Friday Conga

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Friday Conga

Postby LadyMaverick » Fri Aug 31, 2018 7:27 am

It's time to dance in the conga line.

Where will your steps led you today?
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Re: Friday Conga

Postby LadyMaverick » Fri Aug 31, 2018 7:51 am

Today is more tiny town fair events. I will have 3 Grandkids with me today plus another child (friend of DS10).

We are taking a 5-day break from homeschool. I am excited to remove that 4-hour focus from my daily doings.....but I acknowledge it comes with a price. I know getting back into the learning groove next Tuesday will be a challenge.

I meet another homeschool family that lives about 5 miles from us. They have a boy that looks like DS10 age. I didn't get to talk to the Mom much because she was running a booth at the fair and very busy. I am enrolling DS10 in the same 4H chapter that they belong to so I am hoping to make connections through that activity.

Thinking..... When children attend public school, it seems everyone assumes they have many friends because they are surrounded by children their own age. That is not the truth! They have classmates but that is not the same as having good friends. DGS21 attended a large school with over 300 students in his grade. He didn't "click" with any of them. He doesn't have even one friend from all those years of being with 300+ classmates. Being homeschooled means there are no classmates so it makes it obvious how many close friends a homeschooled child has.
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Re: Friday Conga

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Aug 31, 2018 8:21 am

Good morning. I'm posting today to have a record of my state of mind in case this starts to turn into a concussion.

Not a good sleep. It was lovely and cool but dh got up and shut the window because he was cold and the wind was coming straight in. When I got up later for a bathroom and ibuprofen break, he let me know and I opened it again because I was hot. I also rearranged the pillows so I could sleep reclined which meant I could sleep on my back. When I was lying flat on my back, that put the bump against the bed and I was to uncomfortable to sleep.

I'm waiting for 8:30 when I can take another pill.

Head is still woolly, neck is quite sore, the rest of my body isn't too bad. Will do as many stretches as I can today per paramedic's recommendation.

Example of me being slow thinking as well as slow moving - it took over twice as long as usual to empty the dishwasher because I was going slow and had to think about where things went. No 'automatic' mode for me today.

We did get the spare bed made last night (dh helped me with the physically hard stuff) and I pulled out two boxes of our family history stuff. We had a phone message from a distant relative looking for the names of what I think are first cousins twice removed. I don't have a geneology chart that spreads out, only direct up. I do have an obit for dh's great grandfather (the common point on for both him and these people) but it only names the cousins' mother, then says "also surviving are 18 grandchildren, many great-grandchildren and 2 great-great-grandchildren" which, come to think of it, wouldn't include numbers for any who had died. Looking at the date of the obit, I realize dh's great-grandfather was alive until dh was 19. (His grandparents all died before that.)

Anyway, I still have to make up the family history books for dh's side (my side is done) so I've left the boxes out and will go over what I have so far in more detail when my head clears. Dh's aunt in Winnipeg is still living (she was a decade or more younger than dh's dad) and she was the one who took us to meet the mother (Dot) of these boys back when dd was a toddler, so we called her for an answer but she'd already been asked and has discovered she has lost all her family tree information. So it is up to me to see what I can find. I know I made notes when I met Dot because she told me the family history. They are hand written and for decades resided in a family history folder (where I stuffed everything) until I started the family history project.

The file isn't in the filing cabinet but it makes sense I pulled it out when I started on the project, therefore the file must be in one of the 9 boxes still under the spare bed. They contain all the source material I have, but are about 80% my family stuff - I just have dh's grandfather's war diary (and some of his medals and other items since ds is his namesake) and some photos and obits from dh's side.

Complicating a straight google search is the boy's surname would be Inch and their grandmother's surname was Carpenter! Both common words! (I did find the great-grandfather's obit on so I'm impressed with that.)

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Re: Friday Conga

Postby Nancy » Fri Aug 31, 2018 10:39 am

Waving hello to all.
I am up have done planning and journal.
Got worst 1st chore accomplished, wiped the dust out of over fridge cupboard.
Laundry is going. I need to think about stretches as well like K in C.
Having stairs is good to get my blood going w a sore knee however not good. Mowing later will limber it up hopefully.
H. Said he was going to the W store for oil change this afternoon that place will be nuts today might be the worst day
for that lol!

Qt done.
Bed is made.
Cha cha cha...

Store run done got pie.
Mowing done.
Last edited by Nancy on Fri Aug 31, 2018 4:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Friday Conga

Postby Harriet » Fri Aug 31, 2018 11:03 am

Returning from incognito time with no phone and no internet for a day and a half :( something like that. Right now may be in and out - don't know - AT and T men are walking around the house shaking their heads. Not a good sign for future.

And I come back to see word "concussion" :?: so I have got to CUOP!

But quickly in case I'm temp,

Conga so far today has been strip of master linens
- all new on and laundry.
Vacuuming that room.
Kitchen cleaning.
Dealing with some surprise spiders at porch.
Attempt to help dd with her work - not very successful on that.

Last news from dd38 is that they expect 7-ish and wonder about supper.
I don't think my email to her asking about their air-mattress got out ... ... hmmm...

Conga Next up finish of master bedroom and heading to master bath.

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Re: Friday Conga

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Aug 31, 2018 12:02 pm

Dh just gently kissed me on the top of the head since he knows I'm not doing well at the moment. Right on top of the goose-egg. He feels bad about that. So bad, I got him to run a quick errand for me even though he is expecting a phone call.

I've just learned we lose our local bus starting Dec. 2.

Our city is getting light rail. So for us our one bus from the transit station which is 2 long blocks away, changes to a bus and train and being dropped off downtown 4 blocks from where usually get dropped off. So more walking plus a transfer. For dd coming here, it means bus/train/bus instead of get on the bus and get off 45 minutes later. I don't see her coming by transit once that happens, it is too hard to make the transfers in the cold (bundling up dgs 2 extra times, since he has to be unbundled due to the heat on the buses, and getting the stroller on and off the bus.)

The only bright side was if we had to transfer anyway, we could take the bus at the door.

Once the light rail starts, they are canceling the bus at the door in one direction (from train to home.)

More important for our seniors, this bus took them directly to 2 affordable grocery stores and Walmart Supercentre. The new bus route goes to NO grocery stores, period. The medical labs and dh's cardiologist are also on that route (so this is the bus dh takes when I have the car.)

For our seniors, they now have to walk 2 long blocks or take a bus away in the wrong direction until it connects with our old bus route. I'm appalled.

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Re: Friday Conga

Postby LadyMaverick » Fri Aug 31, 2018 1:07 pm

I wonder why the change in bus/train routes? I wonder if this change will influence people to move to a location that is more accessible to public transportation?

The boys rough housing has earned them being sent outside. The excitment is real for them being in the parade but I have reached my limits of tolerance.
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Re: Friday Conga

Postby Harmony » Fri Aug 31, 2018 1:43 pm

Kathryn, that sure doesn't sound good with your bus/train system. I hope you feel better. Not going to a doctor?

I've been doing the conga in the kitchen. Lots of prep for cooking. I had a menu planned for just the 4 of us, but then our other friend called and she might make it to Church this Sunday so I had to invite her also. She's rather strict what she eats and said she wouldn't eat my original choice. So I'm ending up doing 2 separate things... and I'm not even sure she'll actually be here. For a dinner to feed 5 people this is way too much work. I chopped for a couple hours this morning.

I suspect I will have a lot of food to put in the freezer for later...which I will be grateful for later.....but not right now. There is a reason we don't invite many people here for a meal. Everyone I know eats strangely. And I had a hard time figuring out when to do this with DH working like he is these days.

Need to run to store next.

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Re: Friday Conga

Postby Sunny » Fri Aug 31, 2018 2:55 pm

Quiet day here in the village. Hello to everyone.

Dh and I are also taking a quiet day here at home. Yesterday we had an outing to pick up RX refill at Sam's Club, then to a ride to Target down the road a half mile to pick up a few groceries. If I don't use the T charge card at least once in six months they would close the account. Oh, then we had to stop at the Publix to pick up the other RX. We were both hot and tired by the time we got home. Just as we pulled in the driveway the thunder started.

We were both up early this morning to get the kitchen cleaned up first because the PT nurse was coming at 10 am. I am spending the rest of the afternoon as a desk day; balance ckbk, write out bills due for Sept. and I have a letter to finish writing...must get that in the mail soon.

Kathryn, ouch! What a shocking experience you had. Go easy for a few days and give time to heal. (((Hugs))).
Too bad about your local bus service.

Harriet, have a good time with visiting family this weekend. Hope the weather is good for you.

Harmony, cooking for picky eaters is not fun, but you are a wonderful cook and it will all turn out well!

I had a phone call last evening from my dcousin. They never got to travel to their summer home in Alaska. Her dh is not doing well and is seeing several doctors. We made a tentative date for lunch in two weeks.

It's starting to get overcast here; I guess our afternoon storms are building up.
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Re: Friday Conga

Postby Harmony » Fri Aug 31, 2018 5:47 pm

Sunny, not picky exactly but strict diet because of health concerns. I think she's a bit strict with that. If I go eat somewhere I make the best of things and eat what I can. It's not like anything I cooked for her would have killed her or even just made her sick.

Sigh, so I made another trip to the store and while I was in there it began to storm; rain and wind really bad. A whole bunch of us were standing by the doors waiting. An armored truck pulled right up to the entrance and got in the way too. After I waited over 15 minutes I got tired of waiting and braved the storm and came home drenched.

It wasn't the end of the world but sure wasn't comfortable!

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