Wednesday Funny

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Re: Wednesday Funny

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Jul 25, 2018 11:11 am

dining room and front hall done in 1/2 hour - home blessing done. (I still have a basket to go upstairs from a week ago)

next kitchen - morning and home blessing.

dd younger asked if I called d mom... guilt will not set in, guilt will not set in. ;)
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Re: Wednesday Funny

Postby Nancy » Wed Jul 25, 2018 11:22 am

I loved the cow joke! Harriets granny must have been a hoot.

Was out in the yard doing morning hen chores and a bit of yd wirk before it got too hot. A squirrel was teasing the dog, she could not reach it, but she snagged an old dead one on our walk she was so proud before I took it away from her.

I spiffed up the bathrooms before bed so got up knowing I had a head start today made me feel great, I need to text kids & sis I luv U ! Thanks for that reminder bw2.

I did not think that I did much yesterday till I did my journal log for it . Did get quite a bit done Tues. Yea me rinse lather and repeat!

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Re: Wednesday Funny

Postby lucylee » Wed Jul 25, 2018 1:13 pm

Hmmm... I guess the funniest recent thing was dmom's text message last night. You can plow through the novel I wrote if you want to see it.
DH is still sleeping, and I don't know what he wants to do about the doctor. The longer he goes from his last bp pill, the better he feels. :?

I am off on my appointed rounds...
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Wednesday Funny

Postby Harmony » Wed Jul 25, 2018 1:31 pm

(RRose) I'm so sorry. Feel better.

Trying to do a few things but I have stomach distress today.... so I must take it easy till this passes. Oh my.

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Re: Wednesday Funny

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Jul 25, 2018 2:30 pm

hello again.

home blessing done in kitchen and family room, stairs are done
swiped some finger marks up the stairs
kitchen sink and counters are clean
meds me and animals check

d mom came over to help in dd's room - she got another headache but not as bad as what she had - we thought we would just do a little spiff up so she can rest in a clean bed.
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Re: Wednesday Funny

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Jul 25, 2018 3:04 pm

d mom is doing the dds few bits of laundry - her room isn't bad but it stressed d mom out. actually dd had it dusted and vacuumed but had clean laundry in a basket not put away but dirty laundry on the floor :shock:

d mom's habit is to see what is not done rather than what is done -she has always been that way. lol there is lots to be done here - not dirt as much as painting etc.
poor thing :D
I am thrilled I am older bc it doesn't bother me like it did when I was younger. I could have spotless put away house and she would still make comments of what needed doing. (I had a beautifully decorated house when I first had the kids and didn't take care of children and she still saw things. She is a perfectionist and born organized - so she went home. :D 8-) poor thing. ;)

she tried. :D 8-) ;)
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Re: Wednesday Funny

Postby Nancy » Wed Jul 25, 2018 3:36 pm

I went through the desk on desk day, got my planner supplies together and in my dresser with paper supplies and other craft stuff. Got some more office school supply type items ready to bag up and donate.

Yea for progress got pics of hens and ddog and my swap rock put em on fb. Did a store run. I now have meqls planned for the week. Had lunch.

Made the bed.
Saw a couple of deer on our morning walk.
The table still needs decluttered so that is next up.

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Re: Wednesday Funny

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Jul 25, 2018 4:10 pm

hi d nancy! yay on desk day work!
yay also on menu plan!
I love seeing deer in the morning as long as they are not in rutting season or have babies near by.

dd's room was nothing. glad she had kept up with lots of things - I just helped her put away clean laundry
now for me to put up clean laundry and throw dd's sheets in the dryer.
I also have to put the sprinkler on out front.

now time to put my clean cloths away.
I also have to do a house blessing up in the bathrooms and our bedroom as well as vacuum the upstairs hall.

at 4:30 I have an appointment, the sweet woman took pity on me and is going to help me with the basement so that dd younger and older can go through only their stuff.
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Re: Wednesday Funny

Postby Harriet » Wed Jul 25, 2018 4:38 pm

Ouch, Harmony! ~~~ calm tummy vibes ~~~

New "duh" quote I just heard, for those of us who lunch-by-yourself, like I do:

"Plan ahead. Don't start cooking when you are hungry."

Great wisdom.
I don't get it until someone points it out to me.
I tend to be putting out fires :o , there's no input from any other housemate, and then hunger has flames that shoot up, too :shock: , and I say, "What? Didn't I just cook? Oh, that was yesterday.". And then I wish for a nice mini-recipe I'd thought about trying, but the time isn't there.

blessed, another person's eyes on a house - priceless. We tend to be clutter blind, for instance. But standing with another worker, we see it.

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Re: Wednesday Funny

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Jul 25, 2018 4:53 pm

very true d harriet - very true! M d mom is a born perfectionist and always notices everything. :D Right now she was leaving my house and took my scissors and is deadheading the flowers out in front. :D she is a tiny ball of fire!

re: cooking ahead - that was happening to us all summer... no one really noticed until dinner time hit 8-) :D

now to put away small vacuum for another time.
flip flopped laundry
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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