Saturday, Sitting Pretty!

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Re: Saturday, Sitting Pretty!

Postby Harriet » Sat Jul 14, 2018 5:47 pm

Some general cleaning done but haven't gotten to vacuuming yet. A second laundry load spinning now after dd did the folding on the first.

Dstepson called and is on his way to help HRH with some project - don't know. They'll be working outside.

Stamps arrived very promptly. I got the pane of 20 different "O Beautiful" landscapes that is the newest issue, 2 Sally Ride panes, part of which I'll give to church, and another Mr. Rogers because everyone loved receiving those stamps - even dsonil who isn't the kind to notice. And left the Scooby Doo pre-order behind - a pane of that would be a nice gift for dstepdil, who is a big fan, but I don't like to pre-order, not knowing my plans in advance all that well.

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Re: Saturday, Sitting Pretty!

Postby LadyMaverick » Sat Jul 14, 2018 6:17 pm

I continue to make slow progress on my thing to do today. I have finished 34 and have 6 more due today with an additional 4 that are overdue. It calms my mind to know nothing is slipping through the cracks. Even when i can't get them done I can relax knowing they won't be forgotten.

I am still thinking about a part of my daily devotion message from today -
 "We're as happy as we make up our minds to be." Even when the day is gloomy and none of our plans are working out, we can still be cheerful if we decide to be. How lucky we are that someone else can't decide for us how to feel. We'd be nothing more than robots if that were true.

But wouldn't I be more like a programmed robot if I was cheerful when I had good reason to be sad? Hum.....this doesn't make sense to me. I am not sure I agree with this message.

DD announced they will be moving in October. They live about 1/2 mile from us now. They will be moving 2 doors away from us (only 1 house in between us). I'm okay with this because it will be easier for DGD7 to go back and forth. DS9 can go back and forth too, but he rarely wants to visit at their home. He typically only stays about 10 minutes when he does go visit them. I'm trying to remember the last time DS9 went to DD has been months. DGD7 has been here most of the day. She walked to our home this morning. I have no idea when DGD7 will return to her home. She may stay the night. I'll wait for DD to tell her.
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Re: Saturday, Sitting Pretty!

Postby lucylee » Sat Jul 14, 2018 6:57 pm

Well, I'm sitting a little prettIER, at least. S2S, washed hair, shaved legs, used Merle Norman facial masque.
Went to bank.
Also put load of laundry in, pillowcases and underwear. (The sheets that are on the bed are supposed to go in cold water, so I'll wash them separately.)
About to go pick up dgs and give ddil her birthday present. Then we'll go out and eat with dgs and he'll spend the night.

I think dh's knee is feeling a little better (see last night's late night post; dinosaur attack ;) ) and GOOD NEWS -- his bp is almost back to normal. Apparently it just took the new medicine a little time to work. He's not having the jittery side effect feeling from it any more either. But we are both exhausted; tomorrow will be a busy day, and again, I think I have something planned for every single day of next week. Until the 25th actually, and unless she is prevented by Providence, dmom will have surgery the 23rd and be at the ass't living center on the 25th, so from the 23rd until sometime in September, I guess, my time will not be my own and I would really like to just scream. I know she needs the surgery; she knows she needs the surgery... we KNOW we are doing the best thing... but oh my goodness I dread it. And if it goes well, I imagine she will be doing it AGAIN in six months or so for the other foot! AAAAUUGGGHHHH!!!

What were y'all saying about taking it day by day, not looking at the big picture??? :roll: :oops: :cry:

LadyM -- does this mean dsil is doing better? If he is able to manage a move? It does sound better -- in some ways -- for you and dgd. I hope all goes well.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Saturday, Sitting Pretty!

Postby Nancy » Sat Jul 14, 2018 7:02 pm

I have laundry in the dryer. Got the stairs & rec room walls dusted. Yea for more stuff done. Found 3 more items to declutter as well. Watering by back fence line. Saw they have started making Donton Abby for the big screen!

Enjoying the basement while I still can.

Sittin pretty now got in the shower and washed my hair too.

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Re: Saturday, Sitting Pretty!

Postby Harmony » Sat Jul 14, 2018 10:03 pm

I had a quiet day to myself to do pretty much what I wanted. DH has continuing Ed both days this weekend. It is in the next town so just a 30 min ride, but he is out very early and back 3:30-ish.

I got out and picked up my newly-framed pictures. Lovely. Have to figure out where to put them.

Stopped at library and supermarket. Been reading today. Enjoying the peace and quiet for a change.

Harriet, I liked your description of the art show yesterday.

We had a LOT of rain, all afternoon. DH came home and pulled weeds. Grass is so tall while he waits for the grass seed to mature so he can cut it. I don't think that's helping my allergies. Yesterday they were so bad I looked at my allergy meds and decided which to take. Today I'm doing much better. I'll keep taking that for a little bit and then see how I am without it.

LadyM, sure hope this makes things easier for you with DD moving closer. I'm thinking more babysitting duties?

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Re: Saturday, Sitting Pretty!

Postby Harriet » Sat Jul 14, 2018 10:23 pm

It must have been a happy day at the DeeClutters as their family celebrated their 60th anniversary.

Harmony, I've had that show on my mind all day. First because of the enjoyment of a lovely event, of course, but also because of the inspiration of seeing the directions people were taking their creativity. When you attend something like that - and maybe especially when it's by young people who are just finding their "voices", you are so inspired by thoughts of what you would do if given that medium, supplies, instruction. It keeps the brain whirring. I know you are excited by the new pictures.

LadyM, that's amazing that your dd is able to move so close!

Hi to Lilac!

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