Tuesday -make it what you will

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Re: Tuesday -make it what you will

Postby Twins' Mom » Tue Jul 10, 2018 2:29 pm

I can't get moving....I must....

Now words with dd again and she is angry. I am printing off another form for her that I need to sign. Why do I need to beg her to give her a car?
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Re: Tuesday -make it what you will

Postby Harriet » Tue Jul 10, 2018 3:10 pm

Twins', what if you did put this off a while? What if your ds owns a car and it slowly dawns on your dd that she doesn't? Would that change her mind without causing a big fuss, and really be easier on you? The fact that you have to ask this question may mean she has a mental block about accepting it for some reason. If she wonders why she needs you there, it does sound as if she doesn't get ( or want?) the concept that this is your ownership, legally and finally changing, so that she can take ownership. Is it possible she wishes she didn't have to accept the car? I know your dh is ready for a "clean break" of the bother of it, so the gift is complete. He could still have that later, AND maybe feel more appreciation from dd.

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Re: Tuesday -make it what you will

Postby DeeClutter » Tue Jul 10, 2018 4:03 pm

I called F rontier yesterday to get our internet reactivated. Got a huge run around, saying they would have to do a new credit check, new account and send someone out to check our equipment. Dh asked if I asked if they wanted us back as a customer. I do need to find out how much it's going to be. We shut it off about a month ago. We'd already paid the extra to have it turned on when dh came up in the spring. Campowner told dh this morning that he's 'going after' S pectrum who provided all the equipment to put the campground wi fi in. Unfortunately no one is very happy with the reception. We have 2 things on our TV that we subscribe to and can't get the net on the TV at all. It's still 'sketchy' in other places. Many have little if any service. The owner paid thousands to have the equipment installed and then when S pec trum was asked for a bigger bandwidth, they put the order in for it. Then campowner was told that the nearest town doesn't have it to provide. The Campground Association also had suggested this plan to campowner so he's also writing them to let them know how unhappy his people are. Dh told him this morning that we have started things rolling to go back to one of the providers available to us. Though that in itself may be a process.
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Re: Tuesday -make it what you will

Postby Nancy » Tue Jul 10, 2018 4:17 pm

Not as hot today the forecast said but we are alreadt teo degrees above thst, t & lightening in the forecast for the weekend. Took a few toys and items to tne trading post when I did the rock drop. Feeling hormonal.

It is so much here work I am not going to miss this place ad much as I thought I would.
With both the upstairs and basement plus the yard ack! :shock:

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Re: Tuesday -make it what you will

Postby Twins' Mom » Tue Jul 10, 2018 4:21 pm

Harriet, the issue is that they both are still on our insurance policy and ds, who now owns his car, needs to come off. We're trying to not have to do this twice. The lady at our insurance agency will write their auto policies, they already have renters insurance through this agency. And.....weeks ago, we had just signed the forms to transfer cars to the kids, when dd was t-boned driving her car. It wasn't her fault, but reflects on our experience as I understand it. So dd understood that she was to wait until the claim was settled and her car was fixed, and now it is. Dh also says it's not kosher with insurance companies for us to cover a car that doesn't belong to us - I don't know about that.

The underlying stuff is that dh is very controlling and has become more so over the years, with both me and the kids. Ds goes along to keep the peace. When he makes a direct order to dd, she arches her back and resists because he does try to control them. I'm more in between but he has been ordering me to be sure this happens. If I go with her we can take care of any additional signings then and there.

More in J & C...
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Re: Tuesday -make it what you will

Postby Twins' Mom » Tue Jul 10, 2018 4:42 pm

I am home and have cooled down a bit.

-put away groceries
-clear kitchen counters
-sort the mail (easy one)
-make the bed (didn't happen this a.m.)
-bag up recycling from the bin by the desk - it needs to be emptied and pick up is tomorrow

I just realized why I have been so confused about the time today. I bet I need to reset the clock in my car - they changed the battery so it was stopped for awhile, or reset to noon or something. Of course, I'm easily confused.
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Re: Tuesday -make it what you will

Postby Harriet » Tue Jul 10, 2018 4:53 pm

Twins', i knew while I was tossing those thoughts out there that a lot had probably already been thought through. I can see that just a "get-er-done" attitude right now will pay benefits in the long run. Hope you can hang on, in the frustration, just long enough to do that, then go find a likely-looking pillow and scream.

:idea: Hey - maybe we should all go shopping for a throw pillow that just LOOKS like it deserves a good scream. :x And then it will be there when we need it. :idea: Nothing too irritating to look at, since we will be putting our faces on it, though, hmmm... ..? Just something that can take a serious scream. No kitties or bunnies in the design. That could be inhibiting. Oh, I know. Tie-Dye.

Towels in the dryer are almost finished. When I get that load folded, and do one more round of declutter, I'm going to take my "afternoon play" time and read.

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Re: Tuesday -make it what you will

Postby Twins' Mom » Tue Jul 10, 2018 5:24 pm

And done with that round. Yes, screaming pillow is needed.

I will need to start supper soon. Might try to get more recycling together...
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Tuesday -make it what you will

Postby Twins' Mom » Tue Jul 10, 2018 5:39 pm

Just talked to R/E friend and I am meeting him on Thurs to get info to list my mother's house. I need to do this - saw him on Friday night and talked to him about going ahead with it. I am weeping over it all again, my brother, my mother, the house, the old life they and my sister had.
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Re: Tuesday -make it what you will

Postby lucylee » Tue Jul 10, 2018 10:50 pm

Oh my goodness it was hot out there this evening. Oh my goodness. DGS's ballgame was at 6:00 pm, and I swear, my pants were just sticking to me after 30 minutes. I mean, I felt like I was sitting in a tub of water. * sheesh * (I was wearing jeans.) Back to the linen/cotton pants next time. I may wear the same pair for the rest of the season. It's only 4 more nights, anyway!
Dnephew out in California has been complaining about the heat there -- over 100 degrees in Los Angeles recently -- but someone told him, "Dry heat doesn't count." LOL -- I know -- I've heard Rose and some others of y'all talk about that, too -- that dry heat is just like being in an oven. Where ours is more like a sauna. I don't think either one is much to be desired. Why can't it be spring and fall all the time? :lol:

I need to take a chill-pill or something. Situation with dmom, planning/preparing for the surgery has me sorta on edge... and then reading MO post has me on edge... and I'm just... edgy tonight.

No ta-da's for this day either, EXCEPT --
* errands -- bank, dh's lunch
* went to Next Town w/ds & dgrands -- ds/dh singing at ass't living center where dmom will be going
* got paper from tech there for dmom's family doctor to fill out -- care plan
* talked w/foot doctor's office twice today, nurse & scheduling, they will be sending pre-surgery directions to dmom
-- Before the 23rd, she will have to get chest x-ray & possibly some lab work,
-- pre-register w/surgery center
-- go to ass't living place and sign paperwork, etc
* went to ballgame & local drive-in w/dh, ds, and dgrands
* made hotel resv for August trip w/ds & family
* drove back to ds's house to take dgs's tablet, left in car

So yeah -- nothing at all was touched in this house today, but I can see where I've been busy. I also talked to daunt & duncle today. Daunt wants to come to one of dgs's t-ball games and was checking times, and duncle & his wife had surprised dgrands with a dvd in the mail -- The Wizard of Oz. So we called so they could tell him thank you. Both daunts and duncle agree that dmom is doing the right thing with the surgery, but I still feel awfully queasy about it.

Oh, (((Twins))), I can imagine this is so difficult -- making decision to sell your dmom's house... (((BIG HUGS)))...
Along with the stress involved with the car issues... you have definitely earned your screaming pillow! (((More hugs)))

I'm going to follow Harriet's always wise example and go read for a while, too.
I am reading The Best Cook in the World, by Rick Bragg. He is an Alabama author, so the Southern perspective is strong. This is a memoir of his grandmother and mother's cooking, and each chapter has a recipe, but much more interesting are the stories that accompany each recipe. The recipes are those of old-time mountain people cooking before and during the Depression, and on after that (his mother is still living), and some of the recipes are certainly not going to be any use to me or anyone I know -- roasted pig's feet is NOT something I plan to experiment with -- but the stories he shares are amazing and certainly make me appreciate the difficulties that my paternal grandparents/great-grandparents must have experienced, being poor during the Depression.

It is so much here work I am not going to miss this place ad much as I thought I would.

This made me think of my theory on pregnancy -- we get to be pregnant for nine months, so that we don't dread childbirth near as much as we thought we would when we first learned we were pregnant. ;)

OTOH -- this also makes me think as I sometimes have in recent months/years, since ddad died -- Oh. My. Goodness. Cleaning out my dmom's house will take my dbro and me FOREVER. Y'all CANNOT imagine. Very little has been touched since ddad died, so his shop is still all piled up with junk... the garage... my old playhouse... her office... the utility room... two storage units... It is INSANE. :shock:

(((Dee))) Good luck with the internet and cable services. I have a friend who just experienced cancelling his AT&T service and he ended up paying them almost $1000 just to get rid of them! That is who we use, and after hearing his story, we said, we're stuck for life, aren't we? I really have no complaint about them at this point, but it is ridiculous how they lock people into contracts like this, and I suspect they are not the only ones.

Waving to ALL!!!!
Tomorrow is another day.

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