Magical Monday

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Magical Monday

Postby Twins' Mom » Mon Aug 13, 2018 8:20 am

Yes, every Monday can be magical! A new week, new goals, a fresh slate!

What kind of magic can you produce today?
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Magical Monday

Postby Twins' Mom » Mon Aug 13, 2018 8:40 am

I have another busy day - I think I need a vacation after my vacation. All this was exacerbated by closing on the sale of mother's house on Friday, so I shouldn't be griping, should I? At least dh is working today and has started bowling again on Monday nights, so that means I have the full day and then some, and no dinner duties.

Goals for the day:
-dr appt at 10:30 a.m.
-cancel electricity, water and insurance at mother's house
-genealogy time! This is my magic!

I think I am going to send a letter re mother's insurance and water instead of physically visiting the offices or calling. I have a record that it was done then. Both the water co and insurance company seem quite inefficient - I had given insurance an address change when dbro died and the house was empty, and they still sent the new policy to the old address.

Right now:
-walk the ddog
-breakfast, meds and vitamins
-kitchen counters
-start a lol
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Magical Monday

Postby Harriet » Mon Aug 13, 2018 8:46 am

Hi there, Twins'. Good morning.

Here we have much "magic" - a "magic sink" and "magic laundry baskets". :lol:

Outside a magic wand to wave over the weeds. Hit hard enough, they will disappear.

Last evening I enjoyed learning some "magical" paper folding to make useful little items out of scraps. I'm going to do THIS BIT OF MAGIC to hang a pencil permanently on our church bulletin board from a flush-headed thumb tack. I'd think it would work lots of places - on fridge with little magnet. Dd has a bulletin board in her room - she'd probably love one to decorate herself.

I magically finished the sign-up sheet yesterday using a couple freebie images on the net - widely spaced lines already drawn, and a "sign me up!" heading already drawn. ta da. quick.

Gee, I wish all my Dreaded Phone Calls today could be that fast! One is to Time War ner which happens to have an office pretty close. I'd almost switch that to a Not So Dreaded Personal Conversation so I can point to my name on the church billing. It might take less time than navigating the phone maze! (a different "tack" than Twins' is considering) Thinking.

Today has to be Desk Day. (gee, sounds like I'm looking forward to THAT, huh? :lol: )

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Re: Magical Monday

Postby BookSaver » Mon Aug 13, 2018 9:51 am

Good morning, villagers ~
I'm hoping for a calmer week. Wow, the last one slipped by way too quickly.

Last Monday was the monthly library board meeting with the bigwigs and the city manager. I don't have to attend because I work the service desk during that time, but we all have a stressful day as the boss gets all of her reports ready for the meeting.

Tuesday I worked an extra day as a substitute. I was there for story time and that is always fun. The littles are so excited about coming to the library for stories and crafts, and the parents socialize and make friends as well.

As a result of decisions made at the library board meeting, the boss asked me if I am interested in adding hours to my schedule. I said yes, I could manage that. As the discussion progressed, it turned out that she was talking about the changes not starting until next fiscal year, which begins July 1st. Good grief, that's almost a full year away, all sorts of things can and will happen before then! She has asked me more than once in the past about working more hours and I've even gone so far as to rearrange personal appointments and such, only to have nothing change on the work calendar. This time I'm waiting to see it in writing before I alter any of my personal plans.

Wednesday I worked hard on household chores. Thursday was more chores in the morning and then a super busy day at work.
Friday I felt awful in the morning but recovered enough in the afternoon to make a run to wm for cat foot and other groceries.

Starting after work Thursday and for the next 24 hours I was, as Nancy sometimes calls it, feeling puny with pain, nausea, dizzyness, etc. I remembered the boss and a coworker complaining of feeling ill earlier in the week and thought I probably had caught whatever flu virus they had. Then Friday evening I was reading a chat board online and saw a note from someone who had just gotten home from the hospital. Her coworkers thought she was having a heart attack and sent her to the ER. It turned out she had heat exhaustion and dehydration. I compared symptoms and thought back to how I'd been running around in the extreme heat all week and not taking time to drink as much water as I usually do. I'd had coffee and cola, but not straight water. Well, duh! As soon as I started sipping water and rested a while, I felt much better.

Lots of social stuff over the weekend. Lovely to see family and friends, but glad it's done.

Desk chores this morning and then to work for normal Monday busy busy at the library. Forecast high of 90F again. Hoping to sew a Tshirt tonight after I get off work, but will have to see if I have any energy left by then.

Water, water water! :)

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Re: Magical Monday

Postby Nancy » Mon Aug 13, 2018 10:11 am

Something woke me at 4:00 a m I thought the dog was getting in the trash nope she was asleep. H had left at 2 for thet hoot owl shift. Any way I got up had a decent qt, journal done. Breakfast for people and critters has been accomplished. 55* out this morning. I spent 45 min. Cleaning up the carport and watering it looks better. Glad for the donations I got loaded into the car.
Last edited by Nancy on Mon Aug 13, 2018 11:28 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Magical Monday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Aug 13, 2018 10:13 am

BookSaver wrote:As a result of decisions made at the library board meeting, the boss asked me if I am interested in adding hours to my schedule. I said yes, I could manage that. As the discussion progressed, it turned out that she was talking about the changes not starting until next fiscal year, which begins July 1st. Good grief, that's almost a full year away, all sorts of things can and will happen before then!

I think my response would have been, "Thank you for thinking of me, and yes, I'm interested in more hours, but I can't commit when it is so far in the future and I don't even know if the person offering me more hours will still be here, let alone my coworkers who make this such a pleasant place to work!"

Yes, I'm a sh&& disturber!

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Re: Magical Monday

Postby BookSaver » Mon Aug 13, 2018 10:20 am

Kathryn :lol: :lol: :lol: We already have one of those at work, a real character with a Boston accent who frequently says out loud that she doesn't give a rat's a** about the drama of the day. She doesn't actually live in this TinyTown, though, she only works here and doesn't really need the job. I don't really need the paycheck, either, but I try to take a softer approach -- or at least I am doing so until DH and I decide to retire and move away. I might be willing to burn some bridges by then. ;)

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Re: Magical Monday

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Aug 13, 2018 10:20 am

good morning!!!

We had such a lovely time yesterday. dd younger did have to sit in the dark for a bit because she was in pain but she felt better later on. We made it an English theme, (actually American; my version of English ;) ), Birthday. Lovely, simple and enjoyable. We loved the new Winnie the pooh movie. (d mom came but not her thing - She wasn't mean about it but she made it clear that it was strange to see adults laughing at this "child's" movie and that she thought that we were taking her to a real movie, :D but she came!). Dd younger loved the day!

I did nothing yesterday and didn't put away or did any routines so today is my day to face the consequence of doing noting - oh my we are messy!


list foods on ww online
plan on going to a meeting.
Morning and evening routine
work in basement - Kat is helping me - she is lovely and a huge help for focusing.
pool put machine in to clean bottom and empty it every hour. (it needs it)
defrost dinner in crock pot for tonight.
do some house blessing.
do something for me!
phone calls

bought 2 christmas gifts!

first thing: work on the tide of clutter that came into our home yesterday.

have a super day!!!
Last edited by blessedw2 on Mon Aug 13, 2018 10:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Magical Monday

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Aug 13, 2018 10:37 am

hello d book!
good morning d kathryn
good morning d Nancy!
good morning d Harriet!
good morning d Twins and thank you for starting our day so magically. you know I love Mondays!

hello all to follow. Dh just woke up - he has been going to bed late and now is getting up late. Reminds me of his sweet parents. They were up at midnight and have to go to work at 7 am. I don't know how they did that. My d mom only sleeps 4 hours a night and is like an energizer bunny.

wishing you all a wonderful day!!!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Magical Monday

Postby Harmony » Mon Aug 13, 2018 10:56 am

Good morning everyone.

I don't know what's magical around here but I am endeavoring to clean up this place. I don't know how it got so messy all of a sudden, but it did. So I am doing a whole house pupa. I have the messiest room just about done. I am stopping along the way to do things that come up as they are uncovered so it is taking a while.

Yesterday was another recharge day. We stopped for lunch with 2 other couples (my actual only close friends here in town besides the one who is moving away). We always have a lot to share. I don't actually enjoy going out with DH much as he tends to get talking about this job or that job and I get enough of that at home... and he gets on his phone in the car and that's all business... but when we go with these friends there is a lot of different conversation so it is nice. I had a nice big salad for lunch.

Blessed, it sounds like you've been having fun lately!
Harriet, I watched that pencil holder video. Very cute project and didn't that lady have the most beautiful hands I've ever seen!

Had a dr. appointment bright and early this morning too but it was canceled and I called to reschedule it, now I wait till September. It was just a routine thing so I could get Rx refill.

Ok I'm off to do another round.

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