Thursday Use it or Lose it

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Thursday Use it or Lose it

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu Aug 16, 2018 7:46 am

I have noticed things that I quit doing become hard to do. Is there something important to you that you want to work on keeping?
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: Thursday Use it or Lose it

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu Aug 16, 2018 7:51 am

I used to do a few simple core exercises before I got out of bed in the morning. I don't know why I stopped doing them. A couple of days ago, I decided to add them to my daily SHE cards. WHOA. I am seriously sore. This isn't a big intensive workout but just a few leg lifts, situps, pushups, arm lifts and stretches. I find it somewhat scary how weak my body became just because I quit doing these daily exercises.

I think of Sadie and the strength she needs to lift and carry those sweet babies as she takes care of them. We each need that strength to interact with the newer generations. Could I hold and carry a baby easily? Could I hold and carry a 10lb sack of flour around easily?

I think of each of us as we clean our homes and the muscles we use to do it.

DMom admitted yesterday that she can barely vacuum her floors. She struggles to do it but doesn't want to stop. We discussed the pro/cons of having someone else do it for her. This discussion gave me a different perspective. I can easily clean my floors. Sometimes I need to the reminder of how big of a blessing that is.

22 SHE cards completed
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: Thursday Use it or Lose it

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Aug 16, 2018 8:29 am

Hello d lady!!! insightful topic today d Lady. So very true. I wish you a great day!

Happy to hear that d harriet's work was very much appreciated yesterday!

have a great day everyone.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Thursday Use it or Lose it

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Aug 16, 2018 8:30 am

today is errand day. Taking d mom for ct scan today as well. We missed the latin mass for her yesterday as she had gone with dd younger and came back too late to go. We will go next Wednesday.

I didn't finish my paperwork day so I will put that to Sunday.

A load of wash in the washer.
dishes on top of dw emptied but still have to do bottom. I just wanted to say hi first.

I notice I put off fitness every day bc I get other things done first - I have to put it after morning routine without excuse.

Mom was much more herself yesterday with dd and in general.
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Re: Thursday Use it or Lose it

Postby helia » Thu Aug 16, 2018 8:57 am

Very a propos for me today, LadyM. I have been slacking on my back exercises; I haven't done them since Thursday last week -- and I am starting to feel my back. Also, I haven't jogged for over a week. My schedule this week has been too crammed to fit it in. I'm going to try for a short jog today. I have another issue going on which affects my jogging -- maybe TMI. AF is visiting for the 3rd time in 5 weeks; I'm currently on a 2 week cycle and I'm extremely heavy as it is -- which is why I'm anemic without my Fe pills. I have no idea what this new pattern is doing to my anemia. I'm going to get a blood draw this a.m. to find out. Menopause is looking better and better from where I am right now. :shock: I'm 51. It should be about time, I think.
Glad your mom is more herself, blessed. I hope the CT scan is fine.

Two of my big deadlines this week are now past: (1) class dev. meeting Tuesday and (2) dh's bday celebration Wednesday. We successfully feted dh last night! The ribs and potatoes came out well, even though dd22 turned the oven on 100* hotter than I asked her to. Dd20 made dh's requested dessert, panna cotta with fruit sauce. It was really yummy! And pretty too. I ordered dh a nice espresso machine, which is arriving today, unfortunately. But he'll be able to have a nice cappuccino tonight! :) Now, it's time to turn my attention to the third big deadline: leaving for our camping trip tomorrow morning. So, I have a busy day ahead of me.

Main Must-Get-Done Goals for Today:
1. Blood draw
2. Groc. store -- camping trip stuff
3. Bank
4. Jog
5. Payroll: finish putting together a quiz for tomorrow
6. Payroll: Prep and teach GSL class this afternoon
7. Payroll: Sub plans ready for IW and GSL classes
8. Laundry

I'll fit in all the other daily stuff around these things.

I'm already off to a late start, so I need to get off this chair and get moving.

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Re: Thursday Use it or Lose it

Postby Harmony » Thu Aug 16, 2018 9:32 am

Coming by to see what I've missed recently while I haven't been here. Y'all know I really have NO life and a lot of time doing the laundry or putting away clean dishes is the highlight of my boring day. Yesterday I asked DH to think about how often he talks to me about his work/jobs and how often it is something personal to our life together (never). On the way home from youth group he said one thing then launched into this story of the person who came up to him and wants to redo her kitchen. ARGGGGH! Let's just say we have our challenges around here.

I never expected my life to be all fireworks and celebrations, but a little something once in a while might be nice.

I am going out this morning to try to get a haircut somewhere. Been growing out a very bad haircut (I get more bad ones than good ones) and just tired of it. Trying another place. Need to stop by post office to have a rather stuffed manila envelope weighed.

And I guess that is my exciting story for the day so far.

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Re: Thursday Use it or Lose it

Postby helia » Thu Aug 16, 2018 9:36 am

Right now, I would love more boring days in my life, Harmony. I'm tired of running from one thing to another and wondering if I can get everything done and ready each day. I understand the frustration with dh. I don't know if a conversation would help. I do hope the new hair salon will be helpful.

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Re: Thursday Use it or Lose it

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Aug 16, 2018 9:58 am

sending you some relaxing days ahead d helia! have a good short jog! I know how much you love it.
it sounds like you might be slowly getting to the end of your "friend" That is what happened to me. Best wishes on that blood draw!
my eldest tends to become anemic almost every month.
how neat that your dd made the Panna Cotta and fruit sauce. sounds delicious. how nice that he (and the family) will have an expresso machine! what a nice gift. have fun tomorrow!!

hi d harmony! You are busy! Some times you need a couple days.

My dh feels by talking to me about his old work, cars that he is sharing himself. :shock:
I want to stay in the present. I have been trying to get dh to talk about other things by bringing out books he is reading (I would never read but he adores) or what he finds interesting in is WSJ - it's not really "conversation" to me but it gives him so joy. I let him chat about the past for a short time but my stomach goes in knots if he stays in the past. I have to tell him that I need to talk about other things that is current. I totally understand. lol this is what is in my dh's mind all the time but to him sharing this old info all the time is connecting what is important to him in his day. He got better and then every so often the same conversation comes in.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Thursday Use it or Lose it

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Aug 16, 2018 9:59 am

my morning routine is done. time for other things. wishing you all a good day! picking up d mom at 10:10 am.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Thursday Use it or Lose it

Postby Nancy » Thu Aug 16, 2018 10:01 am

1st & 2nd sessions of painting done, some drying time now before the next one.
Wtg blessedw2!
Did some watering.
Bbl.waving to all.
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