Sunday — Day of Rest?

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Re: Sunday — Day of Rest?

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Aug 05, 2018 8:46 pm

waving at you d nancy!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Sunday — Day of Rest?

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Aug 05, 2018 9:33 pm

it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Sunday — Day of Rest?

Postby lucylee » Sun Aug 05, 2018 10:32 pm

Harriet, the visiting thing was constant in my growing-up years. We always always always went to my paternal grandparents' house on Sunday afternoons. However, lots of times I would spend Sunday afternoon with my maternal grandparents -- I guess b/c I had already spent Friday night with the paternal grandparents? But that means dparents were going down there (about 15-20 miles away) Saturday AND Sunday? I'm not sure how this worked out now...
But it WAS the routine for LOTS of Sundays... eat lunch with maternal grandparents, who lived next door to our church and attended the same church... then home, maybe my parents took a short nap... then off to the other grandparents' house. I guess this became more the routine as I got older and didn't spend so many weekend nights there.
I did spend a lot of Sunday afternoons at the first grandparents' house b/c -- as you mentioned -- there was the problem with Sunday night activities, especially when I got old enough for youth choir practice at 5:00. Ddad, with his perpetual running-late problem, would often make me late for choir practice if I spent the afternoon with my parents.
Dmom said one time that she wondered if my paternal grandmother often felt "put upon," thinking she HAD TO stay home b/c ddad would be expecting her to be there. I doubt it, but they almost never went anywhere on Sunday afternoons.

Now... oh my... I'm sorry, but I'm like, "PLEASE don't visit me on a Sunday afternoon." Oh my goodness. DH and I can't even deal with the dgrands after 9:00 a.m. church.
It was all I could do to get myself over to Next Town and visit dmom for a bit this afternoon.

I came home and took a short nap -- 30-45 minutes... then we had supper... s/s kitchen... went to Wmart... put all the groceries away... and I can FINALLY enjoy a restful Sunday night. I love Sunday night, after all the chores are done and I can just relax with the DVR * and enjoy NO Sunday--night-panic in anticipation of a new week beginning at school! * That was horrible... even though I loved teaching, on Sunday nights, suddenly I'd have this OH NO feeling, b/c lesson plans weren't complete, or papers weren't graded, or problems were awaiting. I'd bet that 90% of teachers have some version of that at least part of the time. Our teachers go back tomorrow, and oh my... Wmart was FULL of them (and parents & kids) getting last minute supplies.

(((Blessed))) Anxiety is the worst! Try concentrating on your breathing... In 1-2-3-4-5... Out 1-2-3-4-5...

Have a wonderful trip, Twins!

Waving to ALL!!!
Tomorrow is another day.

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