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Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Sep 10, 2018 5:17 pm

Dee - Might try using a wet/dry vacuum on your car seat to suck up most of the water. Or maybe go to a car wash and have them vacuum the car seat water out for you.

Homeschool is done for the day. WhooHOO!! DS10 did very well today. I am pleased with the amount he was able to get done in 7 subjects. I have been postponing doing Long Division because he is still working on memorizing Multiplication facts. However, he is 73% done with Multiplication memorization, so I decided to see if he could understand and do Long Division. I think the long division is a go so we will start working on that too in Math.

We only have 2 full day homeschool days this week (today and Thursday). Tuesday afternoon is piano lesson & 4H meeting. Wednesday afternoon is Band class. Friday is always a difficult homeschool day because DGD7 is here and DS10 friends are out of school and usually want to play with him. I have NO CLUE how public schools can get everything taught. Especially with a 4 day school week Wait.....I remember how they do it......they sent home hours and hours of homework every night. Yug. I don't miss that part of public school AT ALL.

Blesssed - You are right! P&P taught us to just mark that the card was skipped and refile it. I was doing that but then I tweaked the card system a bit to feed me more information that I wanted to know. Now I know which cards have been skipped and how many times. I want to give priority to the card(s) that has been skipped the most. I really don't stress over being behind. It is just an observation and it motivates me to step up my game a bit.

This morning the amount of time showing for cards that are due/overdue was not motivating me. However, this afternoon I am looking at the time that I have spent doing cards and I am very pleased to have that information. That feedback is very motivating to me now. I like seeing the facts of how much I accomplished so far today.

Harmony - our post office workers have been slammed by the package delivery too. They are contract workers and only get paid for xx number of hours each day they do their mail routes. (each mail route has been documented how long it takes) With all the extra package deliveries it is taking longer to do their routes and somedays they find themselves working for free if they want to finish the deliveries. I hope they get this changed quickly. It isn't fair to them. IMHO.
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Postby lucylee » Mon Sep 10, 2018 6:16 pm

Praying for safety for Harriet and family!

I did the bathrooms — s/s all toilets, dh’s shower, and mirrors/water spots around sinks
PLUS glass in storm doors,
PLUS started vacuumed hard floors in dining room, kitchen, laundry room, and guest bath.
PLUS Made all the phone calls
— dh’s Doctor
— dmom’s Doctor
— termite people
— asst living, trying to locate dmom’s missing hairbrushes
— dmom
Messages to
— dcousin re: baby shower RSVP
— dfriends re: wedding RSVP
— dfriend re: teacher meeting next week
Ordered two books for two baby showers

So — not an unproductive day, even though the vacuum cleaner is still sitting in the middle of the floor. Had to stop bc the phone man arrived.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Postby Lynlee » Mon Sep 10, 2018 6:33 pm

Happy Birthday Kathryn
Stay safe all affected by your weather systems.

Elizabeth/ Lucylee - It was me who mentioned the rust melting residue of what once may have been a Tmodel. converted to a truck, as it was. or maybe it was something of similar ilk. from down on the farm.
Various other things have been hauled out of their long grass to drought resting places over the eons by collectors who have come asking.
Nothing looked as I remembered it from 50 - 60 years ago. I guess the weather does that to things.
Hoping someone will be delighted to take some of the ancient 'collections'.
The like with like arrangement arranged in rows was a delight to see. :mrgreen:

Must dress for tai chi. and otd in 12min.
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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Postby Harriet » Mon Sep 10, 2018 6:51 pm

Sunny, I hope your dh's bday was happy.

I went ahead and got some errands done today. Healthy foods store and bank. At least a few things are off my mind early in the week in case things get harried. HRH and I agree a regular ordinary grocery trip would be wise, especially if both went - we should probably do it before the rush, but I don't know when. He thought of going with me today/evening but can't manage it. He's had a head-hunting company calling him for one thing. Their commute idea is not worth it to him and took up his time. I'm sure it makes him feel valued so I don't begrudge the intrusion so much.

Tomorrow I have scheduled the car for oil change/tire rotation balance and that appt is 8:30 a.m. Unfortunately, I anticipate having to rush back home because dd needs me back by 10:30. So there wouldn't be a sensible space of time for grocery.

I am patting myself on the back, though, for securing that appt spot when I thought of it Saturday.

On Friday A T and T scheduled a bunch of digging in our yard. Ds heard this and scoffed at it. He says no such work will be done at all with that oncoming weather. So I suppose we'll have these flags across the yard for even longer. We can't mow because the flags mark fiber optic cable lying on the ground.

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Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Sep 10, 2018 7:49 pm

Thanks for the birthday wishes.

I'm back to bed now since I'm very tired and we'll be out for dinner tonight Not sure I'll sleep because there's construction upstairs.

I've managed to strip and remake the bed and do 2.5 loads of laundry. I put on a slightly heavier duvet for me (dh's doesn't change in summer) but that may be too hot towards the end of the week when the temps go back up to the 80s. At present the high today is to be just 60.

<much later due to interruption from dd calling>

Had nap, dressed for dinner and went over to dd's for a bit. I drove downtown (originally the plan was for her to drive) but I had to have her stop talking while we were in the car because I got a headache. In my head I'm going through everything, naming what has to be done ("car coming up behind on the right, need to merge lanes here, my exit is two away, red light") and I couldn't concentrate on that narrative as well as dd talking and, of course, dgs babbling away as well.

Dh and ds were 30 minutes late, caught in traffic coming from our place. Dsil was already there, having taken the bus directly from work.

Dinner as very good (it is one of the buffet places where the birthday person gets a free dinner.) Dgs is only $1. Dh is discounted for senior rate. So it was also affordable.

Dgs was excellent as usual, although a bit tired and fussy at the end. He went potty 5 times. I'll find out later if he was dry the whole time (he's in the middle of potty training now so when he asks we go but dd had him in a pullup in case he couldn't hold it.) He told us he had to go in the car and was told to hold his pee in his bladder and he managed to hold it for 20 minutes in total so that was great. Of course, he might have been using the potty request to get out of the car seat, which he hates.

Dh is driving them home now and ds brought me home in his car. It is quiet here now, even with ds here.

We'll go house hunting at some point this week. I found one for him and he's found one so we'll drive out to view them.

I'm ready for bed but will wait a bit. Ds is here until he leaves for work.

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Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Sep 10, 2018 10:22 pm

Dh just asked me to book his hotel for the end of the month in Zwolle, Netherlands. Not having any luck finding anything remotely affordable, those are booked. This is the first I've heard that there isn't a client paying for the hotel or that reservations are needed. I always book reservations when I book airfare but in this case, I didn't make dh's travel arrangements.

My computer is acting up badly so I had to do a complete reboot. Now I need to sign back into all my 2-factor accounts.

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Postby Harmony » Mon Sep 10, 2018 10:24 pm

Harriet, stay safe! My head is whirling around thinking about all the things you should be getting ahead of time. Make sure you have full gas tanks, cash on hand, medicines, pet foods. Last time (H. Irma) a week was not enough time to order a med and I couldn't get them to get it in and fill it with all the people getting theirs too in a panic. Water ahead too.

We both have family likely to be affected. I also have some in Hilton Head which is a concern for storm surge. Funny, but even though I know this thing isn't coming my way I feel the same anxiousness about it. Maybe because I know people there.

My friends who were here recently just went back home to Annapolis. They are right on a river at the coastline or intercoastal or something...but let's hope they are ok. I am wondering about Sunny's DSon up there not too far from the coast in S VA.

2 trips to county office. 1st one I got right up to the entry door when I realized I had a paper needed to be turned in before they would give me what I came for. So back home to get that and back I went. By that time clouds were rolling in and thunder, so I didn't go on to supermarket because I just knew I'd get soaked and didn't want to do that again. I'll go earlier tomorrow morning.

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Postby Sunny » Mon Sep 10, 2018 11:25 pm

A late hello to everyone.

Happy Birthday Katherine.

Dee, I'm sorry you've had water troubles.

Harriet and others, I hope this coming hurricane turns out to not be as bad as they say. We have friends who live in N.C. and Virginia as well as dson#3 in Virginia, so we are worried for them also.

Thank you for thinking of dh, Harriet and Harmony. I told dh you were thinking of him and he sends his Thank You.

Nice to see you looking in Dove.

Dh's appointment with his kidney Dr. this afternoon was good, Dr. was happy with his tests. Tomorrow we have to take a ride back to that same office. When we got home I checked the paperwork they gave him. The script for blood work for next appointment and the information sheet about his condition he is supposed to read was ok. They also attached a copy of the test report, however it wasn't dh's. The name belonged to another patient and the report had been printed at 10 am this morning, not 4 pm when we were there. :roll: I could just call and tell them, but he wanted his own report to give to the V.A. doctor next month.

Tomorrow we will stop at W-M pharmacy to pick up an RX refill and probably pick up a few groceries while we are there.

The mention of mail service has reminded me of a topic of conversation that comes up frequently on a Face Book page for dson#3's neighborhood. A lot of people living there have said that their mail delivery is way less than acceptable. Sometimes mail is not delivered on time or not at all and packages coming from A-river and other mail order places are late or delivered to incorrect addresses. Sometimes people post looking for the owner of a mis-delivered package, or some people are asking if a package or mail for themselves has been delivered to someone else. So far, dson has said nothing has been wrong with his mail. (Hope I haven't jinxed it by saying that!)

It's time for lights out here....
Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible. --- Francis of Assisi

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