Fab Friday

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Re: Fab Friday

Postby Sunny » Fri Aug 03, 2018 11:11 am

Good morning.

Last night, late evening, there was a storm that started south of us and moved north through the Tampa Bay area. We are far enough away to only get a little rain and hear some thunder in the distance, but I didn't want to sleep until I was sure I wouldn't have to unplug computer, tv and coffee maker. We ended up watching a TCM movie, The Thin Man. Still, I was awake at my normal alarm time and have done the a.m. routine. I have started my normal weekly routine and want to work by chore bingo.

Found out yesterday that ddil#2-Y and both dgd23 and dgd16 flew to Canada on Wednesday for the Maxville Highland Games. They spent yesterday touring Ottawa. Ddil recorded a short video of an impressive light show last evening.

Hoping everyone has a Fab day today! Thinking today of Dee's dh and also Lucy and her dmom.
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Re: Fab Friday

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Aug 03, 2018 11:19 am

waving at you d sunny as well!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Fab Friday

Postby Nancy » Fri Aug 03, 2018 11:28 am

I have a plan
Dinner is take out h will pick that up.
The day is young, I did some morning stuff, mowing in a bit but waiting bc neighborhood is still pretty quiet. Cooler temps. Today if yhe forecast is right.
Journal done.
Breakfasts too.
I spiffed upbthe bed.
Decluttered a stack of papers and sorted a shoe box size of jewlery making supplies.

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Re: Fab Friday

Postby Harmony » Fri Aug 03, 2018 11:45 am

Phew it's been one of those days here already. I'm making s-l-o-w progress. I should be a turtle.

Desk day was a little long. Done.
Handled a couple gnarly problems for DH, sent email. Problem with stuff we are receiving from the county office now. They must have an Ein stein for an IT person there and the stuff we're getting is so complicated I can't even open half of it. They apparently don't like F F ox and they don't even play well with W10. So annoying.

I must get going with the rest of my day or I'll have nothing accomplished. I didn't sleep really well, was aware that my sit-upon was sore last night, like my hip area felt like I'd been riding in a saddle all day...but I guess it was the outside work and sitting on the hard ground. I'm so out of shape these days.

We had a pretty big rain storm roll through between 11 & 12 last night. Lots of rain. Everything is so green now.

Ok off to get something done here.

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Re: Fab Friday

Postby BookSaver » Fri Aug 03, 2018 12:53 pm

Good morning, villagers ~
So far today I've been slowly moving through 3Ds.

After lunch I will go out to run errands. My list has 6 stops on it -- no, make that 7 because the car needs gas. I hope I don't think of anything else to add to the list!

It's going to be a busy weekend. DMom's 90th birthday party is Sunday afternoon at younger DSis's house. DMom insisted that she doesn't want a huge party. Immediate family will get together for cake and ice cream. Even just immediate family makes for a sizeable crowd.

My timer just dinged, lunch is ready.

PS: Sunny, I've always liked The Thin Man. Nick & Nora Charles, such a fun couple of sleuths surrounded by eccentric characters. Her 1930s outfits are gorgeous.

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Re: Fab Friday

Postby lucylee » Fri Aug 03, 2018 1:34 pm

New cast, new rx for pain meds, waiting at drug store and then she wants Captain D’s! I think she feels better about the whole thing now.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Fab Friday

Postby Nancy » Fri Aug 03, 2018 1:42 pm

I walked the ddog, I am waiting to mow thst is not happening today, dishwasher has been rebooted. I got three rocks painted with base coat.

There is an art thing, vendors, booths, and a grand opening, but the road was closed it is open now, it has been hot, h has the rig w a/c.

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Re: Fab Friday

Postby Elizabeth » Fri Aug 03, 2018 2:53 pm

Hi everyone! Is today fabulous? It's payday, so there is a some fabulousity! Otherwise, not so hot. There are a few days a year I am reminded that I have a chronic stomach condition, and this is one of them. I look about seven months pregnant right now, very embarrassing.

Last night, I used chore bingo to crisis clean. The house is reasonably presentable, but there are several problem areas.

This weekend, my traveling companion will be staying with me while her family hostess is out of town. She did not want to stay alone, due to ending up in the hospital on her last visit. I have my normal cat clinic, knit/crochet group, and DD16. Chelsea will be returning to my house after staying with the coordinator while I was away. I will be getting a new foster called Gypsy Rose, who will be in the sewing room for a while, then integrated into the rest of the house. Sunday is normally church, but I will be at an animal org event instead. I also need to do some B&B and roofwork.

Yesterday's bird hurt its leg. It went to the vet, who determined it is not broken. It is wrapped and the bandage comes off in two weeks. Few birds of his size survive an encounter with a housecat. I think the cats were so busy fighting over whose bird it was they didn't have time to do much else. Even if I loved birds, I wouldn't risk having them around my street cats. I also had to tell DDthen12 that she could not have a rat. The rat was cute and friendly, but deserved a predator-free home.

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Re: Fab Friday

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Aug 03, 2018 3:55 pm

quick hi!!!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Fab Friday

Postby LadyMaverick » Fri Aug 03, 2018 4:07 pm

CUOP and checking in from the water park. The kids are having a blast so it is a Fab day for them. I have been alternating between watching the kids and organizing the daily lesson plans on the laptop. The kids have been swimming, jumping, playing basketball, rafting, etc non-stop for the past 5 hours. I have no idea how long they will continue before they run out of energy.
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