Thinking Cap Thursday

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Re: Thinking Cap Thursday

Postby Elizabeth » Thu Sep 06, 2018 5:48 pm

What the phooey? I just got notification from the church email list that a member has died. Not unexpected, he was 85 and in hospice. There was a link to his obituary. Here is a synopsis:

His first wife A died in 1989. His life partner M <female member of our church> and he lived in <home city>. His wife D lives in <home city> with her son and great-granddaughter etc.

I hope this is a misprint. You don't get a current wife and a life partner! I sincerely hope that the word "second" was inadvertently omitted for wife D and the family is having a laugh about it. FWIW, I thought he and M were married, they certainly shared a house. I would never put a shack up situation in an obituary for ANYONE. Talk about airing dirty laundry! What does Miss Manners say about condolences for affair partners? Oh. My. Goodness. I'm glad DD16 has only her school address and will not be receiving this.

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Re: Thinking Cap Thursday

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Sep 06, 2018 6:56 pm

quick hi!!! hope all of you are well. We fly home Sunday and I will be glad to see dh and dd older and d mom.
I pick up dd younger from the ranch tomorrow early am. she has had a blast and this altitude is great on her body. the dry air is also great on both of our hair. :D 8-) never looked better lol.

I stayed in Vail instead of staying at the air bnb near dd because I got hit with altitude sickness the next day - I never had that before. So I stayed where I knew there was a hospital in case I needed it. Boy I am glad to see dd younger. She had quite an adventure. she went over the dunes in one of these.(this is what she saw). She said it was a blast. photographed buffalo, climbed the sand dunes, road horses, see how they train horses and lots of photo stuff. She had a horrible asthma attack but stayed below 12,000 and that was better. I am just happy she learned so much and was able to do it. lots of prayers went into that one.

I was driving home after dropping dd off and a dust devil formed right near me. it did not last long but it was wild.
I was driving or I would have stopped for a video.

I hope you all had a good week!!!! Thinking of all of you and wishing you the best!!!

waving to all of you with lots of love!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Thinking Cap Thursday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Sep 06, 2018 8:16 pm

Elizabeth: it is possible the second wife was a strict Catholic and felt she couldn't have an annulment (or afford one, they are expensive.) That situation is quite common here since there is a high percentage of Catholics in the rural areas.

I see nothing wrong with the obit, in fact I think it is rather sweet. It acknowledges the role each of the wives and his life partner had in his life.

I'm back from a 5400 step (over 2 mile) stroll with dh. The sun was setting so we it was a lovely temperature and no eye strain for me (although I wore my sunglasses until the sun was down.) We started to go up on our 'main street' but it was too loud so I turned early and intended to avoid bit but then dh wanted to check out something. So we walked about 6 blocks along it to the ice cream place and had ice cream. I was dizzy by that point but seem not too bad now so I guess the rest and quiet walk home in the dark settled down my brain.

I did nothing all afternoon except lie in bed so it felt good to get out. I have my personal trainer tomorrow morning at 9. And to drop off plants.

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Re: Thinking Cap Thursday

Postby lucylee » Thu Sep 06, 2018 9:45 pm

I am just so over today I could I scream!!!

:evil: FIRST -- I KNOW the car tech told me he was going to reset the tire sensors, and he acted like that would not take but a minute... and (as I told him later on the phone, when it was too late in the day to turn around and go back), I KNOW I told him PLAINLY that the sensor was bad b/c it was saying 27 PSI on the dashboard, but THREE DIFFERENT tire gauges showed 35 PSI... I know we had this conversation b/c he told me the sensor was NOT bad if it was reading anything, it would show -- if it were bad... :roll: ... but at any rate,
after I sat there and waited 2 HOURS, and start home... THEN --
I have a conversation with one of the techs at ass't living (had to return some sheets we accidentally took home with dmom) and the tech said, "If they put NITROGEN in the tires, it will stop it, but be sure you don't add AIR after getting NITROGEN in your tires.
I'm telling this to dh (on the phone) and he has a fit b/c obviously, the tech didn't explain what was wrong with the sensor and didn't offer to replace it and if that's true about nitrogen, then that's a mess... SO --
:evil: SECOND -- I call the tech back and ask. He says the nitrogen/air mixing problem is not a problem at all (and dmom confirmed that my duncle had added air to ddad's Corvette tires which had nitrogen in them... BUT --
:evil: THIRD -- Noooooo... he did NOT reset the SENSORS, (he says) he told me he was going to reset the PRESSURE.
So I sat for TWO HOURS for him to basically check the air in my tires, which did not need checking, and send me on my way??? :evil: :evil: :evil:
I just about went ballistic. We argued a few minutes about what I told him was the problem and what he told me he was doing, and I said, "Well that's two hours of my life I'll never get back." He eventually apologized profusely and told me if I would come back tomorrow he would put me at the first priority and "reset those sensors and it only takes a minute." WELL FOR GOODNESS SAKE WHY NOT DO IT TO BEGIN WITH JUST AS A PRECAUTION???
I told him I could NOT come back tomorrow, I was going out of town, that was why I made a point to get over there today, but IF the problem recurred, I WOULD be back, what was his name, I would ask for him so as to be SURE I would be given first priority after my time served today.
:evil: FOURTH -- Go to Wmart for fish and milk (I know, odd combination for someone with stomach distress, but that's what dmom wanted) and called her to tell her they did not have the specific fish she requested. She says never mind, she doesn't want either one of them.
:evil: FIFTH -- Home. Cook supper. DH is ordering tickets on S tubhub for our major rivalry game which is on the road this year... pays an embarrassingly ridiculous price for these tickets for himself and ds... puts me in charge of ordering b/c he doesn't feel comfortable doing computer stuff... problems there... time on phone with tech support.... FINALLY got the email to print the tickets... we're out of ink... go to Wmart for ink...
:oops: talked to dmom on phone... then feel bad and embarrassed b/c I told dmom how much he paid for those tickets... called her back to apologize for "crying to her b/c we have no money when obviously we do" -- but thanked her profusely for her generous Christmas gift which helped make things like this possible. (She said not to worry, she agrees with dh that he/we should do things like this when we are healthy enough to do so.) Sigh.

So -- home, print the tickets -- :?: although the RED ink did not show as being low so I did not replace that cartridge -- but it did not print in color, except for blue. Should I reprint, or is it all good as long as the bar code is clear and easy to scan?
Washed dishes.
Need to get clothes together for dh to pack.

And... even though I know these are all third world problems and a sign of how truly blessed I am... to top off an all-around horrible day :cry:
Burt Reynolds died today. :cry: I've kinda been in love with Burt Reynolds ever since WW and the Dixie Dancekings. :cry:
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Thinking Cap Thursday

Postby Harmony » Thu Sep 06, 2018 10:19 pm

Lucylee, they put nitrogen in tires? Isn't nitrogen flammable? Oh my goodness.

Speaking of tires, after we had to buy 2 new tires Tuesday for the SUV (riding on smooth tires with metal sticking out), DH had to order 2 new tires for his pickup (which he describes as onion skins - the old ones). And our charge card continues to smoke from overuse.

Kathryn, your brain sounds really wonky. How about earphones with simple white noise, or would that make things worse?

Speaking of noises, tonight we went out for dinner. DH comes in and says he's so relieved to have his tree trimming done and feels like taking me out for my birthday dinner which he never got to do. I'd forgotten all about it. So I picked the BBQ place down the street 2 miles away, simply because it's the closest place and I really didn't feel like going anywhere. Meal was delicious and we both overate, walked in and rolled ourselves out we were so full. Not good for our diets! The only thing wrong was the country western music going on their sound system was ok but much too loud for conversation between 2 people with hearing issues.

My avalanche of paperwork yesterday finally got done and I was happy to have a clear starting place to use to work up the request. We did that after an hour of discussion and I came back to the computer to print it up and guess what, an email from the bank lady. She'd gone by the inspector pictures and just made one out herself for 1/3 more than we would have asked for. They are paying us for stuff we do not have done, but it seems like she's just trying to rush us through and simplify her own paperwork.

I suspect we will have a lot of money to give back to the customer in the end, which is ok on our end but will make his interest payment higher...which may be the bank lady's goal anyway as that is how they make their money. Whatever...

We have another big paperwork thing to do tomorrow that we didn't get to today. But I'm making progress.

I'm actually tired of so much thinking. Most of my housework can be done without much thinking. It's all this other stuff that takes so much concentration.

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Re: Thinking Cap Thursday

Postby lucylee » Thu Sep 06, 2018 10:41 pm

So, if I"m going to really THINK... which I'm pretty much in no mood to do... but I'm trying to think, How to Improve My State of Mind.

Things to be thankful for...
(1) We have a nice new vehicle, which runs well, even if the tire sensor is lying.
(2) We get to spend the weekend with ds & his family.
(3) DH has the good health this year, and we are able to afford the tickets that will enable dh to spend a special weekend with ds and that is really priceless.
(4) My mother is home and feeling very independent, telling me there is nothing I need to do for her and I should enjoy my weekend.
(5) I have clean sheets on the bed, my laundry is caught up, and my kitchen is clean.

And so far as the overwhelming, depressing planning problem -- my calendar should open up a bit now that dmom is back home.

I almost splurged and bought myself TWO books at Wmart earlier today, but then I thought about the two books that I am still in the process of reading, and the two more on my nightstand, and I thought nope... that is what the library is for. GO to the LIBRARY. Booksaver, you have reinforced that thinking for me. I will not have time to do that tomorrow, but I MUST start making time to READ -- real books, not just online, mindless surfing social media -- and I MUST start returning to the library.

So that's one thing I am THINKING, Harriet... truly disciplining myself re: my online time and making time for real reading, which is one of my favorite things to do. I just get out of the habit and forget. The smart phone is always there, being such a huge distraction.

The last time I went there was a disaster, two hours for a manicure and most of that waiting when I was stressed.

(((Twins))) That was so good of you to spend time with your friend, though.

Confession -- I've never had a manicure OR a pedicure! I keep my fingernails so short it would be useless. When they are long, they tend to get on my nerves -- I want to be cleaning them all the time, and eventually, I just start picking at them and biting them. I usually try to keep clear polish on them, but last night I totally ruined even that while at a movie -- Operation Finale. It was a very good movie, but kinda tense, even though we knew how it would end. It is the story of the capture of Adolph Eichmann in Argentina.

(((Helia))) I'm so sorry about the conflict with your dd and her friend. Sending lots of good wishes that things work out soon.

LadyM -- I must adopt your way of THINKING:
I like being able to zone out and just do the next card. Repeat....repeat....repeat.
I think putting the time on cards is an excellent idea. I do have the time on most of my cards.
Procrastination is a HUGE problem for me. I need to just DO THE THING and get on with it.

That is great that your dd found a good buy on a washer/dryer set, Dee -- and great that you could help out with the purchase! I have never had a front-load washer. I don't really think I would like one. However, my dmom has a TOP-load DRYER, and she loves it. I had never even heard of that until she got hers. It saves a lot of stooping and bending. I don't like the lint collector on it though, it's a little cup that you have to empty periodically.

Rose, my dmom has some pink crystal -- a LOT of pink crystal, actually, (Depression-glass?) -- that I want to keep, but oh my goodness... where on EARTH will I put it??? It belonged to my paternal grandmother and my aunt didn't want it, so dmom got it. Dmom has large, white, glass-front cabinets on each side of her fireplace, and the pink dishes and glasses look sooo pretty there... but in my house, with dark/natural woodwork, I'm not so sure. I don't know what will happen to all that glass.
Good for you on decluttering.

So glad you're feeling better, Nancy! LOL -- I think we collect coolers, also!

WTG on desk day, Harriet!


Hope the conflict between cats works itself out soon, too, Elizabeth!

So glad things are going so well for dd, Blessed!

Yep, Harmony, apparently that is somewhat common -- nitrogen in tires. I don't know. Dmom said duncle said he wasn't worried about adding regular air to the Corvette though, b/c he had heard of enough people who had mixed the two that he didn't think it caused any problems -- and you know, I have cousins who drag race, and they are all car fanatics, so if anyone would know, it would be duncle.
And our charge card continues to smoke from overuse.

Yep to that one, too. :roll: (No charge for me today for my trouble, though; I'm just thinking about those ridiculous football tickets.)

I'm actually tired of so much thinking. Most of my housework can be done without much thinking
That is so true, Harmony.
So WHY do I THINK so much and put off DOING anything???

I need a banner in front of my head: JUST DO IT! JUST DO THE THING AND BE DONE WITH IT!

:idea: Still wearing my thinking cap... Roadblocks to my Getting Things Done:
(1) lack of energy
(2) distracted by dh -- either he is doing something else, and I don't want to disturb him, OR he wants me to do something WITH him
(3) time pressures from dmom, dgrands, etc.
(4) donwannas, laziness
:idea: Soooo... what to do...
* 1 * It does not take a lot of energy to DO something for 15 minutes. This is a ridiculous excuse. And thinking about it is more tiring than doing it, generally speaking.
* 2 * When dh is in the den/kitchen, I am free to clean in the bedrooms, etc. When dh is in the bedroom, I am free to clean in the den/kitchen. This is a ridiculous excuse.
* 3 * None of these people take up 24/7 of my time. When dgrands are here, for the most part, they enjoy "helping." This is a ridiculous excuse.
* 4 * This is a ridiculous excuse. If I DONwanna do X, then what DO I want? I want a clean house, a sense of accomplishment, the feeling that I have "got my act together," and if I spent just an hour a day, I could make HUGE progress on all of these goals. 15 minutes each: daily, weekly, zone, exercise. Then I would still have 15 hours to sit around and be lazy. This is a ridiculous excuse.

I am going to try to finish up tonight, enjoy the weekend, and start strong Monday. Thank you Harriet for supplying thinking caps, and thank you ALL for bearing with me while I thought through my terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. ;) :roll: :oops:
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Thinking Cap Thursday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Sep 06, 2018 10:47 pm

Harmony: My brain's always been wonky. We normally get along fine with each other. It is just worse at the moment!

Shushy white noise really irritates me but waves or rain will work. The binaural music sometimes has waves or rain as well as music. But that's still listening to something. If I'm not listening to something, I can't get to sleep. Voices are the best. Ds is the same. I'm wondering if dgs is too but I daren't test my theory. I do know that he's never been put to sleep regularly with music but he does have pretty lights and white noise. Although pretty lights seem to me to encourage eyes open!

Elizabeth: it is called subvocalization and not everyone does it. But it isn't something people know about since everyone assumes everyone else reads the same way. Even within those who subvocalize, some people read in different voices, some in the same voice they hear narrating the rest of their life.

Here's a poem about it. I love this.

by Thomas Lux

is not silent, it is a speaking-
out-loud voice in your head: is it spoken,
a voice is saying it
as you read. It's the writer's words,
of course, in a literary sense
his or her voice, but the sound
of that voice is the sound of your voice.
Not the sound your friends know
or the sound of a tape played back
but your voice
caught in the dark cathedral
of your skull, your voice heard
by an internal ear informed by internal abstracts
and what you know by feeling,
having felt. It is your voice
saying, for example, the word barn
that the writer wrote
but the barn you say
is a barn you know or knew. The voice
in your head, speaking as you read,
never says anything neutrally — some people
hated the barn they knew,
some people love the barn they know
so you hear the word loaded
and a sensory constellation
is lit: horse-gnawed stalls,
hayloft, black heat tape wrapping
a water pipe, a slippery
spilled chirr of oats from a split sack,
the bony, filthy haunches of cows. . . .
And barn is only a noun — no verb
or subject has entered into the sentence yet!
The voice you hear when you read to yourself
is the clearest voice: you speak it
speaking to you.

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