Tuesday Ta Dah!

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Tuesday Ta Dah!

Postby Twins' Mom » Tue Jul 03, 2018 8:48 am

No matter what's on your list today and this week, surely you can find some Ta Dahs to celebrate the accomplishments!

Here's to Tuesday!
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Tuesday Ta Dah!

Postby Twins' Mom » Tue Jul 03, 2018 9:09 am

I just remembered I'm having lunch out today with a friend. I've done a lot of genealogy work for her gratis so it will be interesting to talk about it. She's pretty much an amateur at this.

Dh will be home early today - the market closes early so he'll be underfoot later too. May need to go upstairs to work.

Working on a.m. routine and am celebrating each one I check off. Dog is fed, trash can out to the street, lots happening already.

For awhile I was waking up before the alarm that went off at 7, now I am sleeping well past it and hitting the snooze button. Not sure if it's because it's been so cloudy lately that it seems darker when I get up? I loved having that extra time in the a.m.

Next up:
-change clothes and walk ddog
-breakfast and meds
-kitchen, breakfast bar clean up
-make the bed
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Tuesday Ta Dah!

Postby Nancy » Tue Jul 03, 2018 9:32 am

I slept well it rained in the nite. Then he got tradh to the curb & left early for work I woke up at 5:30. Made coffee, fed hens, took meds journaled & planned home blessing stuff up today. Sipping black coffee. Put away laundry I folded last nite. Glad I did outside stuff yesterday.

H got trash to the curb. I watered even though we had rain it was really dry out. Kit. Spiff done. Paid a bill. I have a plan for dinner. 51* over nite skiff of snow on the mtn. Yesterday had to turn on the heat. It will be in the tripple digits in the next couple days. Next up spiff bathrooms.
Rode the exercise bike for my exercise today.
I watched a interesting movie called "Brain On Fire" net flick kinda slow however.
Last edited by Nancy on Tue Jul 03, 2018 2:00 pm, edited 6 times in total.

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Re: Tuesday Ta Dah!

Postby Elizabeth » Tue Jul 03, 2018 10:51 am

Good morning! Yesterday pretty much went as planned: dinner with friend, cat transfer, webwork, grocery run, and LOL run and put away. Still need to pay that bill, but it is not due until 7/13 and there are more LOLs. My big Ta Dah was that my friend who moved could not find her shower curtain and was missing a bathtub drain plug at the new place. I offered her my shower and got it all squeaky clean before she got there.

Tonight's essentials are: more LOLs, deal with an email, pay one bill, and plan my day off so I don't waste it.

My advice for lucylee is not to schedule for DH anymore. My x expected me to make all appointments. Due to our work locations and hours, it was impossible for me to take the dog to the vet. I quit after he wanted me to make a vet appointment "anytime", Call #1 appointment scheduled. Call #2: I find out that anytime really means anytime other than the one scheduled. Call #3 to vet for reschedule. Call #4: anytime also does not include that time, in fact there is a long list of times specifically excluded. When he gets to the 5th non-anytime, I instruct him to call the vet himself. Two months later, a postcard from the vet saying dog is overdue. Call #6 to remind him to schedule the appointment. Call #7 a week later, have you made the appointment? I didn't have the phone number. Call #8 with vet's phone number. Should have told him to get his mommy to help him look up the number. He asks "Can't you call?" No, I don't have a copy of your schedule, last time was a fiasco and you got mad at me for not being psychic. The vet's receptionist was also irritated, though very polite. Call #9 WHEN IS THE APPOINTMENT!!! Do it now. Call #10, dog finally has an appointment, three months overdue.

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Re: Tuesday Ta Dah!

Postby DeeClutter » Tue Jul 03, 2018 10:56 am

I'm up and have been to a town 15 miles away -took ds-R to pick up his truck. Got the bed made and my morning routine done before I left. Stopped on the way back to pick up the mail -mostly b'day cards for dh. Plus his statement from health insurance for May -expensive month for him or rather insurance -$13,000. As I was just to pull in the campground drive DS was approaching from the other way. Let him go ahead of me as I needed to let him in through the gate -he forgot and left his remote here. Had called dd to see if she needed to go get anything. Guess our youngest dgs5 is coming to 'Hang out w/Aunt J" for the day. She needed to go to TOPS in town I was going through but had to wait for dgs.

Forgot tomorrow is 4th of July since we've already done all our hoopla here at the "Pond". Guess DS-R & DDIL are going to do a cookout later in the day though. But as for me, I'm glad all the grand display is over and done. Hoping everyone remembers to keep their dogs in check tomorrow though as there'll be lots of boomers around us.

I'm trying something different today: We have two AC units here. I usually, during the day, just turn on the living area one and shut the bedroom door. Decided to try turning it off today and turn on the bedroom AC, leaving the door open. I'll see how that does today. If it gets too warm in here, I'll have to revert. So far, the bedroom AC is not running as often and it's certainly not as noisy.

Off to try to type in some recipes. I'm trying to eliminate some of the cookbooks I have hanging around here. Will ask dgd if she wants them. I will, though, give her some I have that belonged to her DMom (dShelley).
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Re: Tuesday Ta Dah!

Postby DeeClutter » Tue Jul 03, 2018 10:57 am

and you got mad at me for not being psychic.
Sometimes think we might have missed that part in the wedding vows! :lol:
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Re: Tuesday Ta Dah!

Postby Harmony » Tue Jul 03, 2018 12:26 pm

Hello! Yeah appointments are hard to make. Every time I do it DH has to work somewhere etc. etc. and there are always problems. I try to make his as early in the morning as I can to give him the rest of the day to work. That doesn't always work.

3 months ago I had an order to go for wisdom tooth removal. DH was really busy so I waited because I wanted him to take me...and 3 months later it's not done and we have more going on now than before, so I've decided to just do it myself and recover a bit in the waiting room so I can drive myself home. Now I have to find out...since I go next week to have cleaning... if I can have that done beforehand and will the cleaning cause problems with healing of tooth removal??? If I can even get an appointment that quick.

Yesterday I took DH to apt. with the dr. he saw in hospital last time. He thought he was just to get a prescription renewal, with a hi how-are-ya, here you go goodbye! NOPE! Now he has to go get labwork, a stress test, and then a colonoscopy. Getting caught up from years of medical neglect.

I keep encouraging him that its all routine and nothing to worry about....but now I wonder. Dr. did an ekg in the office and then ordered the stress test and visit with cardiologist...and neither of us thought about the ekg if it showed something? Not going to say anything to DH about that, as long as he thinks its just routine he won't worry. I worry enough for the both of us. I guess we neglected to ask dr. if the ekg looked alright.

Oh Dee, about the psychic part, that's funny! Yesterday DH and I were talking...I told him I'd never vow the obey part in a wedding vow ever again...unless they put something in there that made the man promise not to aggravate the woman with his demands! He was like :shock: :lol: I was serious though! My family is in shambles from the demands guys make.

Just barely keeping up in the house. But that's ok for a while.

This morning spent lots of time at my desk, most of it answering a letter. Cousin wanted names and info about our shared family on that side and I know very little but I gave her what I know. I know Sunny's son has done some work on all that and I have her link to some website... always thought I would put some time into this if I ever got DH retired...

Well I better get busy around here. Wanted to come say hi since I haven't been here in a few days.

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Re: Tuesday Ta Dah!

Postby DeeClutter » Tue Jul 03, 2018 1:51 pm

Hi, Harmony. Yes, I almost think that a lot of wedding vows now leave that 'obey' out. Honoring is certainly different from that.

Had our excitement for the day. DD called to ask where the "flyer" was. :lol: "Flyer?" "No, FIRE". DS-A had called to find out what camper was on fire at our campground. Called dh to see if he needed his gear -no but needed the gate keys. So....put the pedal to the metal (so to speak) on the golf cart and ran them up to the gate. Gate wouldn't work right so I sat there and let firetrucks, ambulance, sheriff, etc in one by one. They had actually called for a response with the heat gun to see if there was any hot spots in the RV. Evidently some wiring shorted out and was smoking. Well, there was a whole contingent. Dh had said the gate wasn't working properly. Our dfriends came in with their big rig a little while ago and the gate came down before they were all the way through with their big 5th wheel and broke off. Of course it couldn't have happened before all the fire brigade came in. ;)

I'm back inside trying to cool off. It's so hot out. But it'll be fairly short lived.
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Re: Tuesday Ta Dah!

Postby CathyS » Tue Jul 03, 2018 2:30 pm


I finally have the house to myself again. Dh was on vacation from mid afternoon on June 22 until this morning at 7.

Dishes are all done. Laundry is all done. My hair is washed. I have a large pot of macaroni elbows boiling on the BBQ where the spot is for a pot on the one end. Dh requested some cold macaroni elbows so he can have pesto for lunch or supper a few times this week.

No idea of what I will be having for supper.

Still dealing with a heat wave. It's around 90 here with a slight wind.
Dishes never stop.
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Re: Tuesday Ta Dah!

Postby Harriet » Tue Jul 03, 2018 3:09 pm

Yesterday was spent studying. Even awakened this a.m. with more thoughts and put them into extra notes to go along with the chart.

Today was our study and dd19 attended. We had a good crowd. It was well-received, I think - I hope. I do always worry that I go overlong, maybe, or bore someone. I don't think so, but then may be seeing through rose-colored glasses.

Next week we meet at a local charity organization's new satellite office in our area. So that won't be the same type of day. A good change for the group.

Back home, there was company in the driveway but thankfully HRH was here, too, mostly handling that alone. Did get the compliment that I looked very nice (I guess they have usually come when I've been in my housework clothing).

I paid one of my (DPCalls) frustrating bills and managed it by phone, though that looked difficult at one point - yay, me! The DPC I managed yesterday took forever, waiting on hold listening to music but it was finally done, too. There's one more, but I'm recognizing that I'm on overwhelm. I may have to nap. I told HRH that I'm almost to the point of feeling that if I went out and was social with more than a handful of people, and certainly if I led a group, I should nap instantly upon returning. No good can come of me and the refrigerator when I'm socialed-out.

New vacuum cleaner is here - more than you want to know.
Ya'll may remember that I've been in cheap-vacuum mode for more than a year, too suspicious to make a confident decision so I decided with pocketbook - cheapest decision was the right decision. And spent $35. Well, that one year was okay, but the collapse came quickly after that. ;) So I bought a Dy son on the sale that's going on now for the ones they are phasing out in favor of a new model. Found that sale first at BBuy but then at several outlets all at the same time right now, btw, so you probably won't be in the dark about which, if you're interested. So that's $199 of hard earned money but I'm hopeful, with the warranty.

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