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Postby blessedw2 » Tue Jul 31, 2018 1:51 pm

I had my hair dyed and blow dried and was out this am. Dd went to work again!
I did turn on the dw before I left and then dh emptied most of the dw and I did some. He is rinsing some dishes for the dw.

Nothing done yet. I pulled my routines and what I have to do today and it is on my desk ready to go.
I had a headache but rested an hour so I feel better. Not as exhausted

First eat lunch.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Postby lucylee » Tue Jul 31, 2018 2:18 pm

Hope the headache stays away, Blessed. (((Hugs)))

My bingo today...
whew —
Post office, drug store, grocery store, dmom’s house...
Asst living, dmom to doctor and back
Order cake for dh bday
Pay cousin who mows dmom’s yard
Funeral visitation for boy I told y’all about with the brain bleed — friend of ds’s
Tomorrow is another day.

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Postby Harriet » Tue Jul 31, 2018 2:44 pm

dd is working alongside today, which is nice, although her priorities are completely different. She has built (by herself) a new stand for a 20-gallon, long-style fish tank and organized a portion of her room to place it differently from the previous tank. This will be better for Axol, her pet.

You may remember she has an axolotl or Mexican walking fish, which she rescued from a too-small space where his gills (like fluffy antennae) were being burned away by the acidity. They can regrow their gills, so he's fine. He is getting big enough to need more length to swim/walk further at one bounce. He is not beautiful and has never planned to be. ;) And he is only active in the morning. She gets disappointed when visitors to her room are not impressed, because they assume the aquatic life in a fish tank is pretty, flitting around. I told her to paint a beautiful background to put behind the new tank, as if he was in some fascinating environment, so people will look at him anyway.

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Postby BookSaver » Tue Jul 31, 2018 2:52 pm

Hello, villagers ~
Thought I would pop in quickly to say hi while my lunch is cooking.
I must have picked up some vibes from Harriet as I see she mentioned my name earlier today. :lol:

No, no new roof yet. I was starting to despair at the thought of having to start all over again with the search for yet another roofing company, as after the initial contact The Man did not show up for measurements nor answer voicemails for 3 weeks. I finally left as friendly of a message as I could manage: "Hello, we wondered if you are still interested giving us a quote. We want to replace the roof sometime this summer, so if you are booked solid until the snow flies, I'll stop bugging you and call someone else." That worked, he called the next day. We have a number, and a week ago he brought a folder of shingle samples to my work so we could choose a color. He said he has us on his schedule for August. 8-)

In the meantime, I'm continuing to go through "stuff" to clear space. Other than the 3Ds, I'm not worrying about cleaning.

When I start getting anxious again, I either stop by the youtube livestream from Kitten.Academy to watch kittens play and sleep, or I peek in here because I find our village a comforting place to visit.

The chore bingo game looks fun but, as I mentioned, I'm not cleaning right now, only decluttering. We all know that cleaning will be so much easier when there won't be so much stuff to clean over/under/around.

The oven timer just dinged, must go eat.

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Postby Nancy » Tue Jul 31, 2018 3:40 pm

I count decluttering on chore bingo! Got a few more items boxed up. Lunch happened. H is home. H. Wanted to get paint for the deck but came home with work boots. Lol! :mrgreen:
I have more laundry going. The table still needs attn.

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Postby Harmony » Tue Jul 31, 2018 4:01 pm

I'm trying to get going after another long nap today. Both today and yesterday I got up insanely early (for me) and that always catches up to me. This morning I heard the ice cubes being poured into the cooler and I was up and out to the kitchen in a flash to remind DH not to go to work because he had a dr. apt. today. He has a long record of forgetting appointments.

So he did go to work but I met him at the drs. His lab reports were amazingly good, really not one to raise an eyebrow about. Annoying because I am the one who fusses about the food and diet etc. etc. and have been going to the dr. regularly for years while he just neglects neglects neglects. I'm happy he's ok, but I'll have to quit making any kind of suggestions for him because he's doing fine anyway. sigh...why couldn't it be me?

Dr. said he is "fine under the hood but just driving around on 3 flat tires (joints)". That's about the size of it. :lol:

I stopped at the church to pick up stuff, at the library to drop off books, and supermarket where I got some groceries.

Ok I'm off to see if I can get a couple more things done.

Booksaver, I'm happy to see you have a new roof coming. If only you could tell us a new garage also.

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Postby Elizabeth » Tue Jul 31, 2018 4:06 pm

Hi everyone! I did not get done most of the stuff I had planned for yesterday. I did put away LOLs, got groceries, cleaned something gross off my shoes, and did a minor amount of master bath cleanup. I also finished a book I need to return, then spent about 30 minutes on a computer jigsaw. I still need to crisis clean for weekend visitor. Other things I should get done are: computer backup, DPC, and reorder meds. I need to do some roofwork, but will wait until either DD or the houseguest is here. More bills and budget research would be useful too.

At payroll, I am looking into the effect a new database column has on the reports. So far, so good. I also purged a lot of papers. There are still some more to go, but much progress has been made.

Tonight is normally Girls' Night Out, but DD16 has pre-registration stuff at her school, so I am on my own. I need to be diligent, but should allot some time for fun.

Harriet: In addition to the parks we went to, SeaWorld and Adventure Island are also part of Busch Gardens. Disney is still worth a day, maybe two, if you can afford it, but I cannot see how thrill riders would occupy an entire week. The meal plan might work there too, we didn't have that option.

Suggestion for Harmony's DH's appointment forgetfulness: large post it note on the door he leaves by with a reminder. Or on his toothbrush!

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Postby Twins' Mom » Tue Jul 31, 2018 6:21 pm

Ooooh, I just went down a rabbit hole today. I did get the critique done on the second of my three ProGen classmates. Those were the harder ones because I'm obviously OCD and remark on everything and they probably hate me for all my comments. :roll:

I need to get busy, I never even made it to chore bingo today.

-clear kitchen counters
-make chicken salad
-move laundry over
-make the bed :oops:
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Postby Nancy » Tue Jul 31, 2018 7:56 pm

Have done a round in the kitchen, dishes are rinsed from lunch and dinner prep. Decluttered the knife drawer somehow it got over looked on my last round in the kitchen.
Got last of the laundry and put away. I worked on the table, declawed the pile there. Purged a note book.

Texted dgd #2 and she likes the blue for dish clothes for a future apartment. I have a box of random items I decluttered from the walls to go later on the week.

H got a bee in his bonnet wanted paint for the deck, decided I was over the sky bly color and tols gim to get great this time, but that has to wait till gutters are done or it will get dirty. He made a sound something like hrumpf. LOL. Spelling ? I figured grey was a nutral enough color and if it needed changed would be a great base coat.

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Postby Harmony » Tue Jul 31, 2018 8:11 pm

Nancy, grey is the popular color these days. People should like that.

Elizabeth, I leave DH notes where he eats breakfast and reads his Bible first thing. He still forgets. When he had to go for a fasting lab draw, I left notes on the coffeepot, where he sits to eat, and a big one in the vitamin/medicine drawer. Still he forgets things. He's always been like this. He focuses on his work and nothing else. When it's time for him to get on the road to go for an appointment I call him on his phone. I tell ya, gets exhausting.

Me, he never even calls me if I oversleep or something. Well I figure at least one of us has to be the responsible one around here. He makes the money and I figure out the rest.

So tonight I asked him did he look around when he comes into the house? He never even noticed the jungle overtaking the house is gone. He went outside to look .. :shock: holy smokes! I told him I took the vine to the place he had his last haircut where they cut everything too short. :lol: He's happy it's done.

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