Fried Chicken Friday

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Fried Chicken Friday

Postby bittersweet » Fri Jul 06, 2018 4:13 am

For those who don't count calories, today is National Fried Chicken Day!!

Yes, it's the middle of the night here, and the village is asleep. I thought I'd sneak in and sit on a bench near the pond for a while. Some peace is
desperately needed in my life right now. Mum has been in the hospital for the past 8 days with a lung infection and possible congestive heart failure. Fortunately, they were able to identify the bug, and have been targeting it quite aggressively with antibiotics. She's responding well to the treatment, but if I hadn't gotten her in when I did, it could have been a very different story. This new development has, of course, made my life even busier. Between hours at the hospital, working, and trying to keep family updated and wash a few dishes a couple of times a week, it's been a never-ending whirlwind. A little peace and quiet is so much appreciated!

Now that Mum is on the mend, though, I really need to get my life back on track! The first order of business is to try to get some sleep. This insomnia is probably directly related to the Pepsi slurpee I brought home to celebrate the beginning of my four days off work. I had five days off last week, but spent the majority of them at the hospital.

Before I head off to bed, I'll set up the morning snack table - coffee, tea, juice, ice water....fruit, pastries & muffins, and some yogurt cups.
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Re: Fried Chicken Friday

Postby LadyMaverick » Fri Jul 06, 2018 8:07 am

~~~~waving Hi to all!~~~~~~

(((((Bittersweet))))) I'm so glad to hear your DMom is getting better! What a whirlwind you have been on during her 8 day hospital stay! Yes to getting enough sleep. ((((Gentle Hugs)))) take care of yourself.

I slept well last night exceeding my 7 hour goal by 16 minutes. I'm slowly getting back into my normal routine. Normal is a blessing!

Today is a homeschool day but on a reduced summer lessons plan
Bible -
* Doing a study on the 40 parables. Today's parable is Midnight Visitor
Math -
* XtraMath (multiplication facts)
* Easy Peasy 5th grade math. Today is a quiz on 3 digit subtraction with borrowing/regrouping.
* Lessons for a Living education workbook. We are doing 2 worksheets a day from the 3rd grade book. It is a good review and shows any parts that were not learned well the first time through 3rd grade. One of those areas discovered is knowing Roman Numerals through one thousand (M) so that is what he is working on now.
* Flashcards - fact families and Hot Dots Math terms
History -
* Studying the 45 Presidents and misc facts about them. Today is John Adams
Science -
* What's inside a Rattlesnake Rattle?
Language Arts -
* Reading book of choice
* Vocabulary words
All these lessons can be completed in less than 2 hours.

Next up for me -
** Kitchen routine (in progress)
** Laundry routine (in progress)
** Personal care routine (in progress)
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: Fried Chicken Friday

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Jul 06, 2018 8:54 am

b is sweet so happy to see you!!!
Praying for your sweet mom!
Hope you had a restful sleep and again so happy to wake up to your post! What a nice way to start!

Good morning d lady! so happy you slept well too!!! Wishing you a wonderful day!

Good morning dear everyone!!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Fried Chicken Friday

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Jul 06, 2018 9:04 am

D mom wants to have fun with me but I am still so far behind.

I was letting my panic take over my routines - trying to get it all done but not getting anything done. I am determined to ignore the stuff that is panicking me - it's out and there and I will get to it. Back to straight routines and BWP.

I have been panicking on these fronts - making
menu's - perfection thinking again and not simple (back to a cooking day and baking day) so noting healthy is being had - dd needs healthy
fitness - planning the perfect outing but not getting anything in
CHAOS - clutter waves hit my home - as FL said ' we are not the only ones having CHAOS -(pam and Peggy) I am not alone
have to do it all syndrome - in other words panic and getting nothing done
bills/ balancing the check book and filing
ignoring my routines, bwp, zones because I thought it was too much - ha! it's what was keeping my head above the waves
animals - I am not being good to my animals bc they are not brushed -
ALL of these have brought me guilt and I got stuck because of my perfectionism of thinking I had to do it all. I started thinking again "why can't I do like other people" - unhealthy thinking
Not using my timer at 15 minutes a day.

So today is try to stop the Panic routine I set back in my life.
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Re: Fried Chicken Friday

Postby Twins' Mom » Fri Jul 06, 2018 9:16 am

So good to see bsweet in the village this a.m. I hope you're able to use your days off well, for you!

Dcleaning lady will be here soon to do her magic. Dh and I are going to temple tonight, after services there is cookout style dinner for first Friday.

Today's hit list:
-Paper taming
-Document work writing
-see dmom

Right now:
-walk ddog before day gets warmer
-breakfast and meds
-empty dishwasher/clear kitchen counters

S2s will be later in the day....

bw2, IKWYM. Dd wants me to do stuff with her "Go to Target" or something. And I have no interest in doing most these things.
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Re: Fried Chicken Friday

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Jul 06, 2018 9:46 am

d twins :D

also hug your d cleaning ladies for me! Those women are amazing aren't they...I kept thinking of the ladies that came to my home as my fairy (young) god nieces (instead of my fairy god mothers :D )

have a great day
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Fried Chicken Friday

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Jul 06, 2018 9:51 am

kitchen morning routine is done - I didn't make it a big thing and it got done any way! :D 8-)

I have been trying to hire window washers but no one wants to do just the outside - not enough money it I guess.
dh is still sleeping - he stayed up until dd younger came home the other day. I can't go upstairs to s2s until he is up and I am okay with that - let sleeping beauty rest. :D

dd younger is off to work. her face is swollen where she did'n't have sun screen on. She slept most of the afternoon yesterday. I think her body is still trying to get used to physicalness of her job and her body wanting to rest.

next look at routines:
watering is next
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Re: Fried Chicken Friday

Postby Harriet » Fri Jul 06, 2018 11:05 am

bittersweet, it is a joy to see you! Please hang out with us when you can. I'm so sorry to hear you've had such a tough go of it lately and hope your dmother recovers soon. Good job getting help for her. Colas' recipes ... .. yes, HRH's dr even had a conversation with him in which she shared her frustration to read that McD's uses their own recipe in mixing CCola so that its addictive ingredients will be even more addicting at their restaurant! So I'm sure the convenience stores and general slurpie-centric suppliers out there do something similar. I hope your pillow is very soft :) shhhhh... ...

Dd19's sleepover friend has already left for her drive home. She was very pleasant and no trouble except that HRH decided to buy first and ask questions later, and bought drive-through breakfast only to find out that she's so allergic to eggs she can't have any of the biscuits at all. lol. She had brought her own bagel. He always provides way too much food - no surprise.

We were confused this a.m. to find the bird's nest on the porch's corner up-ended/fallen. We hope this happened when the parents were teaching to fly - that seemed to be the order of the day yesterday. Hmmm .. ...

Desk Day this morning entailed finally getting that Dreaded Phone Call through to dental insurance phone line to an actual person :roll: , but now I realize I can't call dentist back - THEY don't work on Fridays! Sigh. Hope I've made enough notes to parrot all this info well Mon. HRH had a couple checks for me so I've made out our own deposit as well as the church. Too bad not the same bank, lol. Wondering if dd would go out with me... .. she needs frames from Michaels on sale for her showing. Have a few items on a list for healthy foods store.

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Re: Fried Chicken Friday

Postby Ramblinrose » Fri Jul 06, 2018 11:10 am


Yesterday we had our first huge dust storm of the season...think the Mummy movie. And today we are under an exessive heat warning...114*. Life living in the desert.

Yesterday my bff called n a quandary concerning what to wear to the wedding we are going to. Unusual for her as she always looks so put together. We face timed as she showed me what she was thinking of wearing. We’ve decided to dress down a bit as she told me that our friend who is getting married will have no extra flowers n the church and not even sure if there will be a maid of honor. We’ve decided she will call our other friend to ask how formal this event is... Church dress or more formal. Anyway we had fun considering our choices via face time.

My house is still in order. Have to keep my activities low key because if I get too hot I can get a migraine. So a little at a time does it. I don’t do extra deep cleaning in the summers.

I also keep my summer meals simple. It helps that there are just two of us and my George Forman grill is a lifesaver.

I need to run a few errands today and need todo them early before the excess heat hits. Need to keep my eye on the weather too as it is predicted there may be another dust storm. I will be traveling on freeways that are in wide open spaces where the storms get big and travel fast.

Good to see you Bittersweet and glad to know your mom is getting better.

Waving to y’all... footprints were picked up last night, so it’s off to get my second cup of coffee and seen Perry.
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Re: Fried Chicken Friday

Postby Nancy » Fri Jul 06, 2018 11:13 am

I am up and on track did my zone work first today, got the reast of that last of stuff sorted on the entertainment center, took donatiobs upstairs and got the out the door. Added to the ones sombody forgot to drop off yesterday oh well there was room. Then I got my knitting a weaving books out the door, not using them that info is on line if needed.

Gave away the dvds neighbors nephew got em so I do not have to haul those off yea.

Smoke is not too bad here today. We have a plan for tomorrow an eco load is going of the tree branches we took out.

Glad for early progress and a plan. H said basement is looking bare yea taking that as a compliment!

Too hot to grill so changed that plan, my sinues is acting up akergies or smoke I think. Journaling & planning done.

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