Monday - Starting Six Months now

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Re: Monday - Starting Six Months now

Postby Elizabeth » Mon Jul 02, 2018 12:22 pm

Good morning all! Life is slowly returning to normal for me. I am still not able to lift more than 10 pounds, but I helped pack boxes and supplied a large car for my friend's move. Now, the abusive x will not be able to find her and she will pick up her cat tonight. I'm perturbed because she still thinks she needs a man in her life. This would be ok if she knew how to choose one, she was complaining about not having money because her boyfriends all lived off her, but she NEEDS them to move heavy things and fix things. Um ... the guys she hired were moving heavy things, not living off her, not trying to control her every move, and best of all, not attempting to kill her. One of them was also hires out as a handyman. Problem solved! I'll bet if she didn't let unemployed men live with her, she would have more money in her account, especially since there would be fewer hospital bills. This move + PWYC's recent cranky D(?)Hs make me grateful for my status as a a single lady.

Because I did not get home from the move until 2 am, I picked up DD16 Sunday morning for church. She wanted to go to the local amusement park. I cannot ride the rides yet, but offered to go with her while she rode. She didn't like the idea, so she napped and read at home until time for youth group. I retrieved Chelsea and am up to three cats, but will be back to two tonight. Cat boarding is mostly arranged with one DPC to go.

I plan in two week increments, because that is my pay schedule.

Today's essentials: DPCs, church webwork, dinner with friend, cat transfer, pay a bill.

Other useful things: LOLs , grocery run, general cleanup.
Big WTG to blessedw2 on getting the cleaners despite unsupportive cranky not-so-DH. Ignore him and bring them in every month (or more). If he doesn't like it, he can go to a coffee house or library while they are there. Phooey on him! Probably thinks that little fairies come in and do all the work.

lucylee: Have your colorist go gradually lighter and ligher until you reach your natural current shade. Then the aggravation will end.

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Re: Monday - Starting Six Months now

Postby Twins' Mom » Mon Jul 02, 2018 1:03 pm

I went off the tracks this morning but it was quite satisfying. Dfriend M and I walked two laps around our block, then I went to produce stand and Publix with her. I'd never been to the produce stand she frequents. She and dh have been away for two weeks so she needed to restock and we enjoyed catching up too.

I need to get some focus now and get going. I had lunch already. At 4 p.m. I have the online discussion group for the first monday of the month.

-put away the groceries/produce and clear kitchen counters
-make the bed
-"work" on assignment for July until 4 p.m., also review discussion topics for this afternoon
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Re: Monday - Starting Six Months now

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Jul 02, 2018 2:43 pm

dd younger had a newly hatched duckling follow her sailboat where she went (it was alone) and it kept trying to hop on her shallow boat. It turned out that yesterdays storm on lake michigan separated the family (3 ducklings washed alive but a bit battered yesterday on the beach - animal rescue took them). She is taking it to a wildlife rehab centre in a bit. It just would not leave her all morning and fell asleep on the beach next to her. It must have been very scared. she stayed out on the water, with the baby following her, for a long time trying to find the parents but to no avail.

see you soon. had a nice lunch with d mom.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Monday - Starting Six Months now

Postby Nancy » Mon Jul 02, 2018 2:46 pm

This week our focus is not on donations but rather to haul stuff off to go to eco, the dump, and wire racks back to h's work where he got them and they can be reused. I have been loading more random branches that were along the back of the property.

Clipped ddogs front nails had to mussle her but mission accomplished. Hoping this aleviates dogs limping.

Bath is due not sure if I should do it today or with for warmer day on the weekend.

Very windy here today. Lunch is done.
The last load of laundry is in the dryer.
I got the kitchen & dining room swept and mopped.

One fireworks celebration is canceled because if wild fire danger.

Hydration reminder.

Love the duckling rescue story bw2.
Last edited by Nancy on Mon Jul 02, 2018 6:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Monday - Starting Six Months now

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Jul 02, 2018 4:11 pm

happy we took 4 day old duckling in. The county that took the others probably destroyed them; the facilitator coordinator said. Also since ducklings this young do not make their own oils (usually rubbed on by their mothers) that it would have drowned. What's nice is that she will be raised with a new group of ducklings (about her age) and will be released in 4 months - dd is welcome to come to the release but must stay at a distance. She got in trouble at work but the lady said she did the right thing and was super kind to dd. I am glad she has a big heart. the kids in her class called her banana marie :D
d mom gave them a donation to care for her.

I am waffling here as I don't have direction. I will pull out my binder again as I have everything in it. I still have to figure out dinner with veggies.

hi d nancy good for you d nancy~!!!!

hi d twins I am glad it was a satisfying day!

hi d elizabeth! good day to you! I am glad that things are slowly going back to normal!!!
it is always a joy to be here with you!


Re: Monday - Starting Six Months now

Postby kittykatt » Mon Jul 02, 2018 4:21 pm

Hello, everyone! Today was the one whole day I have at home this week. So I started with a three hour stint in my garden while it was still cool. Then I tidied my kitchen and decluttered a couple of things, have my sitting room a quick dust, and ran the Hoover round downstairs. By now it was over 30C (unusually hot for us, and most UK homes don't have air conditioning) so I moved upstairs to the front of the house, which faces NW, and gave my bathroom and and so room a good clean. Then I moved to the back of the house and cleaned our bedroom. This evening I've watered the allotment, and the pots on my patio. Now I'm relaxing, with Lupin on my lap

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Re: Monday - Starting Six Months now

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Jul 02, 2018 4:54 pm

kittykatt - so glad to see you posting here!

I am slowing down. It is hot outside and most of my daily routines are finished. Both of the kids have finished their lists for the day and are enjoying playing video games.

I'm going to use this slower pace to do a little planning for 5th grade curriculum. Every bit of planning I can accomplish now will help in the final decisions and make things go smoother.
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: Monday - Starting Six Months now

Postby lucylee » Mon Jul 02, 2018 5:06 pm

CI (without cuop yet!)

So far, successful.
Despite all the interruptions from my "people."
:arrow: I had to send what seemed like a million emails, some of my own business, but some at the request of dh -- nothing just bad, just family stuff and dh can't type, so I'm the secretary... :roll:
:arrow: FOUR DPCs:
* doctor's office to schedule appt for dh, had to wait for them to call back
* doctor's office/nurse to get bp med for dh, had to wait for her to call back
BUT * WOO HOO * She called back while I was in shower and dh had to talk to her!
* tech support for dh's tablet, issued by insurance company to help dh keep track of weight, avoid fluid retention
* call to cancel a magazine offer thing I had signed up for which I didn't really want
* renter called and then came over to pay rent
* talked to dmom, who is having trouble w/meds again, needs refill, pharmacist says too soon :roll:
* went to bank
* called pharmacist to see if doctor had called in dh's meds yet (no)
* called ass't living to check progress on getting dmom a respite room
* called dmom to tell her that * OOOHHH NOOO * room might be available within the next week or so
(OOOHHH NOOO b/c I'm not sure dmom or I are really ready for this, but OTOH, dmom is often walking with one shoe on and one shoe off.)
BUT -- I also have other ta-da's:
:arrow: s/s all three toilets
:arrow: s/s my tub/shower & dh's shower
:arrow: cleaned bathroom mirror
:arrow: reviewed another 10 pages in journal, with goal to discard anything that would make ds sad if he read it after my death ;)

We are still waiting to hear if t-ball is rained out tonight, but are eating at home, so I need to start supper.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Monday - Starting Six Months now

Postby Nancy » Mon Jul 02, 2018 7:45 pm

Kittykatt good to see you posting. Great thinking moving to the cooler part of the house as the day progresses.

I helped h load the wire cage supports when he got off work 2 of 4 done only 2 will fit at a time. Glad I got the ones in the back yard up by the fence line so we could get them all to the front yard for easier loading later. Not to heavy with two of us but 2 big & bulky for one person. The 2 that had to wait are in the truck we don't use now it needs some work. But at least it will not be something to lift just slide over later. Will be great for anti P. Taksk!

It is still windy out so no grilling today.

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