Magical Monday

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Re: Magical Monday

Postby Nancy » Mon Aug 13, 2018 11:35 am

I did another round of decluttering on the small shop got some items out of it and loaded. Yea for progress!

Did a walk with ddog, med. Walk.

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Re: Magical Monday

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Aug 13, 2018 12:25 pm

I got sidelined on important phone calls for d mom. I love her dr. He didn't tell her that I wrote about her current worries and asking that her CT be pushed up to earlier. I got a happy phone call from her that her dr. called and knew exactly what she had been thinking about. 8-) :D

back to reality.
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Re: Magical Monday

Postby Elizabeth » Mon Aug 13, 2018 12:43 pm

Good morning everyone! It was debatable whether my work computer would start today, but so far so good. I have current backups. This was a fairly busy weekend. Friday dinner with friend. Saturday CUE HALLELUJAH CHORUS LOUD, I got an adoption application on the newest foster cat! Then, I went home and did some cleanup while waiting for DD16 to arrive. Realized just in time that we were transferring her at xBFF's party. Of course, that meant I had to see the x and the other woman at the party, but everything else there was good. The x and the other are being particularly nice to me right now. Wonder what they want? They have asked for some (perfectly reasonable) extra time with DD16, which I have agreed to. Maybe her x is giving her trouble. He goes strictly by the exact wording of the divorce decree and never budges an inch, even when it would benefit him to do so. (HE told me this early on, not she, and I have observed the consequences. Am I an evil person if I smirk about her having to stay home while my x and DD went to his parents for Christmas?) Another cat related hallelujah - Briggs is done with his oral steroids. I will always have to give him allergy meds though. He does better on the oral steroids, which make him hungry, than the injectable, which make him nasty tempered.

DD has decided to be Arachne Soul Eater for Halloween and the costume can be assembled using one of my dresses as a base! Rare day for DD to want to wear a dress. She will have to dye her hair black (temporarily of course). I also realized another dress I already own could be a basis for Queen Elizabeth. It's more of a cocktail dress, so there will need to be something to create the illusion of sleeves. The color is one Her Majesty has worn. I have white gloves and can make a hat.

Sunday, DD and I made church. She said she had missed it. She appreciates it more than most kids, because the x prevented her from going for several years. He didn't forbid it, but would not take her or even drop her off. His own brother was disgusted with him! It was a special treat for her when she found someone willing to let her tag along. We went to the local amusement park for a few hours then I took her to youth group. Then, I decluttered glassware, got donatables out of the house, did LOLs, and did bills and budget. I have also restarted Christmas crochet.

Tonight, I may be having dinner with traveling companion friend. I will definitely need to continue the crochet work.

Recommend Ensure for Ramblinrose. I practically lived off it when I had gall bladder trouble.

While catching up, I found Harmony was having problems with a Word template. Is that fixed?

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Re: Magical Monday

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Aug 13, 2018 1:24 pm

hi d rose, hi d harmony, hi d elizabeth hi d all

timer on again. I will check in at the the top of my 2pm hour. (central time)
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Re: Magical Monday

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Aug 13, 2018 3:39 pm

d mom is definitely not herself yet. She stopped by and dropped of a quilt (small one) where she made it in the 90's and gave it to me. More Christmas for me - greens - (my home is more of blue's and white and family room a warm red on the bottom and white on top. But I think she will want me to hang it up now... I will see. She got confused by one drawing that was her home in sister bay that I had done when I had her house put on stoneware years ago.

I got in my weeder so that was exciting. dd younger figured out how to work it. tomorrow morning... beware weeds.
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Re: Magical Monday

Postby Harriet » Mon Aug 13, 2018 6:29 pm

It was the right decision to go to Time War ner and wait, because the wait was not even a minute. I'm still not happy with the results, which lead me right back to the person who gave me the assignment - he's the point person on record though he doesn't remember it that way, and they will talk to no other. This always happens! :roll: I cannot assume someone else's identity just because I've taken on a position. Businesses don't care what job description anybody has, just who is authorized on the account. Sigh. Wasted trip.

At my own bank, it wasn't so fast. I was behind another lady waiting for a banker - she had papers from the local school system so I assume she's being hired or needs a notary for something enrollment-related. Don't know, but after I had been waiting as the second-in-line for a half-hour, she got up and left, complaining. The people behind me then began to complain. Anyway, after a 45-min wait I was able to see someone.

Other assignments are at a snail's pace, as return phone calls simply don't come. Plodding. Plodding.

The pencil holder turned out so attractive in plain salmon-colored copy paper I had, that I decided not to put a design on it at all. (thought of writing a cheery saying or quote, but some may not be in the mood) I found a pencil of a 6-inch length (brand new pencils looked over-long) and put a regular eraser-topper on it, which is virtually the matching salmon-color. Printed the final sign-up sheet with dates on the salmon paper. TaDa Saved the original for another sign-up someday.

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Re: Magical Monday

Postby Twins' Mom » Mon Aug 13, 2018 7:28 pm

I had a mostly unproductive afternoon after I got back home.

At the dr's office I went all blubbering about my brother and sister and selling the house and mother not remembering anything. Anyway, annual check up done. I went to the electrical co with my POA and id and they agreed to turn off the electricity. I wrote the letter to insurance earlier and packaged it with my POA and mailed it certified to them with a receipt requested. I did call the water co and they agreed to turn it off and I wrote down who I talked to and when and what # I called. (Always needed to do that as a CPA for documentation.)

Back here at home I took a nap. I didn't really need it, but needed to check my mind for awhile. DD came over for awhile and we talked and caught up. Somewhere along the way, I read some info that I got at the library two days before I left town, and found that the film I need from the Family History LIbrary isn't available online. So this client/friend will need to decide if she wants to wait until I go in January or have me (or the DAR registrar) get it from someone else. I need to write a report with that info.

Trouble is, neither of the research questions I've done for her have been particularly difficult so I don't feel good about using them for my portfolio. I feel they don't show my skills well.

Right now I need to do a few things.....
-reboot laundry
-fold dryer load of laundry
-walk the dog
-supper for myself
-p.m. routine
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Magical Monday

Postby Nancy » Mon Aug 13, 2018 8:45 pm

Yep the day turned majical, h was off by noonish, we went to get paint together, I cleared the counters before we left. Had a date got food to go bc I forgot my insulin. It was good at home too!

I got a classic size happy planner and had fun playing w it this afternoon! revamping my lists a bit.

I gave the umbrella chairs to the neighbors granddaughter who is getting married this mo. To a firefighter. we only used em about 3 times the were too heavy to pack to and from the beach.

Drove by some houses today, h showed me very small cottages, I said only furnature from one room would fit in that! LOL! They ones he pointed out were not for sake, one was around the corner from the fire station he points to it every time we drive by it kind of a running joke with is. Laughter was good today. Decided to wait till the weekend to paint the kitchen counters.

It is smokey again this afternoon here.

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Re: Magical Monday

Postby BookSaver » Mon Aug 13, 2018 10:11 pm

Home from work. Long busy day.
I'm too tired to sew.

The granola bar & piece of cheese I ate at 5:15 have worn off so I put a frozen burrito in the oven and sliced some fresh tomatoes. I'll watch a video or two while I eat, then put my feet up and read.

I am currently reading a very good book called Of Flowers and a Village by Wilfred Blunt. It's almost more nonfiction essays about growing flowers than it is a story. The format is chatty letters from an English man to his young goddaughter. In addition to the gardening tips, he also includes some gentle gossip about his neighbors. I'm finding it very relaxing.

Since I tend to read more than 1 book at a time, I borrowed a junior fiction library book today called The Hero's Guide to Saving Your Kingdom by Christopher Healy. It's described as a comedy adventure. One reviewer said it called to mind the Fractured Fairy Tales from the old Rocky & Bullwinkle show. I always loved those.

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Re: Magical Monday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Aug 13, 2018 10:12 pm

The excitement today is a missing 5' snake in the neighbourhood. You can tell who are snake people and who aren't by their reactions. I'm meh but have spent the day correcting misconceptions. ... -1.4783025

The news spread off facebook and twitter onto radio and then tv news this morning.

I was asked yesterday to post it on the building's facebook group. We have a lot of dog walkers so they can keep an eye out so I did. Although the request came from someone wanting me to post a warning (not to help) because he felt people should keep their pets inside and possibly young children too. Sigh... This snake will likely not eat anything larger than a squirrel or baby bunny, of which we have more than an abundance. And they seldom eat more than once a week. A cat roaming the neighbourhood will kill far more often.

That being said, I'll bet the snake is actually still in the house.

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