Friday Fake it 'Till You Make it

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Friday Fake it 'Till You Make it

Postby Twins' Mom » Fri Sep 14, 2018 8:37 am

Smoke and mirrors. Fake it till you make it. Whatever it takes to get the job done on those days when you just can't get moving.

What are your tips for those days? (I'm having one of those weeks, at least since late Friday afternoon!)
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Re: Friday Fake it 'Till You Make it

Postby Twins' Mom » Fri Sep 14, 2018 8:54 am

I did some "chore bingo" and setting the timer in the days before Rosh Hashana. Now that the extravaganza is done I'm just feeling limp with emotion and other stuff. OTOH, I don't have to do a lot today other than getting ready for company tonight - a couple that dh invited so we could (ahem) get rid of the rest of the brisket, which has already been frozen and thawed. I am just about limp with the thought of having people over tonight but I can't help it now.

I had submitted a registration to go to a program at the National archives below ATL tomorrow, but I am cancelling. I knew that the Saturday between RH and Yom Kippur was an iffy time for me to plan something and then there's weather and travel also.

Dcleaning lady will be later today but I need to get on with straightening up for her. Dfriend M needs to go to jewelers, and I said I would go with her to take my watch but we haven't set a day. She may have already gone. (Although, on an hours notice she was driving (or was the driver?) of their shelter van picking up animals from SC when it broke down on Wed - they had to get a rental van and got home in the wee wee hours of the morning so her week has been messed up too.)

And another "have to" is that I agreed (in a weak moment) to help dd out by leading a Jewish genealogy/immigration unit for three weeks with her older Sunday school kids. I held the line last year. Now I need to get ready for that too. Definitely piling on penalty warranted.
Last edited by Twins' Mom on Fri Sep 14, 2018 9:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Friday Fake it 'Till You Make it

Postby Nancy » Fri Sep 14, 2018 9:09 am

I do the how many chores can I do during the TV commercials.with the kids it was affective and scavenger hunt for dishes to was that were in the basement. Make it fun helped! Kids helped to sort laundry. Tech issue handled yea!

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Re: Friday Fake it 'Till You Make it

Postby LadyMaverick » Fri Sep 14, 2018 9:57 am

I am out of my groove but still managing to make progress.

My laptop is repeatedly crashing several times a day and I have narrowed it down to hardware failure. It is just a matter of time before I won't be able to bring it back from the crashes. The laptop is out of warranty so I made the decision to get a different laptop. That decision cost me many hours because I am so picky about it. I spent 4 hours yesterday going to brick-N-mortar stores trying to find a laptop with anything near my requirements. I didn't find anything remotely close. So that put me back to purchasing online. I narrowed down all my parameters by the time I went to bed last night but wanted to wait a few hours to make sure I didn't think of something else or talk myself out of it. This morning I was rock solid that I had found the laptop that I want so I hit the buy button. #FirstWorldProblems

I have fed both kids their 1st meal of the day. Many more to follow.....

I have sent our regrets to a wedding invitation. I don't even know these people. I asked DH if he knew them and he said they were customers at MPB. We sold MPB 2 years ago and haven't had any contact with them since. Why would they invite us to their wedding? Strange. Anyway, the RSVP is done and the multi-page fancy invite is in the trash.

Next up-
** Kids doing their lists
** Homeschool day #43
** Updating SHE cards
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Re: Friday Fake it 'Till You Make it

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Sep 14, 2018 10:04 am

good morning d twins and d nancy and all!

you are a busy woman d twins! sending you lots of energy to you during your day!

so cool that you make it fun d nancy! have a great day.

look at you d lady.. a little out of your groove but still doing work!!! great job! sorry about your computer.
it was nice that they thought of you - but I am sure it was out of kindness and probably are hoping that many won't accept. its okay and important to say no if it doesn't work - good for you. yay on rsvp-ing
have a great day.
the cranes are out in front and making tons of noise :D
so glad I had gone away for a bit. I know d mom loves going out with me and dd younger, I know dh wants time with me, I know I can't please other people all the time and shouldn't try to make others happy, I know the house needs so much work - (painting etc) and more but I can let it go in my head now and do what I need to do. So nice. I have to add time for me physically to be outdoors - my favourite. The stress is mostly gone and I am back to routines and bwp. no zones.

spoke to kat and she suggested I finish the basement. stick to routines, bwp and clutter checks in the morning (get it done first thing) and then work outside in the yard in the afternoon. Also I tend to stash when I am stressed and before the trip I tossed anything in the way in the 3 season room - her goal for me is to stop doing that. also limit my computer time until night and after everything is done.

things I missed this week that must be done - money/desk day. I still am not making time for the gym and ww or being outdoors - so that must change.

Yesterday was a great day for d mom. She really missed us. I took her to Nord strom and she found gym shoes for her petite little self. and did other errands for her. I got 2 errands done for me and that was great. she went out to dinner with dd younger and they had a lovely time. it was lots of fun to see her happy. I was able to laugh and help her see she was obsessing over my oriental rug - they returned it folded badly after cleaning and did not roll it and may now have a bump in it. I just haven't been able to put it down. (d old dog has been having accidents and it's not worth having rugs on the floor. She can't see to let it go but I got her to laugh that she was obsessing about the rug. "you need to do..." thank Goodness for the break. it gave me back my sense of humour. :D

what needs doing:
morning routine,
paper routine
laundry is still in front hall to put away along with suit cases (lots of stuff)
laundry routine (regular)
animal care
Car and Purse day - bring cars to car wash (once a month thing)
basement 30 minutes
wash sheets and replace
dog bedding wash and or vacuum
dd younger wants me to go with her to see the glasses before she buys them. she has to return contacts bc they gave her the wrong ones.
take d mom for pedicure
dd younger works
work outdoors left to right.

I want to go apple picking. and we are a little late. dd older can't go bc she is so busy with work.

have a great day!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Friday Fake it 'Till You Make it

Postby Ramblinrose » Fri Sep 14, 2018 11:01 am


I’m a lot like Nancy as I do little things between commercials when I first wake up. Same while waiting for the coffee maker to finish. It’s a good time to gather up any footprints and make my bed. It’s amazing what I can get done in 2.5 minutes.

I finished my closet yesterday and purged two huge black leaf bags of stuff to be donated. I am meeting my friend for lunch today and tomorrow and Sunday will be spent packing for my trip and getting the house in order before I leave on Tue.

Enjoy your day... time for my second cup of coffee and Perry :D
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Re: Friday Fake it 'Till You Make it

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Sep 14, 2018 11:31 am

yay on the closet d rose!!!

okay I got sucked into the computer. :shock: pulling cards
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Re: Friday Fake it 'Till You Make it

Postby DeeClutter » Fri Sep 14, 2018 11:34 am

First off on this Friday let me apologize to Blessedw2! For some reason when I looked at the birthdays on Wednesday I only obviously glanced at yours and thought it said the 12th. For all you happy birthday wishers -you can do it again on Monday. I goofed.

We did something yesterday and last night we've never done. We voted in our first ever primary -there was only one race and we know the gal running for the New York State assembly -in fact she's here a lot of the year just a few sites away. She invited us to their 'watch' party last night. It was nearly 11pm before all the results were in but she was decidedly the winner. It was certainly different being there with all the TV cameras, reporters, etc, etc. It was fun. But the down side of all that was that my brain was way too stimulated and even after 2 t ylenol PM's I was still awake at 4am. Got at 5:44 for a break and went back trying to fall asleep. Got up at 6:14, took my T-med and hit the recliner (so dh could have the bed for his exercise when he got up). I dozed a little but not much. Never really got up till nearly 10am and it's been a slow go ever since. I'm just now sipping my coffee.

I hope to go to rehab this afternoon. But we'll see how I'm feeling.

Dh got his appointments yesterday for his heart stents to be placed -seeing the cardiologist October 1 and having the procedure on October 8. Had to call and change his follow up appointment for his gall bladder surgery (Sept 24). It was scheduled for October 9 and I know he'll be staying overnight for the stents. So they changed that to the following week. Then had to change his GP appointment the morning of October 10th to the following week. He'll have his flu shot then and I was pretty sure (and they confirmed) that they wouldn't want to do that 2 days after the stents.

I have very few open days left on the calendar before we leave early November. We had hoped to leave right around October 31st, but our dgd23's aunt is having a bridal shower for her on November 3rd. Since we know we won't make it back up here for the wedding on December 15th, decided I wanted to at least make this one. So, our hope is that the shower will end early enough that dh can get our RV winterized, I'll drop him at our DS-A's and go on down the street to the shower. I plan to pick dh up and we'll drive hopefully at least as far as Corning, NY and be on the road. If it's in the morning (which I can only hope), we might get as far as Winchester, VA. We'll see.
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Re: Friday Fake it 'Till You Make it

Postby Harmony » Fri Sep 14, 2018 11:38 am

I also do the commercial thing. Or I'll read a chapter and get up and take care of a job around here, then go back to my book for another chapter. On days when I just don't want to do housework. I can be pretty lazy sometimes.

Nancy, your post last night had me remembering. 3 moves ago we were in the process of selling a house and we hadn't made any plans on where to go. I was working another job full time and I was leaving this problem up to DH. In those days I didn't have to micro-manage everything and I trusted him to figure out all the important things. Gradually he has had me taking over so much stuff he no longer worries about much at all and it's all on my shoulders. These days I would be nervous and anxious about having no plan about where to go.

One weekend before the closing DH began reading the want-ads and making phone calls. He was looking for the cheapest place to live while we built our next house. I remember him asking me if I would live in a little trailer which was close to jobsite and I said certainly as I didn't care where we were as long as there was a roof over our heads. So that's what we did and our furniture didn't fit, we had some of it on an enclosed porch and everything jammed up together inside. But it was ok, we were secure and we weren't there much anyway, with working all the time and building the next house. We have good memories of that place.

So, if you're planning on building, it doesn't matter where you go because it's only temporary and it'll give you something to look forward to. A storage unit can keep your stuff if you're keeping things. We didn't have anything new, it was all old flea market stuff so we moved it in our trucks with us. You can do this!

Good grief, this storm has to be the slowest one I've ever watched. I hope Harriet doesn't lose power like so many have. I watched a rescue of people and the water on the road was only about 2 inches. Maybe their house was low?

I better get busy around here.

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Re: Friday Fake it 'Till You Make it

Postby LadyMaverick » Fri Sep 14, 2018 11:44 am

DD stopped by on her way to work to see DGD7. DD has quit two jobs in the past 2 weeks. Yesterday someone said something to DD which resulted in her walking out in the middle of her shift. DD said she had another job within an hour. DD is working 24 of the next 36 hours so DGD7 will be here until Sunday. I could say a lot of things about this situation but why? It doesn't change anything. I just focus on counting the many blessings we have.

DS10's SSR (Sustained Silent Reading) time is over now. *POOF*
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