Normal Day Monday

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Re: Normal Day Monday

Postby Lynlee » Mon Sep 17, 2018 10:46 pm

Kathryn - the omegas have tested helpful for RA rather than osteo arthritis where it is decried by some doctors quite a bit. I know it helps my feet and knees to the point they aren't a problem while I have that covered most days. The Glucosamine works on cartilage so it might still be helpful.
I'm so glad you went to see your doctor.

I'll try to up my sleep/rest to up and meant to be attum ratios too as its long been a big failing of mine.

home from tai chi - so frustrated with the teachers teaching -;
library - new load of books, to read or not;
groceries. should have counted a couple of things before I did that. It will all get used in time.

lunch rest
green bin wants a contribution, and it and regular bin need to take the trek to to curb today.
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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Re: Normal Day Monday

Postby Nancy » Mon Sep 17, 2018 11:40 pm

Happy birthday Blessedw2 hope it was a good one!

I am doing the happy dance h fixed the lite on his tool room yippie, he did not even have to put up the new fixture. So happy things are getting done. It by bit.

I got a layer of dirt on the low spot in the front yard will need to do more of that later.

Evening routine stuff has been handled.

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Re: Normal Day Monday

Postby lucylee » Mon Sep 17, 2018 11:46 pm

— Clean sheets on the bed
— 3 items in washer and when they are hung to dry, all laundry will be clean

That’s about it for today.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Normal Day Monday

Postby Harmony » Mon Sep 17, 2018 11:47 pm


So I've been pretty busy the past couple days, and have been keeping an eye on the weather up north. I heard via the family grapevine that relatives just south of Charlotte are fine, just a bunch of rain they said.

Saturday I did a big house blessing; Sunday was church and a membership meeting which I came home from with a big headache. Did not agree much with the powers there but they made it sound like they were having a vote on something which they did not; it was more like this is what we're going to do and here's the pledge cards. I guess the only way to say no to this was not to pledge which is what we did...but I suspect a lot of people might have felt like us but in the spirit of cooperation and supporting the church pledged anyway. So much for that. I'm glad I'm not in charge.

Today I took DH up to get his truck he was doing some work on. It was parked at his sister's house which is down the road from the house we're building, and I had a nice visit with her there. Tonight I did a bunch of paperwork since I'll not be here tomorrow. I got bills paid and one account reconciled, a proposal typed and printed and one packet of papers ready to go to county office while I am gone tomorrow. So now I feel free to go "play" tomorrow and do something fun for a change.

Helped unload a truck tonight also and had DH check the tires and fluids in the car.

Boy this storm sure is something. I heard some are still recovering from H. Matthew, as a lot of people here are from H. Irma. State is out of some types of shingles so there are still blue tarps around. Sad. The whole state was out of screening for a while too.

Well, time for bed.

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Re: Normal Day Monday

Postby Sunny » Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:32 am

Happy birthday Blessedw2. Hope you had a good day.

Today was not really a normal day. It was the start of a busy week for dh and me. We made a trip to the Dr office to sign a form. We came right home again and had a bite of lunch. I got a load of laundry going and the kitchen cleaned up. Got the rest of the daylies done, the laundry dried, folded and put away. Had a phone call from my cousin and my ddil#1, while I was driving. So called them both back. While I was trying to call one of the two, I accidentally touched the wrong name and got to talk to my ds#3 also.

We had a late supper tonight. Ddil#1 was out and about with her dmom and both dgdaughters, so they stopped to visit for a little while. It was nice to see them.

I will be seeing dcousin tomorrow and I'm looking forward to seeing her. Wednesday and Friday will be P.T. for dh and Thursday will be an INR appointment.

We haven't had any rain for quite a few days now and it is so hot and humid here. Dson's country and another county south of his had tornado warnings. He said the one in their area was near the school where ddil works and dgs16 attends. They are home safe.

Time to shut lights out, my eyelids are stiff.
Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible. --- Francis of Assisi

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