Thursday Use it or Lose it

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Re: Thursday Use it or Lose it

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Aug 16, 2018 10:44 am

waving at you d nancy!!!

heading out. phone calls made and appointments made
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Thursday Use it or Lose it

Postby Elizabeth » Thu Aug 16, 2018 12:12 pm

Good morning everyone! My "use it" should be to do some belly dancing tonight, 15 min or so. Normally I have DD16, but she has to register for all her classes tonight and needs the x's internet service if she wants to get her favorite classes and teachers.

I had dinner with my traveling companion friend (TCF) and found out she will not be coming out to my area as much any more, and not staying for as long. Several years ago and pre-boyfriend, xBFF had told her when she starts needing looking after, TCF can move in with her. Well, TCF had a health scare this year and is now looking at her options. (Unfortunately, no long term care insurance). The boyfriend does not want TCF or xBFF's daughter in xBFF's house and xBFF is so desperate for him she is curtailing her invitations not only to TCF, but other people who have for decades come to her house on holidays. Her recommended solution for TCF is to find a boyfriend. Keep in mind that TCF is now 82 and the men who want to date her are looking for a nursemaid for themselves not to take care of her. "Boyfriend" is xBFF's solution to all problems now. It's so frustrating because the boyfriend told her up front "I don't want to hear about any problems". So what does xBFF think will happen if she gets sick, unemployed, or her daughter? There is no "for better or for worse" with a boyfriend, especially one who does not want to even hear about "worse". At least with a husband, if they bail, there are legal entitlements. I should be able to let all this go, but it is hard to watch someone you have known for 30+ years wreck her life. Already the daughter is planning on Thanksgiving and possibly Christmas with TCF in her city, leaving her mother and boyfriend alone.

After that, we went to the dollar store, where I found storage cubes and a shower curtain. I already knew where I needed the cube, so it was on my pending purchases list.

My idea for the database was a known problem. However, while discussing it with the other developers, I solved a different annoyance for them. I also pointed out how the time delay glitches generate multiple changelog entries when there should be only one and how that will affect a data rollback. So not a total loss.

LadyMaverick's dMom can adopt Pop's lawn mowing strategy for her vacuuming. Every day he would mow one strip forward and one strip back. That was it. For vacuuming, divide the room into very small areas.

Helia: Sometimes birth control pills are used to regularize an out of whack cycle. They also reduce the quantity of bleeding. DD16 does have Hashimoto's, as do I and my mother. The biopsy showed minimal damage, but now DD has to contend with people like the xBFF saying things like, "Eat it if you want it, it was never a problem before". Except that it was a problem before, else the biopsy would have been negative. We just didn't know it yet.

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Re: Thursday Use it or Lose it

Postby Harriet » Thu Aug 16, 2018 2:18 pm

We call that "Barney's method" here. (HRH's grandfather) He would move anything heavy by just moving it a few inches at a time. He'd come back later and move a few more inches - whatever felt comfortable. Come back later, etc., maybe even going over to the next day. But soon the heavy piece was where he had intended, with no comments from him, never asking for help. This was for projects indoors or out. Family would go to visit him and ask, "what's different around here - wasn't that somewhere else before?" lol

Harmony, I'm sorry you think you're having a boring life right now! We think you are interesting. Learn something new and surprise yourself. We'd be surprised, too, since we figure there isn't anything you don't know how to do.

dd is off with friends. They will host a supper for her at a local restaurant this evening - she's 20. Unbelievable. We had a mini-party here for late lunch, with the children and ddil, and surprised her with a large (pretend - made of resin) root system for her aquarium, so her walking fish will have interesting places to walk/swim between. Her main present from us had been help with the cost of the trip and wardrobe to go. But HRH loved "price-matching" and getting 25 percent off the aquarium decor.

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Re: Thursday Use it or Lose it

Postby Twins' Mom » Thu Aug 16, 2018 2:38 pm

I'm getting here very late! I slept in this morning - I had been up later last night working on a research report and have just been getting a late start to everything. Dd has been by here to talk too.

Dh is out of town, and now may need to go to a funeral in Florida before he comes home. I'm hating that I accepted these houseguests for dd now. We're having Shabbat dinner tomorrow night, but dd won't be here either because she has a kid event at temple...Oy. :?

I may go to the library downtown. I need to do a bunch of stuff here at home but just not feelin' it....

She's 20???? Harriet,you must have miscounted somehow....
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Re: Thursday Use it or Lose it

Postby helia » Thu Aug 16, 2018 2:45 pm

I agree with Harriet, Harmony! My first response was a bit haphazard; I was in a rush. I do find your posts interesting. I've been absent so I don't know if you are still helping dh as much as you used to, but you certainly had a lot of things to report here that were new to me. And I always enjoy hearing about your dgkids. :)

My day has not gone as planned. What else is new? Dd20 used my car this a.m. for her eye appt. so I was stuck at home. I dragged my feet more than usual, just feeling tired. I'm not going to jog today. Then, the guys to look at the shower door came this afternoon, and I handled them. Not much to do; they were in and out very quickly. Just evaluating the situation, not repairing this time.
I have accomplished:
- blood draw; I think drinking a lot this morning helped
- a.m. routine, minus making my bed
- lunch
- groc. store
- bank ATM for cash
- payroll quiz made
- payroll GSL class for today prepped
- groc. store run

Next, I need to:
- put away everything
- spiff myself
- go to payroll, where I'll make copies, make sub plans before class, if time, and then teach GSL class

Dinner is just leftovers, so easy.

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Re: Thursday Use it or Lose it

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu Aug 16, 2018 2:56 pm

Home from yearly meeting with the financial advisor. I really don't like this meeting because it is an in-my-face discussion of what we have not taken care of. Our will is decades old and out of date. We have not updated it since adopting DS10. We have not designated who will take care of DS10 if something happens to DH and me. We have not written down if DS10 will receive a child portion of our estate or a grandchild portion. Ugh. Our financial advisor kindly but firmly told us (me) that I needed to quit looking for the perfect solution and JUST PICK SOMETHING and get it implemented. We did make one decision today and put into motion. We are going to start receiving a monthly check from our retirement account. We have paid into it for 50'ish years so I guess it is about time to reverse the process and let it start sending us a check.

Harmony - what hobbies do you enjoy doing? I know you are good at doing so many things but I'm curious what activities make you eager to do more?

I need to get started on all the things I didn't get to do before leaving for a meeting this morning. I also need to do some prep. We are going to take a trip the next 2 days to celebrate our DGS12 birthday. We will leave tomorrow with plans of arriving in Bentonville, Arkansas before DGS12 gets out of school.

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Re: Thursday Use it or Lose it

Postby lucylee » Thu Aug 16, 2018 3:31 pm

Well, I am quite happy for a relatively boring day today, after the scare dh gave me last night. He still does not feel WELL, but at least he does not expect to die in his sleep -- which was truly his state of mind last night. I'm sorry if I scared any of you, but he had me pretty upset, myself.

Today, the boring PODA here is laundry laundry laundry LAUNDRY. DH is insistent that we get the towel/underwear laundry done "or else we have to buy new." Dmom says this is a holdover from college days, and dh agrees. I keep my stuff done, and his jeans/shirts/etc pretty well caught up, but his philosophy on towels and his own underwear is definitely to ignore it until he runs out. * BIG SIGH * That is also his philosophy re: ironing; he doesn't want to have to put it away any more often than necessary. :roll:
Normally, except for the ironing, I just ignore HIM and let him do it as he pleases, but today he specifically asked for help, so I am doing the washer-dryer flip-flop. He will probably fold everything and have me help him carry from the laundry room to the bathroom.

Other than that, I have...
* s2s, done Bible and breakfast routine (banana, pb crackers) :D
* eaten more than is necessary, by a long shot... granola bar, cheese and crackers, Frosted Flakes... :oops:
* run errands to the
-- alterations lady to pick up a pair of dh's khaki shorts she hemmed :D
-- post office :|
* phone call to car dealership to check on warranty (getting "spam" junk in mail, wanted to double-check w/them) :D
* talked to dmom on the phone :D... :?
She apparently is over her upset with me now, and actually admits that she MIGHT have taken that pill without realizing it last night...
* worked on a Sudoku puzzle for a while

I told dmom I would be over tomorrow to bring her dispensers for next week (and an extra for the pill she "lost" last night)... and then I'll have to get back home ASAP b/c dgs will be here after school and I need to cook supper. DH is going to try much harder to get back in the routine of eating right. Since ddil has been out of town, plus our travel last weekend, dh has been a little too "free & easy" with his diet, and he said last night, that could be contributing to how he has been feeling.

Good to see helia joining us more lately! Happy birthday to your dh!

Twins, I'm with you... just not feelin' it...

Happy birthday, to Harriet's dd20??? Yes -- happy birthday -- but nooo -- 20??? :shock:

I like Barney's method, Harriet. Good idea. Same for mowing, Elizabeth. I actually may have to try that if our yard man doesn't get out here SOON. I told dh, I think I will call the yard man and ask if he knows anyone who mows yards... ;) :twisted:

The boyfriend does not want TCF or xBFF's daughter in xBFF's house

Elizabeth -- he doesn't even want her DAUGHTER in the house??? :o :shock: :evil:
Oh. My. Goodness. And SHE is choosing HIM over her DAUGHTER???
Oh. My. Goodness. I cannot even imagine...
I did have to admit, I LOL at the idea that a BOYFRIEND is the solution for 82-yr-old-TCF.
Pardon me for saying it, but your xBFF is a NUT.

Nancy, I really admire how you keep up with your painting and journaling, in addition to getting the house decluttered & move-ready. You are doing GREAT!

Blessed, I am going to listen to your links to Kat's YouTube later today. I always feel better when I hear her, for some reason. She always makes me think, yes, I CAN do this.

Harmony, you are definitely due a few days "off" and the more boring, the better! ;) :lol:

I don't know what dh and I talk about... last night, after I caught him up on the church stuff, it was health & sickness... and death... and scary stuff. Seems like lately, a LOT of our conversations have been depressing health-related topics. We talk about the dgrands a LOT too though, b/c that is a favorite topic for both of us :lol: , and he talks a lot of politics/sports, which mostly just goes right over my head. We used to talk about school all the time, too, b/c that was how each of us spent our entire day. I worked with a lady who said she and her husband never talked "shop" at home. I thought, "Well, what on earth do you talk about???" LOL.

So... LadyM says, "Use it or lose it." I too used to do some quick floor exercises as soon as I got out of bed, and I too have no idea why I quit that. But I definitely need to get that back into my routine. My back has been bothering me a bit lately, and that might have something to do with it.
I also put off real exercise till later in the day, blessed, and often times I am too tired or get too busy with something else. That's another habit I really need to work on. Perhaps tie it to something else... watching the nightly news, or doing before-bed routine at the same time every night... hmmmm...

Happy birthday to your dgs, LadyM!
BTW... the will thing is kinda bugging me too. We do not have a will and I know when the time comes, things will be sooo much simpler if we do. We have asked dbil to do one for us, but he has been dragging his feet, and we have not reminded him in a while.

And now, back to the laundry room...
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Thursday Use it or Lose it

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu Aug 16, 2018 5:07 pm

"Well, what on earth do you talk about???"

I have reminded DMom and DBro this week to GET A PROJECT going. IMHO, everyone needs something that excites & challenges them. Otherwise, they seem to just think & talk about themselves or other people. DH always has several projects going. My problem is taking it to the extreme. I have so many projects going that I use the "Barney's method" so I can work on all of them each day. I haven't ever heard it called the "Barney's method" though. I use the CANI acronym (Constant And Neverending Improvement). There is also the Japanese word for "constant and never-ending improvement" and it's called "Kaizen." ANYway, I just try to make some progress on each of my projects every day. I don't always get to every one of them, but that is the goal. I haven't made progress on the Sunflower quilt project for the past 3 days. That puts it on the top of my SHE card stack.

I enjoyed chatting with a friend when I picked DGD7 up from school.

DS10 has a friend coming for a playdate in an hour. I need to finish grading his school assignments and put away the homeschool stuff. We are not doing homeschool tomorrow.
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Re: Thursday Use it or Lose it

Postby Nancy » Thu Aug 16, 2018 5:31 pm

Just de - ringed a planner to use with my new happy planner systems, glad to say I can use it. It did tear on the inside but a quick and easy fix with colorful tie dye duct tape.
Stairs are painted and dry just need some touch up later.
I purged another planner. Saw a u tuber had sections in her home planner for projects like sewing, and knitting too!

Next week focus garden for ten min a day to clean up more on the yard.
Last edited by Nancy on Thu Aug 16, 2018 11:12 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Thursday Use it or Lose it

Postby Harmony » Thu Aug 16, 2018 5:31 pm

Hi Thank you everybody for the kind words. I appreciate it.

I'm just having a pity party I guess. Need a break from all this work. I'm just tired of it and bored to tears. Can't get started with too many projects and nothing too time consuming because at a minute's notice I need to jump into helping DH with something.... and I'm tired and burned out worrying about all the swirling stuff around him. He has 2 problems right now that are bothersome, projects that I told him not to get involved in when he started them...but he did anyway.... people tend to do things without proper paperwork etc. and then call DH when they are called by officials to stop... and he tries to help everybody. But once he puts his name to something, now it's HIS problems and people don't have anything to lose if they bend the rules but DH has a license to lose, so it's grim. And I worry about this stuff a lot. :roll:

Anyway, thanking Elizabeth for question about my word template. It's back to a workable normal sort of and the big problem with it is mostly operator error. Of all the things I have to do on this computer, this thing has been the most difficult. Even the Excel program was easier to learn than this. It's an old file transferred to this computer and that might be the problem, or one of them, because it's in compatibility mode.

New haircut is ok. Better than it was.
Went to library and post office and supermarket.

All I want to do these days is sit with a book in my lap. Not very productive.

Ok, I'm off to get dinner. Got behind. XSoniL stopped by to see me. Conversation with him got me behind in stuff.

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