Tuesday Ta Dah!

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Re: Tuesday Ta Dah!

Postby Nancy » Tue Jul 03, 2018 3:23 pm

I am happy with my hoover, wish it has a foot oppereated on off switch however.

Fed hens, peeled eggs to devil. Need to thaw out some stuff in the freezer.

I braved the dreaded pan cupboard so glad to have that sorted out decluttered and the ones to go out the door loaded in the car to go out later this week. Yea me, the cast iron dutch oven & camping pans went, kept the one with feet on it. Revere ware sorted out from the farm that is done too. Some hot pads and dish clothes black in color for camping went as well.
Last edited by Nancy on Tue Jul 03, 2018 5:50 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Tuesday Ta Dah!

Postby lucylee » Tue Jul 03, 2018 3:28 pm

Oh my goodness, it's good I got stuff done yesterday, b/c today it is a madhouse around here. Dgrands arrived before noon, and boy, they are both wound up! DH has actually taken a pillow and gone to the car "to try to get some rest." His bp was 175 today, which is DOWN from yesterday, and he started the new bp med today, so maybe things will improve soon, but right now, he just feels horrible. The house IS much quieter now, however, since he has turned off the radio and hone outside.

DDIL is at work, with class tonight until 9:15, ds is out of town, and dgs has a t-ball game tonight. * whew *
I was relieved to realize that ddil does NOT have a dentist appt Friday; it is next week. Plus, her parents are visiting this weekend, so we will not have dgs Saturday night, either.
But get this -- ddil has hopes that our church will start a co-ed softball team and join a league that is forming (possibly) in our town, and she & ds can play. I'm thinking, just WHEN does she think they will have time to play softball??? As my dmom just said, they are never home at the same time anyway.

DGS is talking a million words a minute, showing me pictures on my phone, and giving me facts and questions -- "Which planet is the biggest, earth or Venus?" "Did you know this is one of Jupiter's moons?" "Here's Ceries, it's a dwarf planet." "It was discovered in 1801 by... (someone I have no idea how to spell and he has probably no idea how to pronounce.)"
I am about to go into BRAIN OVERLOAD and suggest we all settle in and watch Mary Poppins. Or cartoons. Or SOMETHING.

DGD is playing quietly with something. Probably should check on her...

I am interested in Harriet's new vacuum, b/c I am always interested in the possibility of easier-to-use vacuums. I'm fascinated with the Shark they show on tv, which goes directly from carpet to hardwood with no change in attachments. I wonder if it really works on both surfaces that well.
I wish I could reply to all posts, and answer assorted emails, and THINK, but oh my goodness, it's crazy around here. I have a headache. And -- this is embarrassing -- my right arm hurts, I'm pretty sure b/c I've been playing games on my phone too much.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Tuesday Ta Dah!

Postby Harriet » Tue Jul 03, 2018 8:35 pm

Dstepson and dstepdil's cat passed away. I feel sorry for them, although they were aware he had lived a good long life. He was a sweet old thing, who lived as an outdoor-indoor during youth but settled in to the cushion life in recent years. He's the one who surprised us all with super-flash-speed when he saw a mouse, forgetting about his age.

Finally got the bolts for the tractor wheels so when those are on tight I'll feel better about allowing it to be used. I've had to say "no" to the boys a few times lately because goodness knows we don't need more repair trouble.

HRH says he's considering a trip to the furniture store tomorrow for a LR chair. I'll be surprised if this works out, really, but it's a thought. After putting so much time into the study, it would be good for me to do something different, but maaaaaybe it should be housework... .. Hmmm

Dee, good job being available at that gate when it was needed so much.

Cathy, enjoy getting back to normal routines.

kittykatt, it's nice to see you.

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