Trying Tuesday

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Trying Tuesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:06 am

Try to get into supportive routines today.

When we accomplish them, we feel better and when we feel better we do better and when we do better we accomplish more.

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Re: Trying Tuesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:16 am

Forgot to tell you that the doctor said if I have ADD it will take much, much, longer to recover from a mild concussion. He then asked if I was ever formally diagnosed. I said no, but I fit the description. He said, in effect, "I believe you, I see you using your planner to keep thoughts organized and how you hold onto it, so you have probably developed all sorts of coping strategies and that's why you've never felt you needed a formal diagnosis."

Basically, if you think of the brain working in three modes, Green - all is good, Amber - things are getting stressful and Red - it feels like chaos and pressure, a regular brain spends most of its time in Green, gets a concussion and goes to Red but quickly returns to Green as the brain resorts to its normal state. With ADD, we spend more time in Amber and Red and don't hang out in Green all that often so when we get a concussion, getting to Green isn't as easy since we are used to Yellow and Red.

Sleep is the number one way I can help myself. I haven't been putting that off (witness my daily, often multiple and multiple hour, naps/rests) but he'd like me to focus on longer sleep at night. I did sleep deeper last night. Woke up at 4:30 (common, the security comes through the stairwell door by our bedroom on rounds almost every night at that time so we almost always wake up then) but couldn't wake up enough to get out of bed to go to the bathroom. So stayed in bed until 6. I may cut the melatonin back a bit in upcoming nights since I'm still groggy this morning. He said I could start at 5 mg and move up to 10 if that didn't work but I started at 10 because in the past 5 didn't work on me.

I'm up and having tea and chocolate. Made a batch of rice krispie squares while making my tea so the dish drainer hasn't been emptied.

I need to get moving because we lose hot water today at 9. So I need to be s2s by then.

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Re: Trying Tuesday

Postby Twins' Mom » Tue Sep 18, 2018 9:36 am

I need to get busy. That's what I saw every morning. Yesterday I went off to nap a bit mid day, then worked on narrative lineage assignment until dh got home around 8:30 last night. There's a lot still to do on it, including a day of research at the downtown library. Although, this is only a draft this month so I can afford to leave things undone if I have to.

Tonight is Kol Niedre, the eve of Yom Kippur. Dh and I will be on the pulpit holding torahs at the beginning of the service with the other past presidents of the congregation. We both have readings during the service also, and have to be there very early for the traditional "Past presidents photo" together.

Right now I need to get through a.m. routine and get dog walked and get out of the house. I need to go see dmom - she fell last night but they said she apparently was not hurting and had gone back to sleep. A hospice nurse was to go by to ck her last night too.

I also have errands to run - I forgot to get to the cleaners yesterday for dh, and if you remember the lost ck last week, I still haven't gotten it to dmom's bank. [eye roll here]

-breakfast and meds
-get dressed, brush teeth, wash up
-walk the ddog
-reboot the laundry
-make the bed

and out the door...

, so glad you saw the doc - you have been doing all the right things but it helps to get affirmation and some tips to speed the healing.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Trying Tuesday

Postby Nancy » Tue Sep 18, 2018 10:15 am

I to am working on getting better with routines. I found something called "the works" for hard water in the toilet bowl. Bathroom swishing now.
Eggs are cooling. Planning and journal done as well as qt. Woke up on my own at 4:55. Trash day Tues. Here cans are at the curb. 45*-76* todays temps. When it warms up I will work outside on the low spot out front. Waving to everyone have a great morning.

Edited to add I did another round on my leveling task, with more dirt moved raked and watered. Had lunch, and rested a bit after.

We are having lovely fall weather here today.
Last edited by Nancy on Tue Sep 18, 2018 4:37 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Trying Tuesday

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Sep 18, 2018 11:07 am

(((d kathryn))) I am praying for you and healing. It's so hard to be in pain and having to have quiet and no stimulus when you have a concussion. I am praying it gets better each day fast!!!

I wanted to thank you all for the birthday wishes. You all made my day!!!
I wasn't able to come back as d mom, dd younger and I were out until 8 pm and then dd older and d mom and dh and dd younger had a cake for me at home. it was a relaxing day. did my errands for d mom and dd and then we went to the book store (always a favourite), the art shop as dd younger picked up some art supplies (I love the possibilities of creativity in there - I love to do charcoal drawing and watercolour painting - I love the paint brush isle) and then dinner.
I think it was more important to dd younger that I went to places I like than for me. She wanted me to have a "good time".
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Trying Tuesday

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Sep 18, 2018 11:11 am

hi d twins... I am wishing you a beautiful evening. I have only been to temple a few times and each time I loved it. The ceremony sounds beautiful and faith fulfilling!

hi d nancy! cheer cheer cheer!

lots of love d kathryn

hello to everyone.

I have to handle an insurance call.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Trying Tuesday

Postby helia » Tue Sep 18, 2018 11:54 am

Hi all! This is my low-key day of the week and my only open evening in 7 days. Technically, I had an open evening last night -- no meetings scheduled -- but with getting home from work at 6, dinner around 7, done with clean up around 8 - there's not much of an evening left for me these days. And then we skyped with dd20 for an hour, so that was about it.

I'm also glad you saw a Dr., Kathryn.
Thinking of you with so many holidays this month, Twins. Are you hosting any events for Yom Kippur?
I'm glad you had a nice birthday, blessed.
Does that work in your toilet, nancy? We have some water stains in ours. Dh uses a water softener; I don't know if that helps or not. . .

It is sunny and warm here. We're enjoying the (probably) last days of summer.

My current life: It feels like I'm living the adage, "When it rains, it pours." Right now, I'm trying to protect my time to work on this talk I'm giving next Friday (the 28th) to the women of our church. As it is, I have about 25 hours of payroll per week; 16 of those are in the classroom. The rest of the hours are grading, copying, other meetings, prep, and course development. My evenings are all full as I noted above; next week's evening schedule is the same as this week's. And in the meantime, several additional things have come up that will eat the limited time I do have to prep for the talk. . . ..
(1) There's a church leadership meeting/conference thing that meets Friday evening and Saturday 9 - 3. My weekend is gone.
(2) For this meeting, I need to answer a bunch of Qs and turn in that info.
(3) Last night, I discovered a red spot on Maia's foot. She's going to the vet tomorrow a.m.
(4) My fault -- I agreed to help the moms group child care Thursday morning this week, so that slot of time is also gone.
(5) Initiated and led by dd20, the kids have concocted a plan to apply for Dutch passports when we visit dd20 in NYC sometime next month. For this to happen, they need an apostille for birth certificates and our marriage certificate. Birth certificates are already the originals with raised seals, etc. I'm not exactly sure what an apostille is, but I think we need to take documents to our state's SOS. And I don't think our copy of our marriage license is an original, so we need to make phone calls and figure that out as well. Dh may do this, unless it can wait until after 9/28.
{6) I finally picked up dd20's glasses, so I need to put those in the mail to her. A small errand but just another thing I need to do. . . .

- s2s and self care
- lunch and qt
- get dd20's glasses in the mail

- payroll: grade quizzes
- payroll: prep GSL
- payroll: teach GSL
- payroll: edit paragraphs
- weekly vacuuming
- work on talk
- dinner: tuna pasta, green salad. Dh, me, and M.
- after dinner clean up done
- garbage and recycling to the curb
- work on the Qs for the leadership weekend

Done today:
- dogs
- email; checked web sites
- RSVPed for weekend
- tea
- kitchen reclaimed
- back exercises
- jogged the arb hill
- made an appt. for Maia tomorrow
- emails the Th. dinner crew

Well, I should probably get moving instead of sitting here. That would help me the most!

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Re: Trying Tuesday

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:14 pm

d helia... such a cool thing that your dd 20 is doing with the kids. so so cool
wishing you a seamless week - where everything you do easily melds from one activity to another without stress! You are a busy, generous with you and your time woman and everyone you touch are very lucky. Wishing you a great week!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Trying Tuesday

Postby Twins' Mom » Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:29 pm

I am back....saw dmom, dropped off envelope at post office for her insurance, picked up shirt at cleaners for dh and went to dmom's bank for deposit and to ask how many leading zeros were needed for her checking account no. :shock: I probably got it wrong when I gave it to dmom's insurance co. Dmom is doing okay except she has a UTI going, and that was probably part of the reason for the fall last night. She has a bump and bruise on the back of her head. Concussion? Who knows? DD went with me to see her.

Before I left I purged the refrigerator and got it to the trash on the street instead of making the bed.

I am going to work on my narrative genealogy some now...
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Trying Tuesday

Postby Nancy » Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:47 pm

Toilets are looking better but would would clean faster with out water with that treatment stuff.

I have cleaned cobwebs off the ceiling in the kitchen and dining room, we have cottage cheese texture and glitter on our ceiling so it took longer to clean up after than to do the chore. I have glitter on me now! :mrgreen:
Last edited by Nancy on Tue Sep 18, 2018 10:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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