Fried Chicken Friday

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Re: Fried Chicken Friday

Postby Harriet » Fri Jul 06, 2018 11:22 am

Steve Allen - "And now for our Pet-On-the-Street Reporter."
Don Knotts - "Reports indicate blessedw2 is not good to you - her own pets! What is your take on this?"
blessed's pets - "Awwwww.... .. Fur tangles. It happens. She is good. We love her."
"And there you have it, folks. Fur tangles. It happens. Love conquers all. And away to you, Steve."

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Re: Fried Chicken Friday

Postby Ramblinrose » Fri Jul 06, 2018 11:31 am

Oh I forgot to add...

In the ... isn’t this exiting department.

My wonderful friend here that I co-taught with and later subbed for has been married to her husband for nine years. They are great partners and have weathered many storms that most marriages might not endure. She is Presbyterian and he is Catholic and were married in her church. For along time they attended both churches each Sunday.

They became very involved in his church with the food banks and several other things and my friends greatest wish was to be married in the Catholic Church, as her husband is very devout, but that meant obtaining an annulment for both of them.

They started the process five years ago and I’ve been with her every step of the way... the annulment must be granted by the Pope himself and yesterday she received an envelope from Rome stating the annulment has been granted. She was beyond excited and so was I. Finally... I asked if I could see the official papers and she messaged them to me.

Four sheets of paper..the first two written in Italian and the second two written in English. All written on official papal paper with the Pope’s letterhead and signed by several Cardinals and the Pope himself. Quite an impressive document.

She immediately got in touch with her church here and they hope to get married in the very near future. And I am beyond happy and excited for both of them
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Re: Fried Chicken Friday

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Jul 06, 2018 11:58 am

d harriet :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D you always make me smile!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Fried Chicken Friday

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Jul 06, 2018 12:01 pm

hi d rose - waving at you! stay safe with all that dust! (I hope it didn't come from my house) 8-) :D

hi d nancy waving at you as you are doing your zone work!

d harriet - I hope the phone works well monday!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Fried Chicken Friday

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Jul 06, 2018 12:01 pm

1 " of paperwork took me an hour! but it is done.
I pulled thank you cards for dd and I to send to drs. and my d brother. They are on the kitchen table ready for her when she comes home.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Fried Chicken Friday

Postby LadyMaverick » Fri Jul 06, 2018 12:18 pm

RR - That is exciting news!! I am so thrilled about your DFriends!

DH and I met with our pastor this morning. The church wants to bless DD and DSIL with a financial gift. Usually, DH handles these types of things for the church but since it is our family we are excusing ourselves from the decision making and going hands-off on the whole process. The pastor will handle this one himself (after getting the other elders approval).

I've made chili and cooked several summer squash this morning to eat later. The kitchen is cleaned back up and I've packed my weighed/measured lunch portions.

I'm going to meet DGS21 in town for lunch and do some thrift store shopping with him. It is too hot to go hiking so going to the various thrift stores gives us something to do together.
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Re: Fried Chicken Friday

Postby Harmony » Fri Jul 06, 2018 12:51 pm

Hi everybody! Nice to see Bittersweet here this morning. I am sorry you are going through all that; glad your DMother is doing a bit better. Take care of yourself and do come back!

It is weird weather all over the country isn't it. My cousin in Sun City AZ says she doesn't get much of the dust storms and she also says if it rains it always seems to miss them. I just can't imagine living in that heat. We are typically mid-90's.

The tropics are heating up but so far nothing to be concerned about. I'm praying we have no hurricanes this summer. I still have "stressful" feelings from last summer.

Pittsburgh where I come from is flooding. Just a town south of where I lived for a while. Our little town used to flood too but we were up a hill and didn't have problems, thank goodness. Some houses flood regularly.

It is grey here again and we're supposed to have these storms and rain all weekend long.

Ok that's enough weather reports!

I was at orthopedic dr. again this morning. More XRays. Still "Probable" waist (middle of scaphoid bone) novicular fracture. He actually wrote that out on a pad for me to take home and look up. I was puzzled about his concern, asking if there was any reason this little thing wouldn't just heal up... and he told me there is poor blood supply to this area. I found a good website with pictures and explanation and understand it now. Could be problematic. I go back the end of the month.

Now I am back to doing what I was told. No straining, lifting over 1 lb. :o extreme caution. NO ladder work. Sometimes if this is bad they operate and cast way up past the elbow with the thumb also encased. Please NO!

Stopped at Tar get and got master bath floor mats for in front of the double sink. Really hard to find them these days which have enough vinyl on the back to keep them from moving. Slippy ones are problematic for DH and we certainly don't need any more falls around here.

I need to dig my desk out and do a LOL. House looks ok. Kitchen is awesome. I am doing some things differently and it makes a huge improvement.

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Re: Fried Chicken Friday

Postby CathyS » Fri Jul 06, 2018 12:54 pm


I had left over fried chicken for lunch.

Our closest neighbour (we share a fence with him) is moving to New Brunswick because his wife got a job there. He came over and told us last night. This morning a 1 8 hundred got junk truck arrived and they were there for almost 4 hours. I admit I got weepy. Dave is a great guy. Just met his wife this morning when I was cutting the grass. Way to go Sue!! We moved in in August of 2015 and now you finally say hello to me. ... Dh told me that it should have been her coming over to our place when we moved in, so I am not to blame for the fact that we never met. I am outside a lot. I also stand outside and talk to her husband when we know she is there because her car is there. Previous owner said she had an attitude. Last night her husband said they have had separate parts of the house for years. Personally, I would be doing a buy out and say "Have a great life in New Brunswick alone". Ah, well... as I know with 2 ex h's, you never know what goes on behind closed doors. /end rant.

Dh's best friend is coming for supper tonight. He is doing the keto diet, so we are having hamburgers for supper.

Grass is cut. Dishes are done. Living room and entrance hall have been vacuumed.

We had a massive thunderstorm here last night that brought a delicious breeze and cooler temps with it this morning. I think they said on the news that it was a record breaking heat wave for Ontario not only for temperatures, but also for duration. (More than a week with temps over 80.)
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Re: Fried Chicken Friday

Postby Nancy » Fri Jul 06, 2018 1:25 pm

I have dropped off donations and have been to the groc store. Glad I did that early before the heat of the day in the afternoon.

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Re: Fried Chicken Friday

Postby Harriet » Fri Jul 06, 2018 2:14 pm

Cleaning and tired. whew.

dd and I will head out soon. We'll also go by the univ so she can do some printing. And PO because of call about church stuff, which I'd just as soon take my time on, but will appreciate being finished.

((Harmony)) praying no such interventions are needed for you!

Disillusioned that I had gone through my reviews that were due on ARiver purchases for the last couple months and decided to review 5 things - 4 very happy and one not. The 4 good reviews were immediately put up. The 5th in which I criticized (but still gave 3 stars) has been held up now for days. I said brief, accurate things that could help someone, but evidently some ARiver editor (?) disagrees somehow? This makes me feel disillusionment because I need to believe that the reviews on ARiver are dependably accurate. I myself read them and trust them, so if someone takes the time to post that they had a problem, I'm assuming I'll be able to know.

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