Tuesday Takeoff !

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Tuesday Takeoff !

Postby Harriet » Tue Aug 21, 2018 8:16 am

Sometimes we're just getting up to speed on Mondays, but on Tuesdays we really take off!

Even if yesterday was a big success for you, today may send you farther.

What are you taking off for this week - what's your high-flying project? what are the plans you're gliding through?

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Re: Tuesday Takeoff !

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Aug 21, 2018 8:58 am

good morning d harriet - I needed to change my thinking this morning and your optimistic start to our day to keep up the momentum made me feel so much better! take off. Happy Tuesday to you and all.

d lucy I saw your post from last night. You are doing great!

d nancy so happy your visit with the real estate person went well.
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Re: Tuesday Takeoff !

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Aug 21, 2018 9:01 am

this morning, I hadn't planned it, I am going with dd younger to a really good nutritionist about an hour away. And then she has an eye dr. appointment she wants me to go with after that.

looking at how i spend my time has been fascinating!
eye opening.

oops the timer went off - I have to leave in about an hour. have a great day!
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Re: Tuesday Takeoff !

Postby Harriet » Tue Aug 21, 2018 11:01 am

Only one day late :oops: the new Cleaning Focus thread is up!

I was so intent on my work yesterday that I forgot my intention was to finish up the day by posting there.

SO hard to believe it, but this is the 4th round! The last round through the rooms/areas of the house before holidays.

This week, I'm in the middle of a big organization push. (declutter kind of coming along with it) The first Focus room (foyer/porch) is going to be about the only specific cleaning I do, and may even be like a "break", lol.

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Re: Tuesday Takeoff !

Postby Harmony » Tue Aug 21, 2018 11:09 am

Hello. Yes I am taking off strong today after a not-so-strong yesterday. We did have major successes yesterday, 2 jobsites had things going well, county guy gave us a good bit of grace approving something that would have been major problem had he not; DH got a big job done that I was unable to come help with; the a/c got fixed with just a smaller charge than might have been. Tech was very honest with me and could have done it all another way for another $250 and I wouldn't have known any better so I am grateful for all that happened yesterday.

But today I am catching up. LOL spinning around (well sloshing at this point). Dishes soaked and washed. Checks to the mail or paid online.

I also have to do a big search online to see what all is being said about upcoming election so I can go vote early. And some more desk chores. I am doing a budget project that I haven't done in a couple years and this needs to be done.

So I better takeoff and get going.

I wanted to say congratulations to Nancy getting so far along in your house project. You took a big job and kept at it till it was completed enough to move ahead. I'm glad the appointment with your realtor worked out well. We always had so much business stuff around that we had to move out first then clean up and re-do so we could sell. It's harder to do it the way you did, around the activities of daily life, but you did it!

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Re: Tuesday Takeoff !

Postby Nancy » Tue Aug 21, 2018 11:23 am

I have gotten stuff in the trash can trash day Tues. Here. I also loaded toddler bed and matress in the truck to go with the next load, and some other odds & ends. I watered and worked on de -cluttering the shop my zone work this week. Plus trying to get the outside and inside of the place photo ready today is house pic day. :o After winds yesterday had to sweep again sigh. I did a round in the carport and one round in the shed my zone focus this week. I am amazed that we have done this in apx. 8 weeks that is like a miracle! We look at some places today. The realtor commented on all the storage the only thing with that is when you go to declutter makes more work. Like h said even if the move does not work out this needed done.

H got off noonish I cooked lunch, at dinner he was asking what was for dinner said I am only cooking one meal a day, trying to keep it clean, look in the freezer for what you can get. Cooking makes more to have to clean up.

Thanks for the atta girls every one. I have learned the holiday grand plan can be bumped up for moving prep. ! :D

We might get a lot to build and possibly rent sil camp pull trailer it is big and nice but do not know about internet service for a while so may be out of the loop I will get in touch when I can at w mart for example, or library. Hope we can find some thing already done with a shade tree and fence for dog on 1 level.

One good thing the coop works well for tool shed. Will have son sray it Wed.
10 o'clock check in. Carport is clean.
Last edited by Nancy on Tue Aug 21, 2018 6:12 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: Tuesday Takeoff !

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Aug 21, 2018 11:26 am

I’m at the new nutritionist for dd - she’s never had one but w her health issues and med weight gain she needs help. But it is really weird - lots of people but they give nutrient IV s as part of their services- mmm - the main person is a psychiatrist but the nutritionist was recommended by an er nurse friend of my d brother- i think he also does reg dr stuff so it concerning for me- they have a wall of supplements that their clients her look over - mmm I’m all for holistic care but IV nutrients mmm
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Re: Tuesday Takeoff !

Postby Elizabeth » Tue Aug 21, 2018 11:40 am

Not only did I get my bills and budget dealt with but, i PAID OFF THE HOT WATER HEATER WITHIN THE SAME AS CASH WINDOW AND WITHOUT PULLING FROM SAVINGS!!! Other than that, I made a grocery run, did a bit of Christmas crochet, and did some cooking. Unfortunately the cooking still results in boring lunches, but I will survive. Note to self: never use buy one get three for things that are only so-so.

There is actually a Planner Addicts meetup group in the ABQ area. I am a member only because a good friend is the founder. The others have the fancy artistic planners that are more like a combination of journal and scrapbook. I hate scrapbooking and and journaling. Mine is a very businesslike, non-decorative planner with things like my calendar, address book, lists, etc. Not only is it not colorful, I write only in pencil so I can erase. I don't need a foofy planner, I need a planner that works! It is a standard DayRunner if you are wondering.

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Re: Tuesday Takeoff !

Postby Twins' Mom » Tue Aug 21, 2018 11:46 am

I'm needing a do-over for the week and day as well. I think the houseguest and busy weekend must have just left me a non starter this week. The dog had me up at 7:30ish after clock had gone off twice; we went out and sat on the back patio for awhile. Dark and cloudy outside, the lights that come on in the evening had come on again and I went back to bed. DD woke me up at 9:30 when she came by. I had asked her to go with me this a.m. to M's house to retrieve fruit she had left on the counter when she went out of town for 10 days. (M sent me a message last week asking me to get the fruit out and use it or throw it out. I had procrastinated because of the her alarm so got dd to go with me finally.) So we got that done.

I called and left a message earlier for the therapist I had gone to before - need to set up an appointment.

Going to try to at least get through a.m. routine today without being sucked back into bed
-empty the dishwasher
-clear the breakfast bar counter
-refill meds containers, and take a.m. meds

I am starting small. I did get the garbage out earlier and walk the dog.

Way to go on the payoff, Elizabeth, and WTG to Nancy for the big clean up. Glad your realtor was happy.

I am glad that Lucylee's dmom is good with staying at assisted living for now. It's so much easier and it's good for dmom to see it's not so bad, if the need comes more permanent.

Yes, Lucylee, the planner industry is big!

I'm glad that Harmony is starting well today - I need some of that magic to rub off on me!
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Tuesday Takeoff !

Postby Twins' Mom » Tue Aug 21, 2018 12:57 pm

And again.

-brush/floss teeth
-clear kitchen counters
-make the bed
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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