Thinking Cap Thursday

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Thinking Cap Thursday

Postby Harriet » Thu Sep 06, 2018 8:10 am

Hmmm.... .. what are we thinking today...

Something quite remarkable, certainly. :idea:

Be sure to share - some may have trouble finding their caps today :? ,
and knowing you are out there pondering may be very reassuring.

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Re: Thinking Cap Thursday

Postby BookSaver » Thu Sep 06, 2018 8:43 am

Good morning, villagers ~
Thanks for opening the thread today, Harriet.

Project update: Yesterday as planned I shifted things around the room a few inches to be able to set up 1 more set of utility shelves. I've started loading them with fabrics and sewing supplies that had been stored in other rooms. I've started putting small things in the cabinet drawers I mentioned the other day -- although bad news, the drawers are too short to hold knitting needles. I'll post more in our Decluttering thread. It feels so good to finally be able to report some forward movement on this project!

I attended a meeting last night at the library for the volunteers group. I've only done short projects with them for the past 15 months. They've asked if I can become more active in the group again. I went last night to see what programs they've planned because I would like to help them (and obviously I support the library), but I don't have a lot of available time right now. I cannot be one of the elected officers again. We are negotiating a specific, limited job descrption.

It rained all day again yesterday. I drove to the post office and the TinyTown grocery store for sour cream, mostly just to get out of the house for a few minutes.

Today I'm back to work for normal Thursday shift. I mentioned to a coworker at the meeting last night, it felt weird to be away from the library for so many days in a row -- I hadn't set foot on the property since last Thursday night -- but it was also a refreshing break.

I probably should get off this computer and do some chores.

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Re: Thinking Cap Thursday

Postby Twins' Mom » Thu Sep 06, 2018 8:53 am

Good morning Harriet! I was thinking about "Thinking through Thursday" but I'll just put my thinking cap on instead and get going!

BTW, my trip to Michaels wasn't anything special yesterday - I can't find my glue gun, I probably gave it to dd so I needed a new inexpensive one to do this front door wreath (oval grapevine wreath with soft green, white and soft orange pumpkins, and a brown soft plaid bow.) I also got a shadow box to frame the program for Hamilton - this is for dd, a soft bin to go under the sink for cleaning cloths, and two short square vases to use on DR table with hydrangeas. I already have one square vase there and adding two more will be enough for the table decoration. (Frame on sale 50% off, glue gun I used a 40% off coupon, basket was also 40% off, never pay full price there!)

I have lunch out with a friend today - the one whose husband died in July. I am going to attempt to "walk in" after lunch for a manicure. The last time I went there was a disaster, two hours for a manicure and most of that waiting when I was stressed. I'm going to try a different time of day and hope for the best. Maybe after labor day things are less busy, and I'm not going on a Friday also. I need a pedicure but I'm not going to try for both of those today.

So that means I should make the morning productive!
-breakfast and meds
-walk the ddog
-do I need to do laundry today?
-clear/wipe up kitchen counter

I finally slept better last night but I forgot to use my mouthguard so I'm feeling headachy. I thought of it as I was falling asleep and figured if I couldn't sleep I'd get up and get it in a few min, and I woke up this morning. I was worn out.

Today's PODA:
-continue with house spiff up/clean up/declutter
-lunch out
-two DPCs, at least?

Bookie, it's important to get away for a break! Are you sure you want volunteer commitments on top of your work at the library?
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Re: Thinking Cap Thursday

Postby helia » Thu Sep 06, 2018 9:30 am

Stopping by. .. Heading to the gym since it was raining here a while ago. It looks like the rain has stopped, but I'm not sure I trust it so will forgo a jog. . .

Thinking about my day. . . I got the same work schedule I had last month. More hours than I want; I'm somewhat surprised, but the school is a bit short-staffed. We hired a new teacher from Canada, and her paperwork to work here as a non-US citizen is taking longer than expected to get processed. So, the other teachers are paying for that by being loaded up. We're hosting Th. dinner tonight, and I'm making a new-to-me recipe, which always makes me happy. M found it online yesterday, a vegan Thai curry, though I'm going to make it very much non-vegan and use chicken stock in place of veg. stock and throw in some chicken as well. I'd like to spend some time tonight working on syllabi, due tomorrow, so I can enjoy hanging out with friends S2, J, and K tomorrow a.m.. I think we're starting that weekly get together tomorrow.

Thinking about conflict. Have I already shared this here? Dd22 and M, dd22's friend staying with us, had a bit of a disagreement/encounter, which is unfortunate. Dh and I are staying out of it. Dd22 has moved out a little early, but she's told me she really enjoyed time alone yesterday. Basically, M is very emotionally needy and has been expecting a lot from dd22, long conversations and emotional support, which is dd22's wont, to be honest. However, dd22 has been a bit short with her, being stressed by the demands of her new job. M wrote dd22 a letter telling her she was being a bad friend, which made dd22 mad/ hurt her feelings. SO. .. my perspective is that there is fault on both sides. (1) M needs to expect less of dd22; she can't prop her up and give her all she needs. M needs to understand that dd22 is under a lot of stress and that her job already involves caring for other people. She only has so much emotional bandwidth herself. (2) Dd22 is a bit all or nothing with her relationships. She shouldn't have ignored/cut off M so completely. *sigh* I feel confident dd22 will see her fault. I'm not sure about M -- don't know her so well + she's not doing well and I know when we're not doing well it's easier to be a victim and harder to see our own faults and mistakes.

Well, that's what I'm thinking about this morning.

I'm going to the gym now and will think about something else!
Last edited by helia on Thu Sep 06, 2018 9:32 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Thinking Cap Thursday

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu Sep 06, 2018 9:32 am

I am up and the day is off to a productive start. I like being able to zone out and just do the next card. Repeat....repeat....repeat. I have completed 28 cards this morning with what seems like little effort. I get things done while thinking about other things.

I have been thinking about adding how long each card takes. I want information that could give me. How much time is needed to do all the cards due today? I have xx number of minutes until I need to leave, what cards are due that take less than xx number of minutes? I know timing each card is recommended by P&P but I haven't done it since I set up a new card box.

Tai Chi is the only thing on my schedule for today.....besides homeschooling and kid care. It almost feels like a free day. On second thought..... I might not know what a free day feels like. I suspect everyone's day has its challenges. Some days have more challenges than others.
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Re: Thinking Cap Thursday

Postby DeeClutter » Thu Sep 06, 2018 10:22 am

Think "all my ducks are in a row", Harriet. That is until someone throws a monkey wrench into the whole timing thing.

Dh and I just went down and folded the load of laundry there. Still have to put it away, but at least it's folded and ready to do that. Funny how differently we do things. Dh asked if I wanted him to take everything out of the dryer and put on the counter. "No, because then they become wrinkled too quickly". I always fold out of the dryer. He always dumps them which probably explains why some things are more wrinkled when he folds. He also puts all the 'outside' clothing in the bottom of the clothes basket and that of course presses in wrinkles.

Last spring dh bought a T ervis thermal Solar Bears mug when they were on sale at the Amway arena in Orlando. He had it Sunday and we've looked high and low but it's nowhere to be found. It's driving me crazy -mainly because it wasn't cheap and it's a really nice mug with a 'different' top. He helped by cooking potatoes and corn for the clam bake that day so had campground vehicles. Just made him go with me and thoroughly search the rec hall. Nothing. He thinks it will 'show up'. Hope he's right.

Doing laundry reminds me that dd called last night for an 'opinion'. The heating element on their dryer finally quit completely. It'll cost them about $200 to get it fixed. Worth it? No. She and I saw a set of washer & dryer at L owe's this spring that we really liked. Washer was top loader (we both hate her front load!) and the dryer has a door that opens down instead of to the side. The washer also has no agitator inside and I'm able to reach the bottom. We finally told her to just order the pair and we'd pay for the washer. She wasn't looking for that, but I just figure it's part of our 'rent'. So she'll go and order them this weekend and schedule a delivery. Seems like she should be able to give the washer to someone. I'll be anxious to use them this fall.

It's a bit cooler today, but still muggy. Yesterday's heat index was well over 100 -almost unheard of here. We did get one little storm in the afternoon. Temps fell about 15 degrees and then right back to the mid 90's.

Think I'll begin putting away the laundry.
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Re: Thinking Cap Thursday

Postby Ramblinrose » Thu Sep 06, 2018 10:53 am


Yesterday I cleaned out two kitchen cabinets full off old crystal and China which I don’t use any more since I’m not entertaining on the scale like I did in the past. Already have several boxes filled with books to donate as well. This morning I plan to do several other kitchen cabinets and my book cases in my office.

There’s a group home in the area where I like to donate to. They run two resale store. On similar to G Will but their items are more professionally displayed. They also have a boutique store on site that’s smaller but with higher end merchandise. I need a set of nice book ends and hope I can find them while there.

I also did some of my dusting done and my office is done as well.

Also been enjoying the US Open. Even Sweetie has been watching with me. And is you watch Amazon Prime, the new series Jack Ryan is outstanding.

Off to start my day... waving to y’all. Second cup of coffee is waiting and so is Perry:D
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Re: Thinking Cap Thursday

Postby Harriet » Thu Sep 06, 2018 11:29 am

((helia's household)) That's so difficult. I hope they can reach a middle ground of acceptance and find boundaries.

Yay me on Desk Day. Anything that should be in my mailbox today is in there! Records are kept. Of the recent clothes order, 4 items worked but 2 didn't and today that return box was readied. Also found out on the internet (and with my trusty ruler) that a whole set of correspondence note cards with envelopes I had "eye-balled" as only for gifts/showers are street-legal :D for the mailbox. This will simplify my life. (3.5 x 5 inches in US is minimum mail-able size)

Wrote some of my "thinking cap" reading in H and F.

I was going to cook now. Hmmm... ... lack of broccoli discovered as HRH came in saying let's go out. He's going to drop me at one place while going to the next and also gas up the truck, so this will work out still.

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Re: Thinking Cap Thursday

Postby Nancy » Thu Sep 06, 2018 12:00 pm

I have done the qt journal thing s2s happened. Cooked up pasta for h lunch Fri. And after. Sinuses are acting up. In a better frame of mind today that helps! Had a low in the night so am doing a bit of regrouping after that. Folded and put away last load of laundry.

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Re: Thinking Cap Thursday

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu Sep 06, 2018 1:01 pm

Amazon Prime, the new series Jack Ryan is outstanding.

I agree! I started watching it last night and was almost immediately hooked. Although, I found it somewhat strange to see the young Jack Ryan. He is brilliant but without experience. And the series starts before he meets/married his wife.

Homeschool is going well today. I need to adjust the English workload. DS10 isn't complaining but I can tell I have overloaded him. I need to back the workload off so it remains fun. Instead of doing 11 English assignments each day, we will only do 7 for a while. DS10 will still progress in learning with only doing those and he won't get bogged down. His daily English will now be 2 Grammar, 1 spelling, 1 handwriting, 1 journal writing, and 2 vocabulary assignments. Writing this out makes it appear to be more than it is. Each assignment can be done in about 5 minutes.

I have returned to using the spin mop. I like both mops for different reasons. Maybe I will alternate between them.
Last edited by LadyMaverick on Thu Sep 06, 2018 1:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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