The more we get together ...Wednesday!

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Re: The more we get together ...Wednesday!

Postby BookSaver » Wed Jul 18, 2018 11:13 am

An Experiment:

My boss raves about her cold brew coffee. Since I like coffee, I tried to do the cold brew recipe without a special maker. As far as I could tell by looking at a "cold brew coffee maker" in a store, all the maker has is a built-in strainer for keeping the grounds out of your cup. It looked hard to clean. Anyway --

Last night I mixed coffee and water in a jar and put it in the refrigerator to brew overnight.

This morning I put a paper coffee filter in a funnel and strained the cold brew mixture into another jar. It took a long time to filter through and I had to stand there and babysit it. Then when I was lifting the filter out of the funnel, the bottom tore so some grounds went into the jar. I grabbed a fresh filter and strained the mixture a 2nd time.

Result: Yes, it tastes good. However ... although I do like coffee (as long as I add plenty of milk), I don't like cold brew coffee enough to go though all that extra work.

Back to my K machine which does all the work for me first thing in the morning while I'm still trying to wake up. :lol:

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Re: The more we get together ...Wednesday!

Postby Harriet » Wed Jul 18, 2018 12:20 pm

Loved the opening this morning, reminiscent to me of "all I ever really needed to know I learned in K" thoughts. But I was rushing, unable to say much. Thoughts are forming; maybe later I can respond.

Desk Day. Got a bday card and a bunch of bills for church into the mail. The children come in the morning, ready or not. Guitar hidden. Bathroom must become Toddler-C ready - she is my white-glove-test visitor. High expectations in a tiny personage, lol. This is a child who picks up toads, rolls in the grass with the dog kissing her, puts coins in her mouth to see why Mommy doesn't want her to, and digs for worms to see how they feel when they wiggle, but bathrooms - might have a germ.

Many prompts to attend an event this evening at church. Dd19 is leaning toward saying yes to this. Had said I wouldn't but with location changed to church, and this urging from different directions, maybe.

Memo to Harmony - (with a "carbon copy" :) to Dee and BookSaver) did my e-explanation to you in MO work? I've received a gentle nudge by p.m. that I may be mistaken.

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Re: The more we get together ...Wednesday!

Postby Nancy » Wed Jul 18, 2018 12:27 pm

I have cleaned the carport, hosed the house off. Took an hour counting that for my exercise.

Purge n pack sheets for each room for my planner my newest idea. Washed and cleaned up the patio swing it is drying. Coffee maker is mot working so well been wanting one of those K type ones any way.

Loaded some donations onto the car.

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Re: The more we get together ...Wednesday!

Postby Harmony » Wed Jul 18, 2018 1:23 pm

Blessed, love your opening. Sat here and ♫ ♫ sang the song ♫ ♪. Remember that from my younger days.

Hmmm, Harriet, no email shows up in my view. Nobody seems to have one. I think I still have it from way before though.

LadyM, a quiet day at home for you and DH will probably be a rare treat for you!

Another huge paper chase today. I had papers all over the place and finally got them all organized and corralled into my sheet protectors where I've been trying to make sense of them. Faxed the finished ones off. We're on our third lady helping us with this stuff. I'm wondering what's going on behind the scenes at this company. Had called the 2nd lady before I saw the email that SHE is no longer there either and we have the 3rd one.

At least she emailed back and said papers are received. Nobody in this company picks up a phone, it is all email but at least faxes work with them. Her email said the required documents were detailed below.... and NO detail below....... I'm just frazzled by all this stuff. They are searching the title/records to make sure no liens because we haven't paid someone. Yeah, we've paid everybody, why else would we be wanting a draw?!

Ok, I'm going to go quietly read my book for a while. At least until DH comes home.

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Re: The more we get together ...Wednesday!

Postby BookSaver » Wed Jul 18, 2018 2:17 pm

Hmm, I just followed Harriet's explanation in MO about how to see a member's email address --
click on the member's name to bring up the profile
at the bottom left of the screen are links to "send email" and "send pm"
hover over "send email" and the address appears at the very bottom, in teeny tiny letters
(I tried increasing the font on my screen to 200% and the rest of the screen did enlarge, but that email address stayed teeny)

Since Harmony cannot see the address, though, I now wonder
1) Is it a feature of the particular screen style that I'm using on this forum? or
2) Is it a feature only available to mods?

Does anyone else have time to try?

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Re: The more we get together ...Wednesday!

Postby Sunny » Wed Jul 18, 2018 3:53 pm

Hello. This is the first chance I've had to relax today. I started right in at 7:30 a.m. with daily routine and had everything done by 11:30 except putting the clean bedding on the beds. Dgd20-H and her friend arrived at 11:40 a.m. We were all ready for lunch, so I put sandwich stuff out and we sat at the table visiting for a long while. Dgd20 is resting now; she works night shift so is used to sleeping during the day.

I cannot seem to access emails either. When I scroll to the bottom of the page, click on "Members" that takes me to the whole list of peoples names. Clicking on a name opens a profile page that has three sections. In the second section it says "Contact --------" (the person's name). Under that the only option is PM: Send Private Message. There is no sentence that says send E-Mail. And Harriet, no E-mail addy shows as an option for you, only the PM link. On my own profile page my E-mail is visable under the link that says PM: Send Private Message without clicking or hovering. Hope this helps.

The weather is like a sauna today. Temp is 87*, feels like is 97*, humidity is 85%, and still 60% chance of rain to come.

Waving hello to everyone. Hope Dee's dh is resting well.

Blessed, I really liked your opening today, thank you! As soon as I saw the title I had to sing the song, even before I opened the thread and read your post. :)
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Re: The more we get together ...Wednesday!

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Jul 18, 2018 4:53 pm

I looked for email too on the member information without success. Except for finding Sunny's email address. I did add my email to my profile. I didn't see a place to put email address so I just used AOL spot. I do not have AOL but at least my email address shows now in the members' information.

When I look to the left <--------- of this post I see "Contact" with little dots. When I click on the dots it gives the same information as going to the members page.
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Re: The more we get together ...Wednesday!

Postby Elizabeth » Wed Jul 18, 2018 5:00 pm

The daily loads did load. I am steadily making progress on a report. We are having a bit of excitement right now. From an email to the entire building, with the title "MyStreet Police Activity":
Manager wrote:There is apparently a loose bear around MyStreet and CloseSideStreet and authorities are out there trying to handle the situation. Please do not venture out until situation is resolved and take caution if you must leave the building.

I can also see a hearse out my window in a parking lot.

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Re: The more we get together ...Wednesday!

Postby Nancy » Wed Jul 18, 2018 6:52 pm

I to did not find e mail info.
I collected eggs.
Sinus thing has sort of thrown a kink in my day.
We have winds put now not good bc of the fire danger.
I have a plan for dinner.

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Re: The more we get together ...Wednesday!

Postby Harmony » Wed Jul 18, 2018 10:02 pm

I am taking a generic for C lariton for my allergies. A tiny little white pill in the evening. Wow it helps so much. But as with anything, make sure it's compatible with everything else you take, etc.

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