Friday Choices

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Re: Friday Choices

Postby Harmony » Fri Jul 13, 2018 12:41 pm

We are having an early day rainstorm here. There's gotta be a rainbow somewhere.

I have laundry going and dailies are done. Not much at the desk this time but whole boatload of paperwork is coming down the canal towards me. I have a whole draw request to do when I get the paperwork from the loan administrator.

3 people are coming today for big checks. I can handle it but it makes me nervous.

My allergies are bad again. I am going to start taking something at night and see if that helps.

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Re: Friday Choices

Postby CathyS » Fri Jul 13, 2018 2:09 pm


I wiped the countertop in our bathroom yesterday. I also cleaned the mirror and the toilet.

Dishes were done before 9 a.m. this morning.

Supper tonight is Chinese BBQ pork on the BBQ. It is close to 100 here and there is a burn ban.

2 houses went up for sale on our street today. One is $1.5 Million, the other one (next door to us) is $570,000. There is also a house for $2.5 Million. The 2 expensive ones are next door to each other and they are right near the highway. The one for $1.5 has 3 red Kitchenaid mixers on the kitchen counters. 2 of them are on the same counter. In my opinion, it looks ridiculous.
Dishes never stop.
Laundry never stops.
Paper never stops.

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Re: Friday Choices

Postby DeeClutter » Fri Jul 13, 2018 2:46 pm

We're home and I posted a follow up in J&C. Thank you everyone!
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Friday Choices

Postby Harriet » Fri Jul 13, 2018 3:46 pm

Goodness, Cathy, that's a lot for you two to take in! :shock: Yes, overkill on the mixers, for sure. (Well, maybe they are in the restaurant biz?)

I reach a calendar event goal tonight - as far as looking nice - at dd19's first show, with a catered reception (yipes - hor d'oeuvres, petit fours, and music, she says). I did lose a bit (ya'll know I am the poster child for weight-loss-by-ounces) and have exercised 4 days straight this week. So I'm pleased - all I really care about is good posture, poise, and confidence to have a smile for everyone, with alertness to learn from them. That's what pretty is!

There are 5 artists, all young and specifically hired by the galleries. Curator named it "Clash of Talents" :) because there's a little bit of everything. Most pieces were done in response to assignments by this university's professors. So these are not pieces so much of personal tastes, but of showing skills that are being learned there. I can hardly recognize dd's personal taste in some of her pieces, but I see what the prof was trying to teach. So this will be interesting. I've already seen the panoramic, or floating, video but it moves so quickly that I couldn't really rest my eyes on anyone's art, and it was dizzy-making when it changed rooms.

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Re: Friday Choices

Postby LadyMaverick » Fri Jul 13, 2018 4:34 pm

Cathy - I always enjoy reading your menu plan. WOWsers on the home prices in your neighborhood!! Our homes are much cheaper here. the most expensive one I know of in this area is $475,000. Most homes are in the $125,000 - $250,0000 range. There is a house on DMom's block that was just listed for sale this week. It is a nice 2 story, 4 bedrooms, 4 baths on 1/4 acre with an detached workshop and it is listed for $223,000.

I'm home from a 57 mile trip to take DMom to her last appointment of this week. She only has one medical appointment next week.

I've decided to try cooking spinach in the Instant Pot. I've always cooked spinach in a big cast iron pan on the stovetop. I can only cook about 1 lb of spinach in my pan at a time. I want to cook the entire 2-lb container at one time so I'm going to try it in the Instant Pot. This is about as wild-and-crazy as I get. :lol:
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Re: Friday Choices

Postby Nancy » Fri Jul 13, 2018 6:25 pm

Well today I got the last part of the west fence line pruned back. I still need to get the branches moved to the front yard. H has to work Sat. so the eco load will gave to wait but it gives me time to get the rest of the branches up to the front yard.
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Re: Friday Choices

Postby Harriet » Fri Jul 13, 2018 10:42 pm

Back home and we had a terrific time. A lot of people, I thought, but I have no idea what is "a lot" - they were still coming and going when I left. Gee, I want to go to college. :( :lol: None of the young people were at all impressed with the catered affair - they evidently have this all the time. :roll: Good grief. To me it was "wow". The gallery is spacious with lofty ceilings. They have their own graphic designer on staff, who had done their transparent glass-wall signage, postcards for everyone to take for free, and colorful posters on easels to direct you to the entrance. Soft jazz, though not live. The grand piano was just more art tonight, lol, although I think it is played for more prominent shows - it was certainly pretty, anyway.

Of course I loved seeing dd19's art on display, but what was new to me was the other artists' work. I got to chat with two of them. Many of the works were... ... kinda downers. These were not bunny rabbits and daisies, you know? :shock:

The printmaker's work was called "religious", but ... .. to me.. ... was ... depressing. ( :oops: that may show my ignorance - don't know) The work is "Memento mori", or "reflections on mortality, especially as a means of considering the vanity of earthly life". Impressive pieces. For a printmaker, even the tiniest work will take 8 hours - I had no idea.

Another, like dd, brought several mediums of paints and sketching. My favorite was a colored-pencil sketch of a ridiculously tall man riding a bicycle through an old European city-scape. It might have been comical, but the man looked mis-shapen, and I think the artist was going for a tragic feeling. I liked it anyway.

The photographer's work - about decay :? - was all in black-and-white and made a wonderfully interesting wall. My favorites by far were the interiors of buildings on the verge of demolition, so complex with sunlight coming in strangely, and the electrical wiring in various stages of being ripped out.

The bulk of the sculpture was dd's. Very little conversation about her beautiful (her mother thinks) vining jars, but everyone stared and asked questions about her tragic (her mother thinks) head of an old man with disfigured face. There was actually discussion about whether this was a science fiction character or a horror movie character. Who knows why it sparked interest. I guess it went with the general theme of "Isn't this show sadder than you thought it would be?". :| Her framed sketches and paintings were great, but then I'm her mom and you can't trust me.

Dd had staged the gallery with two large colorful paintings at opposite ends to draw people to the farthest points - her own "Disco Man" and another artist's piece of guitars as surfboards. Both these works were from the same professor's prompt of "music", so he was gratified.

Some people were having a conversation about "the nudity" being tastefully done. So, you know, you can't help it - you sort of look around. What nudity? It took me a long time but finally I figured out that one of the printmaker's models was a young woman pulling her sweatshirt off, not a young man. She just wasn't very well endowed, so I had missed it!

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Re: Friday Choices

Postby lucylee » Sat Jul 14, 2018 1:17 am

The art show sounds so nice, Harriet! (Even if some of the works seemed sad.)

So... we have survived 21 hours with the two dgrands together. I should say, I have survived. Dh is about at his limit.
First, dgs, while impersonating a dinosaur, attacked dh, hitting him on one of his knees... which are always tender spots... and dh has felt miserable physically ever since.
Second, dgs appears “lazy and uncoachable” — leaving dh feeling miserable mentally. I’m pretty sure dh expects a bit much considering dgs’s age... but it IS frustrating to try to help him with his t-ball skills.

OTOH... last night we took them to see the Incredibles 2, and that was fun, and before the movie, we went to the park at the chemical plant where my ddad used to work. We weren't quite sure if we were even actually allowed to be there, LOL, but no one else was there and speaking for myself, again, I had a great time. It is so neat — everything there is just exactly as I remember it from the early 70s! I have a lot of wonderful memories there, and it was nice to share it with the dgrands.
The ONLY changes — the merry-go-round seems smaller. And less mechanical. I remember it as being a sort of thing with bars that you pushed with your feet and hands to make it go — but now there is no place to put your feet and the hand bars do not move. I don’t know if I just dreamed the one in my head or not, LOL.
Also, there used to be two large metal slides. I think they removed the larger one— probably a safety concern.
Anyway — for the first 12-13 years of my life, it seems this is where we spent the Fourth of July, with bar-b-que and fireworks, and it was a lot of fun.

The plant has changed ownership and names a couple of times, one building has been torn down and a new addition added where they used to shoot fireworks, and they only employ a small percentage of what they used to, but when my dad worked there, it was a really good place to work.

Oh well... enough memory lane for me... hope you all have a great weekend!
Tomorrow is another day.

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