Stress Relief Sunday

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Stress Relief Sunday

Postby Harriet » Sun Aug 12, 2018 6:55 am

Sunday is a good day for planning ways of relieving stress for us, and for our households.

Laughter. Deep breaths of fresh air. Contemplation.

Calisthenics (really - anxiousness can be relieved by exertion of the large muscles of the body!)

Put your feet up today and read, or watch a funny comedy, or share time with someone who has a happy effect on you! (Possibly someone at the other end of a telephone line, or someone who has fur!)

What is your favorite stress reliever today?

Happy Birthday to blessedw2's dd younger.

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Re: Stress Relief Sunday

Postby Lynlee » Sun Aug 12, 2018 9:25 am

twas trip to dM's luncheon. That went better than expected. By the time most of the section's tables were put in a line, there wasn't many other customers in that part. The newly met younger great grand children worked in well together, and there was time for mingling of the grown ups of various ages.
I went there with one dd, came back with the other.

I thought I might walk when I got home, but after I got changed for that I just made a smoothy for evening meal and changed again to pjs and went to bed with my library books.

- church - was ready in time to catch the bus.
Talked to a few people. then went to movies. latest mama mia back again. T'was loud. and a fair enough distraction. fair enough.

walked home.
lunch, then a nap. rang dd who had taken me to family gathering.
a walk 3k at sundown.
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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Re: Stress Relief Sunday

Postby DeeClutter » Sun Aug 12, 2018 9:59 am

I'm just now eating my breakfast. We're slow this morning.

Dh has to take our golf cart up on the 'hill' to tow back another one. He'll get someone up there to help him. The 'cart' man can't come in as he doesn't have liability insurance so carts have to be towed outside for him to take.

I've PROCRASTINATED on doing our church council minutes for several weeks. Time is NOW. So that'll be this morning's focus. We may take a leisurely drive down to my db's new place this afternoon -if they're around and don't have other plans. Texted dsisil a little while ago but haven't heard back from her. That visit alone could be a good stress reliever.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Stress Relief Sunday

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Aug 12, 2018 10:08 am

what a nice way to start d harriet!

Oh and thank you so much for the birthday wishes for dd younger!!! We were going to go downtown today but the place we were going still hasn't responded. Today her choice is to go for breakfast for a juice, go to the fancy movie theatre to see Christopher robin and then stop for yogurt ice cream.
Then we will come home and sing happy birthday to chocolate dipped strawberries (her choice). It's nice not having to go downtown today.

hi d lynn - hello hello
I am so happy the luncheon went brilliantly! I love that you went with on daughter and came back with another :D
wonderful about the 3 k too!
wishing you a wonderful beginning to your Monday morning soon.

hi d dee! good leisurely morning to you! congrats to your db on his new place!

hi to everyone!!!
Last edited by blessedw2 on Sun Aug 12, 2018 10:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Stress Relief Sunday

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Aug 12, 2018 10:24 am

party went very nicely but got one reprimand but I ignored it in a kind way. It will definitely be a problem and lots of not talking come the event but we are totally okay with it. I am learning to do what's right for us. In all it was lovely to see everyone and see how the family is growing! lots of fun.

I think I found a place to stay - I can use their kitchen but the nearest grocery store is 2 hours away. No water in the house I would be staying. I would have to go to the main house (working farm) to shower and cook. So I am thinking about it. I won't be spending a lot on the stay. I am thinking I can cook for them if they like. I have to see if they have a fridge in the house. I am used to this kind of living from my youth on vacations and I always enjoyed a bit of roughing it. I will try to call the ranch today to see if they would change their mind but I am pretty sure they won't.

things that I have to remember: get extra epi pens
bring ice packets for dd's migraines.

time for a bit of paperwork.

wishing you all a great day if I can't get back!!!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Stress Relief Sunday

Postby Twins' Mom » Sun Aug 12, 2018 10:29 am

I slept in this morning - didn't mean to but slept almost 12 hours. And now need to get moving.

PODA for day, unfortunately for the concept of stress relief today

-spend time with Dh
-get ready for the week
-Tar-jay, for a small baby gift and gift card for...
-baby shower which I must attend or make an appearance
-dinner for family - dkids and dh tonight

I took out steaks for supper, will roast potatoes and asparagus for sides? Or a green salad in place of the asparagus.

Right now, I need to get moving...
-breakfast and meds
-change clothes and walk the dog before it gets any hotter
-a.m. routine...
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Re: Stress Relief Sunday

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Aug 12, 2018 11:16 am

hope the baby shower is relaxing - It's hard when you have so much to do and a big to-do happens. Hope it's fun for you d twins!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Stress Relief Sunday

Postby Twins' Mom » Sun Aug 12, 2018 11:18 am

aaaah, bw2, I don't want to go... I don't want to do anything outside the house today but have to.

Now Dh started with me bickering with me and has gone off to pout. I do need some stress relief now.

I really need some downtime after my vacation. Friday was busy with unpacking, going to mother's house and the closing. Yesterday was seeing dmom, groceries, getting that chest from dmom's then we went out for dinner last night.
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Re: Stress Relief Sunday

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Aug 12, 2018 1:28 pm

sending big hugs and hope that you don't have to be there long!!!!

totally understand when dh's bicker - especially about things that are not that important!

dh did that the other because he was anxious about something else and went off to pout. He pulled the "you always think your right" card - even though I was cool and calm and extremely kind it was when he was really irrational about a news thing he saw and our vegetable garden being dangerous because last year the people sprayed it with round up when they were supposed to and blamed me for it. HIs anxiety was a 20 about it. - I work really hard not to respond (right away lol 8-) ) but when dd younger left the room I had to remind him firmly that I wasn't that person he could talk to me that way. His pouting is always something that doesn't have anything to do with me :roll: . I almost did the wave of the finger - Oh no you didn't - type thing. lol 8-). 8-) 8-) 8-)

We are heading to the movie theatre soon.
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Re: Stress Relief Sunday

Postby Sunny » Sun Aug 12, 2018 1:31 pm

Hello everyone! Happy Birthday wishes for Blessed's dd-Younger. Breakfast and a movie sounds nice. Lynlee, my world clock says it's almost 3 a.m. Monday morning your time. Hope you are having a peaceful night's sleep. Happy Birthday to your dmom!

Sundays are my stress release day and I'm looking forward to a quiet afternoon. Lots of "stuff" happened this week and we had three days out for errands. Monday was grocery shopping at W-M and a stop at Publix to pick up an RX refill for dh. Tuesday was an appointment for ch with his INR nurse; (inr was 1.9...too low, so we go back in two weeks). Tuesday afternoon we got an appointment reminder from primary doctor office for Thursday. Problem was neither of us remembered this and there was no blood work done. I found the script for the blood work so Wednesday morning I called and had his appointment moved to this coming Wednesday. So Friday morning before breakfast we went to Bay Care for
blood work. Dh had a gift card for IHOP burning a hole in his pocket so we stopped there for breakfast before coming home again.

Friday I had to call our trash company yet again to inform them they had not picked up our cans last week. I finally asked to speak with a supervisor, who did call me back after another hour. He said once he gets involved he speaks to the drivers personally. This has been going on since January and I'm way tired of having to call almost every week -- I've been way too patient about this! I took a ride around our neighborhood and I think we are the only customer on our street. There were other bins marked with their company name on other streets, but we use our own smaller cans, so maybe that's one reason we keep getting skipped.

Yesterday we had storms and rain all morning; it seems to be getting cloudier now, so we might have some rain again this afternoon. Our grass is nice and green and growing well again. In fact, I'm hearing thunder now!

This week doesn't look as busy. Monday we have to go to the post office to send ds#3 a license plate that we received Friday by UPS for a new-to-him truck he bought a few weeks ago. His temp. tag just ran out. Wednesday is the Doctor appointment for dh moved from last week. That's it so far.

Twins' I thought about you after hearing about that storm last week, glad you were safe. Hope you have an easy week now.

Nice to see posts from Kathryn and Helia this week.
Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible. --- Francis of Assisi

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