It's Tuesday. Load the Timers

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Re: It's Tuesday. Load the Timers

Postby Nancy » Tue Jun 26, 2018 10:41 am

I use a timer on my phone to remind me of my meds.I am up had coffee fed animals got trash to curb h was called in early to work. Dd will come by to pick up cookie jar and a couple other things for grands.

Last night after work h & I fixed the free standing full length mirror and gate got rewired w coat hanger hinge. I told him his haritage was showing from farm bailing wire from fence fixing days of his youth made us smile.

I need to s2s and then set the timer to do ten min in the storage shed clearing did 10. Min. decluttering to make room. Thanks for that reminder! Did thst!

I sorted the dog leash & pet supply container.
Last edited by Nancy on Tue Jun 26, 2018 2:13 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: It's Tuesday. Load the Timers

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Jun 26, 2018 12:37 pm

quick hi!
My hair looks spiffy!

hi d nancy
hi d harmony
hi d elizabeth
hi d twins
hi d dee (hope you can rest a bit today!)
hi d lady
hi d harriet
hi d everyone

dh is not happy about calling someone but I am desperate.
calling d mom soon after she gets out of rehab on her ankle

looking at the clutter in kitchen first -
my papers built over the 2 weeks
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: It's Tuesday. Load the Timers

Postby Nancy » Tue Jun 26, 2018 12:54 pm

Smart move blessed calling someone!

I have been cleaning out my desk drawers done with all but one, did a bit on it the other day. Art supplies coming our my ears, some I dislike are beimg donated. I was able to containerize the crafting papers to leave in one of those market bags I seamed up. They are better than boxes bc they are flatter when empty! I'm getting to some stuff I had put off.

Neighbors behind us are paving their driveway it is quite noisy, the dog is not freaking out and not hiding in the bathroom yea.
Last edited by Nancy on Tue Jun 26, 2018 2:09 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: It's Tuesday. Load the Timers

Postby Harriet » Tue Jun 26, 2018 1:58 pm

I was amused at your explanation of "magic thinking" for dh, blessed. I'm sure it is of the best intentions. He's probably like me in that he truly hopes to do a lot himself and believes firmly that it can happen, but isn't always good at estimating what's needed.

Just for fun, though, have ya'll seen The Magic Coffee Table?

An additional TaDa - Desk Day chores happened here today like they did at Harmony's. Caught up except for a 2nd deposit that needs to be made for church this week.

More timer thinking - I still feel encouraged about more timer plans today - think I'll put in an additional load of delicates and change over to the washer for a "timer" :idea: for a bit and see how much I can get done before it calls me!

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Re: It's Tuesday. Load the Timers

Postby LadyMaverick » Tue Jun 26, 2018 2:51 pm

Home from a busy morning. I left the house at 8:45am and
** dropped DS9 and DGD7 off at the local church to attend Vacation Bibile School
** went to 3 stores looking for mouth guard for DS9. I didn't find any. DS9 misplaced the last mouthguard we had. His Tourette tics have increased this week (probably due to extra stress being in classroom 3 hours a day). ANYway, he desperately needs the mouthguard to keep his teeth from being damaged by one of this tics.
** Went to doctor office to have EKG. ARGH! I flunk it. This is the 2nd time I have flunked the EKG test. It shows damage to my heart...or blood not flowing right....or something....anyway they don't like to see those squiggly lines doing whatever mine are doing. The doc also said I have Bradycardia (low heartbeat) because it is below 60 bpm. The doc didn't like that when I laid down for the test, then my heart rate went lower than sitting up which makes her think my heart rate is low when I sleep. ANYway, I am now scheduled to have additional medical test. I'm not worried about it. I'm not having any symptoms of heart problems. I'll do their tests and wait to see what the end results show and deal with it then.
** Drove 24 miles so I could go to 2 more stores looking for the mouthguard. SUCCESS! I bought all they had (12).
** Made an additional stop to pick up tomato and pepper plants. One of the dogs found a way to get into the area where my Earthboxes are and destroyed everything I had planted in one of the boxes. Soo now I need to replant that box and start again.
** Arrive home by noon time for the kids.
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Re: It's Tuesday. Load the Timers

Postby lucylee » Tue Jun 26, 2018 4:13 pm

No timers for me today, but I am trying to be busy -- although I got a late start.

Yesterday, I was AWOL all day b/c of first one thing and then another.
:arrow: First -- at 8:00 a.m., which is NOT my wake-up time -- Life Alert called and said dmom had fallen and she was okay, dneighbor had helped her up, this was just a courtesy call...
So I got up and called dmom, and yes, she sounded like she was okay, but she was still without AC! FIVE DAYS, and the heat index around here has been at/or above 100 lately. So I texted dcousin, whose d?h had SAID he was coming to fix it TODAY, and tried to stress how important it was, that I was getting afraid dmom was getting dehydrated, etc... AND I texted the husband/repairman but had low expectations that he would reply.
I was trying to let dh sleep in, b/c his bp had been over 180 and approaching 190, and we were pretty nervous about him also, so I lay back down on the couch and slept a while longer.
:arrow: Next, after another call from dmom, about nothing, dgd showed up and she and I went to the post office. The better to let dh sleep.
:arrow: ANOTHER call w/dmom and I decided to go get her some Gatorade and a pick up a rx for Zofran (she said she was a little nauseated) and take that to her.
:arrow: So dgd and I ended up staying at dmom's (where the thermostat said 86 degrees) until about 1:00 pm, maybe later. Repairman DID show up while we were there, and by the time I finished supper, I called dmom back and she was beginning to feel somewhat cooler in the house. I haven't talked to her today.
* WHEW *

Today, dh was up at 8:00 b/c he had (foolishly?) agreed to play golf at 9:00 a.m. He said maybe the exercise would help his bp, and I thought maybe some time away from home and the little ones and everything, with some adult conversation for a change, would be helpful too.
He's home now, hot and exhausted, but at least he survived, right?

I have sheets in the washer, and dgs has been over to open his presents. I cannot believe this child is SIX YEARS OLD.
Six years ago, y'all were telling me it was all going to be okay, and I was going to love being a grandmother, and I'd be a wonderful grandmother...
and I just couldn't believe you.... LOL... :lol: :lol: :lol:
Y'all have seen me through a tremendous number of insane panic attacks.
Now I can't imagine what we did before he was born! And I don't know where I rank on the grandmother scale, but I think these two would give me an "A" -- so that's all that matters. ;)

So -- I've got to go flip the laundry and vacuum up a bunch of lady bugs that dgs uncovered when he played on the window seat in the bay window. It is a ladybug morgue. :oops: I will cuop in a bit.

Missing KATHRYN... and thinking of a bunch of others that have fallen by the wayside it seems... helia... MysteryWoman... others that have crossed my mind lately... I certainly hope we never lose this little village in cyberspace that has helped all of us in so many ways.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: It's Tuesday. Load the Timers

Postby DeeClutter » Tue Jun 26, 2018 4:28 pm

I ditto your thoughts, LucyL. I'm loving being able to get back on her somewhat regularly -hoping it lasts. Now dd's internet is 'off'. DDIL-R was trying out at their RV last night and it seemed to come in pretty well there. So, she was going to try to get signed up for it. Not sure if she did. Actually probably not as DGS13 was going to go home this morning with DS-R. He (dgs) is supposed to work for our other DS-A this summer. A huge part of me is wishing this were not so. Hate to have him working for 'family' and have things not go right. Trying to heed the advice we so often gave you, Lucy. Don't trouble trouble, till trouble troubles you kind of thing.
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Re: It's Tuesday. Load the Timers

Postby Harmony » Tue Jun 26, 2018 4:35 pm

We don't get ladybug infestations in FL like other states do, thank goodness! Other bugs, yeah, although I beat them back one more time and haven't seen any in a long while. My DBiL says we wouldn't have any land at all if it weren't for the ants making ant hills all the time. I think of him every time we poison the ant hills (fire ants) all through the yard.

(LadyM) hope everything is ok.

Man I'm groggy today. Just want to nap nap nap.

Did get my errands run... stopped at church, bank, supermarket. Need to finish that laundry. Made phone calls, faxed off work ticket for temp. help DH had with him today. I wish we could get this guy more often. He's pretty nice to work with and he likes to work with us...but he got a full time job and can only come Tuesdays and Saturdays.

People on FB were wishing DH happy birthday yesterday and he said what kind of work he was doing: living his dream was what he said. Guy's got a screw loose. :roll:

Anyway, looked at the magic coffee table! Funny! I have a magic sink, dishwasher, hamper, desk, etc. etc. If only that were true. I still remember DD asking me why her favorite jeans were back in her drawer by the time she came home from school every day. She thought I pulled them out of dirty hamper and put them back. No. I washed, hung up, ironed, put them away along with all the other stuff every day! So funny!

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Re: It's Tuesday. Load the Timers

Postby Nancy » Tue Jun 26, 2018 6:55 pm

I am weepy today. Got the desk drawers cleaned out glad for that progress. Sorted sone art stuff for dgd. H is on his way home. Made a trip to the market. Kids broke tbe newest trading bench I took over to the rock trading post not is a steller mood. I did two half walks.

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Re: It's Tuesday. Load the Timers

Postby LadyMaverick » Tue Jun 26, 2018 7:57 pm

Watching the kids swim. I worked on cleaning up and refilling one of the earthboxes. I got hot so I stopped to co down before I continue.

We made 2 efforts today to see DD but neither one was successful. We are now planning to meet for lunch big city hospital. Hopefully DSIL will be stable enough for DD to leave him and spend an hour with DGD7. Tomorrow is 14, days of DSIL being in ICU., He is still a very sick fella and on ventilator.

DGD7 has not had any problem handling all this but she has no idea how sick DSIL really is. DD calls and talks to DGD7 almost everyday and tells her that DSIL is getting better.
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