actually able to use my desk this morning. Time to walk done. Eggs have been cooked cooling to peel later on devil theme done. Laundry is rounded up and ready to sort and start. Pruned a bit in the back yd. We are used to the tree now, it is leafing out a bit too.

Hydration reminder!
Last edited by Nancy on Mon Jun 25, 2018 1:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Monday Make a Difference

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Jun 25, 2018 1:19 pm

I just picked DS9 and DGD7 up from Vacation Bible School and am now waiting for them to eat lunch at the school. This is the last week of the school summer lunch program.

I had 3 hours all to myself this morning. It felt Very strange. I used the time to catch up on some task that do better without distraction. Then I pampered myself a bit with a pedi, hair cut and shaving legs.

This morning I called the surgeon that removed DH face cancer in April. When I told them what was happening with his surgery site they wanted DH to come in immediately. So he is doing that now.

We are going to make the 70 minute drive to eat dinner with DD. This will be the first time DGD7 has seen her Mom in 12 days. We have tried several times to do this trip but keep having to reschedule because DSIL crisis after crisis. Hopefully he will be stable enough for DD to leave him and meet us in the hospital cafeteria.
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Re: Monday Make a Difference

Postby Ramblinrose » Mon Jun 25, 2018 1:54 pm

In migraine recovery mode...

LadyM, hope your visit goes well. Maybe just what your dd needs.

Blessed...when Sadie girls started having leaking and bowel problems I bought Ciao Chow reusable dog diapers. The pants are washable and come clean even with hand washings, but sometime I put them in my washing machine. They also come with pads like we use that can be velcoed in. I loved them. The pants fit well and never leaked and contained Sadie’s poop. Most of the time I just used the pants because Sadie just dribbled. They stayed in place even when Sadie slept. I ordered the large because Sadie weighed 55lbs. They truly were a life saver.

I ordered them either from amazon or chewy... can’t remember where. I get my dog food from Chewy and if you have a pet it is a wonderful company to work with. I have my buffalo blue on auto ship and it is delivered right to my door. They carry many brands of dog and cat food as well as kitty liter and it’s usually cheaper than the stores. I buy all of Willis shampoo, ear wash and stuff like that from them and their customer services is the best I’ve ever worked with.

Back to bed...later tator
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Re: Monday Make a Difference

Postby Harriet » Mon Jun 25, 2018 2:28 pm

Yep, need to hydrate Nancy - I'll wrap another rubber band on my glass soon!

My intention was to come in by TOTH at 2. Some knocks at door set up a few interruptions - not bad or anything, but this is part of the reason I get less done than intended.

Towels folded and put away.
Second load of laundry is washing now.
Potatoes cooking.

Lots of critique of dd's painting as she worked, now off to class. She surprised me by really using me as a "reflection". If I didn't say quickly enough that I liked something, for instance, it was changed. lol! If anything, the disco guy is even edgy-er. (smile)

Tip - a high chair does a good job as an easel. She's been saying for years she was going to invest in an easel but so far has found no canvas too big for the chair, and it's completely sturdy, solidly holds the painting at the tray's rear edge. She can ignore the tray or use it for her brushes, etc. Goes back to normal use for toddlerC afterward without anyone knowing its secret life. I believe this canvas was 4 x 3 feet.

Best wishes to LadyM and dh on the way for a dr's look-see! Hope it's an easy appointment.

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Re: Monday Make a Difference

Postby Twins' Mom » Mon Jun 25, 2018 2:31 pm

Oh RR, I do hope you feel better!

I have finished the ProGen assignment and am going to head out to pick up my ordered Stampin up things. I'll probably need to get gas also. Once I get back, I'll read what I wrote one more time before I upload it.

Gotta go....
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Re: Monday Make a Difference

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Jun 25, 2018 2:54 pm

DH is back from the visit with the surgeon. They cut the surgery site open to look around. I'm not sure what they did because DH isn't concerned enough to ask questions. He did say they removed something and gave him a shot of steroids in the surgery site. And he is on antibodies for the next 10 days. He will return in 3 weeks and they will check it again.

DS9 and DGD7 are working on their list. We will leave for the big city as soon as DH eats something.
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Re: Monday Make a Difference

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Jun 25, 2018 3:29 pm

I will look into it d Elizabeth and d rose!

hello d rose I wonder if it is the day - I had a headache starting (felt like a migraine starting) - I am so glad you are at the back end of it! Feel better!!!

d lady praying for your sweet dh!

hi d nancy!

praying for your df to see she deserves better. this isn't a healthy love.
money doesn't buy happiness but it sure makes it easier to live! The stress of being broke all the time is horrible!

d harriet - people are always critical - especially those that don't' know how to do something or are in their own competition thing! My dd is the same - :D

Dh and I did 2 hours of work in the kitchen. I have a kitchen table full of papers that I have to go through still. Trying to decide on wether to vacuum and rinse the front hall and dining room again as well as cleaning up or luggage or get rid of the paper.
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Re: Monday Make a Difference

Postby Elizabeth » Mon Jun 25, 2018 5:13 pm

Interesting goings on at payroll. I am a part of group B which was spun off from group A about a year ago. All work I have done from the time I began working with the state to now has been with A. Rumor has it B is being moved to a different site across town. Boss of A wants me to be reassigned to A, which makes sense and is my preference. Group B has me, my boss, someone who will retire 6/30, and another coworker. Could get interesting, there is a lot of behind the scene stuff in progress. At least I am in demand.

What I need to get done today: DPC to pet sitter, B&B, meeting with insurance person, and library returns.

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Re: Monday Make a Difference

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Jun 25, 2018 5:26 pm

Our trip to the big city to see DD has been postponed again. DSIL is having another crisis and DD doesn't want to leave him. We will try again tomorrow.

I am pleased with everything I have accomplished today. The kids have almost finished their list and they are feeling rather proud of themselves. I am too!
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