Sleep In Saturday

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Sleep In Saturday

Postby bittersweet » Sat Aug 11, 2018 8:12 am

I sure hope some of you get to sleep in a bit more than I did this morning! Having dgrandmonsters for a sleepover is always an "early to rise" day, but 5am is a bit much!! Between dSon coming in to use the washroom (setting dummybuttdog barking), then dgd6 coming in because she needed the washroom 10 minutes later(setting dummybuttdog barking again), then dgd3 waking up and crying because her favourite uncle wasn't there....well....I'm up. :roll:

We won't discuss the fact that dgd6 didn't want to go sleep in my bed because she's scared of Penny*wise. Where she learned ANYTHING about the main character in a Steven King horror movie is beyond me, and I will be letting dd know about it when she comes to pick them up. They're very careful about what the kids watch. Both girls are now watching Doc McStuffins, and dgs11 is happily enjoying his peace and quiet in the tent.

I'd better get started on my daily cards before it's time to make breakfast. dgd6 has just come in and announced she's hungry. When isn't that girl hungry? :lol: And dummybuttdog and Tommy Troublemaker want out to pee again!

I'm going....I'm going.......
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Re: Sleep In Saturday

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Aug 11, 2018 8:22 am

lol so true - 5 am is early for wake up for a sleep over lol :lol:
so funny about the dogs name - oh my gosh so funny!

((sweet dgd 6))) some little smarty pants probably told her about penny wise mmmm
dgd6 has just come in and announced she's hungry. When isn't that girl hungry? :lol: And dummybuttdog and Tommy Troublemaker want out to pee again!
oh my gosh you made me laugh - thank you for making my morning. Thank you for starting us. :D :D :D
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Sleep In Saturday

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Aug 11, 2018 8:46 am

I have a busy day today. I have a hair appointment which I have to leave at 8:30 am. I want to get balloons for dd younger for tomorrow. I have to pick up one thing which I might give to dd older to do. 3:00 pm we have to leave for a party for my niece.

Yesterday's errands took so much longer than I expected but I did take d mom with me. d brother and I agree d mom is in a phase of of anxiety again which takes her off track of being mindful or be herself; which is never a good thing. But we can help her and hopefully she will go back to how she was. It usually happens when she gets scared about health and this is no difference. Her doctors say she is so healthy but when one thing happens she goes into a downward spiral. As soon as she gets the all clear she goes back to herself. It's okay - she just needs patience and kindness right now. (lol but I love my boundaries :D). lol I already apologized to dh and dd's about what I will be like when I get older 8-) :D

I hope you all have a great day if I can't be here!!!!

I have to do morning routine before heading out.
today: make phone calls
finish airplane, car rentals etc.
dd younger has to prepare for her trip.
I am not sure where I will stay yet as there isn't anything close to the ranch but as long as I am a couple hours away it is better than being in another state. So now the possibilities are endless! hey I could always take a puddle jumper if I need to. :D
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Sleep In Saturday

Postby LadyMaverick » Sat Aug 11, 2018 8:46 am

Bittersweet- I enjoyed hearing about your early start to the day. Your home is a busy place this morning.

Blessedw2 - you are a great daughter & Mom! I wonder if there are any bed and breakfast places nearby the ranch?

I have lost my coffee cup. ARGH. Of course, we have many more coffee cups that I can use but I like this one particular cup and use it all day long for all my drinks. We have another cup exactly like it (other than lack of scratches). This insistence that I only use this one cup makes no sense. Let it is too short to be frustrated over a misplaced coffee cup!
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Re: Sleep In Saturday

Postby Harriet » Sat Aug 11, 2018 9:05 am

Good morning!

Smiling at bittersweet's Sleep In.

I have had good luck with keeping a small notepad on the master bathroom vanity lately. I seldom seem to awaken with specific ideas for my day, but by the time I'm weighing, taking my thyroid pill, asking myself who that matronly lady in the mirror is, etc., I come up with some. But they can be fleeting. Having a pad that happens to be 3 x 5 helps even more! :idea:

There's a cat in my face. I seem to have missed an appt with a cat dish.

LadyM, I like cups/mugs that are specific. I truly miss them when they go missing or are (snif) broken. Especially if they have a nice design, or a good "heft" or "feel". Hope you find it. Have you enlisted the children? Many sets of eyes may find it. Did you set it down outdoors?

blessed, I thought of B and Bs as well. Or that concept of sharing at a regular person's place while they are away - what do they call it - that match-up service? My brain is on half-power at the moment.

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Re: Sleep In Saturday

Postby Nancy » Sat Aug 11, 2018 9:42 am

I am up fed hens, sipping coffee watched vid of the one fire that was close to fields, they got it under control, animals and people are ok one shed may have been burned. At least 5 agencies were on sceen to help.

Watching how to hand lettering & caligraphy vid before any one else is up.
Journalling & qt underway.

Todays temps. 72* / 92* yea for cooler temps. winds in the forcast dang!
7 eggs gathered yesterday 1 banty size, rest regular size, 1 green, 1 blue, 4 brown. Wonder what to track when hens are gone, thinking they may be here the whole month bc of fires.
Bs accaptable

Smokey indoor exercise bc of air quality,
Store run this week end, a meal plan would help :roll: there is a farmers mkt. And craft fair today. Not sure if I want to be out in the smoke.

Waving to everyone! Coffee is gone time for my v-8. Ladder work the gutter needs reattached at some point. Letters mailed.
Last edited by Nancy on Sat Aug 11, 2018 2:54 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Sleep In Saturday

Postby Twins' Mom » Sat Aug 11, 2018 9:43 am

Good morning! I was up at 8, right before the alarm went off. I've been in a later time zone, and then had the very late night arrival home Thursday evening, so I'm trying to get my internal clock reset. Dh has gone to Torah study and the dcleaning lady will be here around 11:30 to do her magic.

-straighten up for dcleaning lady
-deposit to mother's account
-general catch up
---lists going forward
-Rosh Hashana invitations (yes, I know, I always say I won't do it again.... :roll: )
-what else?

And to make today even more exciting - we had an announcement yesterday afternoon that we will have no water today from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. or so while the water company switches out a water main. We have had several breaks on this recently, so they are replacing...will be interesting for dcleaning lady to work around but have to do it....
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Re: Sleep In Saturday

Postby Twins' Mom » Sat Aug 11, 2018 9:52 am

And right now......
-walk the dog
-make breakfast - out of milk, maybe an egg? No fruit either. (Need trip to grocery, pronto!)
-kitchen breakfast bar
-straighten up for cleaning lady
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Sleep In Saturday

Postby DeeClutter » Sat Aug 11, 2018 10:33 am

Good morning. Had a pretty decent night's sleep. Was awake for only about an hour from 3:30 on. Had to actually turn the furnace on for 1 round this morning. Only 62 inside. Warmed up nicely outside. Think we're on a record run for 90+ days this summer. Know we've had a lot. The AC has definitely had a workout.

Finished breakfast for both of us, took meds, made the bed, did dishes, washed my hair. Dh is out on a stroll and I will wash his hair -trying once again not to get his shoulder wet- when he returns. He had said tomorrow or Monday but when I said I was doing mine today, he agreed that was even better. He usually washes it every day in the shower. Know he can hardly wait until he can take a shower again. Hopefully this week after his stitches come out.

Almost think I'll try hooking up the central vac and go through the RV. Needs it! Then I might even think about mopping -notice I say "THINK". ;)
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Sleep In Saturday

Postby bittersweet » Sat Aug 11, 2018 11:08 am

I have to admit I'm not feeling terribly productive today. Between dgd6 and her incessant "Grandmaaa?", dgd3 and her endless "Why?, I've managed to swish & swipe the bathroom, put away the clean dishes, pick up all the pop cans around the house, and feed everyone chocolate chip pancakes. Then dgd3 decided to get her grubby little paws on my sw*iffer wet jet, and...well...let's just say she's a tad over enthusiastic with the spray button! :lol: Dgs11, who has quite a fascination with the thing has gone around behind her cleaning it all up.

Next up:

wash a load of dishes
put away 10 things from the dining room table
unpack the back of picture frames I found and left laying on the loveseat
change Sc#entsy
gather up dirty laundry

I do believe I'll be having a nap after the dgrandmonsters are picked up! :D
"Write it on your heart that every day is the best day of the year." Ralph Waldo Emerson

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