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Postby lucylee » Thu Sep 13, 2018 8:51 pm


A lot of time noises bother me too, Dee. Sometimes dh has been known to have one ballgame on tv, another on one radio, and the Grand Ole Opry on the other radio. At times like that, I just have to go to the bedroom and close the door. I don't know how on earth he keeps up with all of that.
I hope you can get all these appts and procedures for Mr. Dee out of the way quickly, Dee, and get on the road as soon as you hope. I do not envy him having to spend so much time with doctors!

Kasalia -- (((HUGS))) for RA -- have you seen me posting about my dgd? She has Juvenile Arthritis. She will be three years old in November. So far she is doing very well on Humera shots every other week, but ddil is very watchful, always alert for any "flares." She was taking a second shot, every week, and ddil was especially worried about that one b/c it causes sun sensitivity, I think, but at her last visit with rheumatologist, they said she was in remission and could leave that shot off now.
DDIL is awaiting test results on herself, and expecting to be referred to a rheumatologist as well.

Nancy -- (((HUGS))) for you as well. I know you will be sooo happy to have this house sale behind you.

Helia -- I am the same way:
Some repeat themselves daily. Others, well, it just takes me multiple days to get them done.
It has taken me ALL WEEK LONG to get through this week's TO DOs! And I still have not bought two baby gifts, or dusted for the WHB.

Waving to Blessed...

declutter for no of things every day = day of the month.

Twins, do you mean, declutter one thing on the first of the month, two the next day, and so on? That sounds like a good idea.
Re: holiday grief associations -- I know I've told this before, but my dgm had a stroke while dmom was Christmas shopping (years ago). Dmom had seen her earlier that day and all was well, but before dmom got home from the mall, they had called ddad and told him a friend found her and had called the ambulance. (This was before cell phones.) For a long time, dmom said she wondered if she would EVER be able to do her Christmas shopping without thinking of this. The first year afterwards, I think she went into the mall and turned around and left. BUT -- it DID get better. Now, I think she just dreads Christmas shopping b/c her back hurts and she gets tired so quickly.
She has also expressed what you said about the loss of shared memories.
(((BIG HUGS))) for you as you work through all this; you have certainly been through enough to make ANYONE occasionally weepy! Just hang in there and give yourself time.

And I have also had that experience, Elizabeth, of thinking of someone, just not being able to get them off my mind, and later realizing it was the anniversary of their death. (But it is not always in a sad way of thinking of them, Twins.)
Kathryn, my dmom's gf passed away on Christmas or Christmas Eve -- I can't remember which, I was very young -- and I'm sure that colored dmom's thinking the next Christmas, but like you, she would say it is not a horrible dark cloud on Christmas anymore.
And btw -- keep giving yourself TIME to RECOVER!

Have a great trip, Rose! I'm sure I'll be wishing for boot weather by Saturday. They just said heat index at ballgame would likely be approaching triple digits. I still say it should be illegal to play football outdoors in the daytime in the South before October!
Tomorrow is another day.

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Postby Harmony » Thu Sep 13, 2018 9:04 pm

Today's done list:

Dailies and desk chores
I went to warehouse store for 2 things, and came out with small cart full. I rarely do this over there...but saw things that were good bargains (not everything over there is) and I paid my membership for the year starting next month.

Bunch of cooking done for meals ahead. A couple meatloaves; chicken; big pan of stuffed peppers.

Tonight I did a couple spreadsheets so I'm caught up again.

(Twins). I'm glad you have someone to talk with.
My DMother died on my BiL's birthday. I think about that every year. DDad died close to DSis birthday and I always remember her presents sitting there wrapped and she opened them when everything was over. I think about that also. These don't make me feel especially sad, just an awwww feeling. I guess that's sad. With my DDad, I was what 16? My regret with that is I feel cheated that I never got to have an adult-type relationship with him.

Hoping everyone is safe in the storm and all have electric and phone service. I did look up Hurricane Hazel. My goodness. What a storm that was. We don't need another one like that EVER. This one, they're saying it's like Hurricane Ike, in size at least and both were cat 2. Here, with our homes built like concrete bunkers, I don't worry so much about 1, 2, or even 3. Irma was a 3 as it went up through the state to the East of us. When DH heard that he went off to bed. Our whole county could someday be under water, but we aren't THAT close to the beach so normally we don't get flooded. I don't know how people have the courage to live on a barrier island.

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Postby Harriet » Thu Sep 13, 2018 9:18 pm

Kasalia, I'm sorry you haven't been feeling well. Gardening is so happy-making but also can disappoint when you can't do it. I hope the judging goes very well for you.

Last evening marked a milestone for me. I gave all my 5 years of Angel Tree information and records back to the church generally. Although it is unfortunate that I didn't have a person to give it to, it is out of my hands. It is not my place to tell others how to inform our folks that someone is needed to do this work. I gave it back after the study, which dd attended with me at the last minute. I showed it physically to 3 elders and explained exactly what was happening as I left the large folder. In the time since I first told them I wouldn't do it a sixth year, the minister has contacted the AT people and told them we will take as large a group of children's names as we have ever taken before. I would have advised against that, without a plan in place.

Sleep - i am trying to be more consistent with sleeping. The book I'm reading is so compelling regarding that. The author advises sleeping to satiety. I've never had anyone tell me to do it for my health in such absolute terms. Awaken naturally. Okay. So ... .. so far I'm bouncing around between giving too much time or too little, trying to find a plan. My body still suggests naps, but I still can't nap briefly - never have. I either zonk out for an hour or two or don't nap - there's nothing in between for me. I think I need to avoid them. So, my household simply must not have anything unusual happen. :|

dd20 bought a new camera for her classes and also because she's dreamed of one. She spent a whole paycheck on it. We've been going around finding things for her to photograph. That was her "art" with dgs today. HRH found a very unusual leggy green insect we've never seen before (possibly an appearance to do with rare weather coming?) resting on a rose bloom. She got great photos of that.

The reception and exhibition of quilts I was going to be able to attend at her gallery has been postponed because of the weather here and because so many slated to attend would have hardship attending.

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Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Sep 13, 2018 10:40 pm

I made a good dinner for myself. I vacuumed while the meat was in the oven and then sauteed up a pan of veggies to go with the meat. Chatted with dh on the phone as I finished the prep of my meal.

After dinner, I managed to get the kitchen chores for the week done (not a lot of dirt this week because I haven't been cooking, only assembling, so few grease splatters.)

I've also emptied the garbage cans and recycle and have that at the door to take down in the morning.

I opened all the mail except for today's (that's still in the box downstairs.)

And I ran a load of laundry. It is in the dryer now. When it finishes, I'll head to bed.

I'm still really behind on things.

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Postby Nancy » Thu Sep 13, 2018 11:29 pm

I was able to write about fears and h talked through some of his before dinner. We are not looking forward to the house selling I cannot explain how much dread I fell about it bc of no plan and the time it will take to build. Plus they are hinting that we will need to drop pricing. It has not even been on the mkt. A month yet. I feel they are telling folks the mkt. Is hot when it is not just to get listings. We have had some communication snafus and the is disconcerting to say the least. Looking into Oct and the holidays uncertainty is unsettling to say the least.

Glad to see Harriet checking in. Good news that they are doing those pics. I have not tackled the photos on this tablet, they take up so much memory slowed down the other one.

I just keep plugging away with daily stuff. We had salmon for dinner it was good. I rounded up laundry not enough for a load.

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