Working Wednesday

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Re: Working Wednesday

Postby BookSaver » Wed Sep 12, 2018 6:53 pm

Hello, villagers ~
I gave up trying to get through to wm on the phone, and just drove there to see if they had the ss co2 exchange canisters. They were out of stock, but the customer service rep pointed at the case of empties behind her and assured me that she would be sending that box back tomorrow and ordering the refills. She said it usually takes "a week or so" to get the new box. I am hoping that she is correct and they will in fact receive at least 1 more case so I can exchange my 2 canisters. That will last us a couple of months. I will not hope for any more after that because I'm pretty certain that ss is discontinuing the size of machine we have as they have come out with a smaller one they are marketing for "healthy water" rather than for flavors of soda. The new style takes a smaller co2 canister.

In the meantime, today I picked up a few bottles of plain club soda to see if I can get an acceptable taste mixing club soda with the cola syrup and other flavors I have already. Depends on how salty the "low sodium" club soda tastes.

I also searched online for a few minutes for the old-fashioned soda siphon I mentioned. Looks like that type of gadget would take up refrigerator space rather than counter space, so that will need to be factored in. "Seasonal holiday gifts" will appear in the stores any day now, and I don't know if that means the prices will go up or down.

Today's 8x9 list was:
* Run to Wm (done)
* Load of laundry (done)
* Load of dishes (done)
* Finish library book due tomorrow (almost done)
* Trash and recycling bins to the curb
* 1 hour on decluttering project
* 1 hour of sewing
* Watch 1 episode a British mystery or delete it unwatched

The item about the British mystery show is because I'm running out of space on the dvr and there will be a new Father Brown episode tomorrow night that I need to record while I'm at work. Father Brown has been in reruns for many weeks so I'm looking forward to a new one.

Still waiting for word from the roofing company.

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Re: Working Wednesday

Postby Nancy » Wed Sep 12, 2018 8:58 pm

Books from what I understand ss smaller canisters will fit the larger machines.I have been thinking of doing something differe t with my larger one as well.
I might try diet lemon lime, or club soda.
Dinner is over. I did an after dinner kit. Spiff.

I might decorated the front steps for fall with squash &pumpkin next week.

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Re: Working Wednesday

Postby BookSaver » Wed Sep 12, 2018 10:25 pm

Nancy, thank you! It didn't even occur to me that the threaded connection for the smaller capacity carbonator canister might work on our current machine. I will look into that. It would still leave us with 2 useless empty 60L canisters, but would let us keep using the machine.

My current favorite carbonated flavor with caffeine is a cola with a little lime juice and coconut syrup added (treated as a dessert rather than a thirst-quenching beverage). For no caffeine, I usually drink straight tap water, but I've also been enjoying a juice blend with kiwi and pear flavors added to carbonated water.

OK, I've done everything on today's list except the sewing and finishing the library book. I don't want to stay up much longer. Since I want to return the book tomorrow rather than renew it, I'm going to skip the sewing and make the reading a priority.

Maybe I can do a little sewing tomorrow before work.

Editing to add: Now I'm even more confused. I went to the ss website to look for a faq page about whether or not the different sizes of co2 bottles have the same connectors but all they are showing are the 60L ones that local stores told me they won't have available any more. I guess that gives me more confidence that the wm person was right that they will keep restocking that size? :? In any case, the exchange is on hold for the week or so that the wm person told me it will take their next order to arrive.

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Re: Working Wednesday

Postby Sunny » Wed Sep 12, 2018 10:30 pm

Happy Birthday HRH!. Hope you have enjoyed your day.

I'm posting from my phone as I shut the p.c. down then remembered I wanted to say hello. I'm hearing thunder close by. The house is warmer than usual this evening, probably because we didn't have much cloud cover today and no rain this afternoon.

I've watched the Weather Channel this evening and feel bad for all who will be affected by this storm.

Dh had his PT this afternoon. I really can't believe that she took him outside for his walk. It was over 92* and no shade. They didn't stay out long! Then he did his other exercises. He's really tired tonight.

So the thunder is really close now, good night everyone.
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Re: Working Wednesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Sep 12, 2018 10:51 pm

I made it through today.

Had fun looking at houses with ds. Two inside and out, and two from the outside. One of them is out of his price range and unexpected. We were driving down a country road, he saw a house, looked it up online and it wasn't listed so we turned around and went back. While we were parked at the side of the road, the agent pulled up.

This is a rural area outside a small town. Ds introduced himself but the agent already knew about him and which houses he's been looking at in the area. We couldn't see inside the farmhouse today because it is just going online today and there were dogs to be corralled but we got the price (outside ds's range by $20K) and a few details. Two car garage and a separate workshop, both with electricity. That's just what ds needs. And before we had come across the house, I had commented about how good it felt to be driving by fields.

This place just has 1.25 acres but at least it is being measured in acres! At this point, if it was perfect inside, I'd be tempted to give ds the $20K. On the other hand, it is still 45 minutes from his work and rural roads in winter are a real challenge.

He dropped me back at the car pool lot along the highway and I napped for 20 minutes then drove to close to my accountant's and had lunch. That's around the corner from my music friend so I texted her. She was home and awake so we visited for an hour or so. It was only 25 minutes to get home despite being rush hour so I was glad of the easy drive.

I napped for an hour, then had my dinner and didn't do much for the rest of the evening except for washing up the dishes and vacuuming the kitchen and office. Also some major tidying. Still have a lot more to do.

I also updated my bullet journal for the week. Yes, I know it is Wednesday so I drew in next week at the same time!

I should be off to bed but am still watching for an email from dh.

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