Thursday Two by Two

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Re: Thursday Two by Two

Postby lucylee » Thu Sep 27, 2018 8:28 pm

I s/s the kitchen, and dh put away the dishes that were in the drainer -- we have a dishwasher, but I always handwash the supper dishes b/c I need the pans for the next night (usually) and then it's just the plates and silverware for the two of us, so I'd rather just go ahead and have everything done. (This doesn't mean there aren't dirty dishes IN the dishwasher -- dh puts his breakfast dishes in there every morning.)

I still need to pack, and we may go to a movie tonight.

I know I've been MIA here in the village most of this week. I have just been wiped out. I don't know HOW some of you DO all that you do! I am just in awe! :shock:
After having dgs all weekend, both of them Monday afternoon/night, dgs Tuesday afternoon/night & getting him to school Wednesday, PLUS going to church and helping with the children's class last night... I have just been WORTHLESS this week.
I mean, NO WHB, no dailies, no zones. I just can't summon the energy to do ANYTHING.
Am I just lazy or are all of you superheroes in disguise???

I am on day 3 of s2s first thing, but that's about it. I s/s the master bath last night and filled the photo album with over 100 pictures I had gotten back from Wmart about a week or so ago. And I did the weekly laundry.
I can't think of anything else I have accomplished.

I have been glued to the tv all day today also. (Except for the time I was out, going to dmom's, the bank, and the post office.)

LadyM -- as I've told y'all before -- dh definitely has claustrophobia and gets really edgy if he is not sitting on the aisle at church, or a sporting event, or anything. He also gets nervous if he is riding with someone else -- except me -- I guess b/c he would feel free to tell me to stop if he wanted me to, but he would feel sorta "trapped" in someone else's vehicle? Oh -- and he HATES driving between those concrete barriers and trucks or anything too -- but I don't like that either! He cannot stay in a storm house -- the one time we went into my parents' during a tornado warning, he held it together until my dad pulled the door shut. Then he started fidgeting and pretty soon, he said, "I've got to get out of here; I'll take my chances in the house." LOL. But he does not mind having the window shades down or anything like that; in fact, he kinda prefers it. I guess everyone has something that sets them on edge.

Waving to all! Hope you all have a great weekend. We're expecting at least some rain at College Town so... I don't have real high hopes. I have also got to learn SOME WAY to occupy myself without EATING all weekend long. * sheesh * It's like I have nothing else to do down there, so I just eat and read. And entertain dgs occasionally -- but he has a new game we are keeping there, and it keeps him pretty busy. It's a football game where you draw cards to see what the next play is, and then you move the ball the specified number of yards on the field (board) -- and he LOVES it. It's teaching him a lot about the game itself, also, but he has to TELL us Every Single Play... and then we have to ANSWER. DGS has a habit of saying "Okay?" or "Right?" after almost everything he says, and we have to respond, or he doesn't think we're paying attention.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Thursday Two by Two

Postby Harmony » Thu Sep 27, 2018 9:15 pm

LadyM, your description sounds like claustrophobia to me. I have some of that which has gotten worse in my "old age". I almost lost my ever-lovin' mind in the MRI machine. Nurse told me some have to come all doped up to get that accomplished. I knew I couldn't do it if I opened my eyes and looked around in there so I didn't, but she didn't give me any warning when she rolled me out so the sensation of being enclosed and moving forward had me screeching as I came out. She was like what what what's wrong with you?

I don't mind sitting in church so much (a little) but when everybody stands and we are shoulder to shoulder sometimes with taller people in front of me I want to run away.

I once had a friend who would do menthol cough drops in a car because it "felt" like she could breath better in the enclosed space.

Claustrophobia is really an awful thing.

Yep watched TV this afternoon. It was very interesting. I was in tears at one point.

Lucylee, I'm not a superhero. Just sometimes I don't write about the things I didn't do! :lol:

Tonight I cleaned out the refrigerator by giving DH all the leftovers that were in there. He doesn't mind that thank goodness. Especially since there was a small piece of steak left!

I guess its bedtime.

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Re: Thursday Two by Two

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu Sep 27, 2018 10:27 pm

I am finishing up my day.

Tai Chi was enjoyable tonight. I like the friend & cousin time almost more than the exercise. I have 4 cousins in the group plus several lifelong friends.

Both of the kids are in bed but neither are asleep yet. We have to be up and out the door by 8:30 in the morning. I have signed us up for a guided tour of a new aquarium.

DGS21 sent me a recipe to for us to try tomorrow. It is b-o-r-i-n-g. Chicken breast & mushrooms. It is his week to pick the recipe but really? What fun is that recipe?

I downloaded and set up the Family Link app. I am using it to monitor DS10 phone and youtube activity. I am probably considered a control freak because I monitor all of his online/internet activity. I personally think the internet is a wonderful place and good learning tool....but I wouldn't let a kid go play in traffic and I'm not going to allow him to play on the internet without boundaries.

I am definitely not a superhero. If any doubt, just take a look at my inbox containing over 10K of email that I haven't read.
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: Thursday Two by Two

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Sep 27, 2018 10:35 pm

Back from the play, Sylvia, which was extremely enjoyable. The actress who played the dog was superb.

I accomplished all on my list, plus the car wash and grocery shopping. Paid bills, and then reacted to a letter from the tax department wanting proof, in the form of images of both sides of my cheques, that I paid the rent I claimed on dh's tax return. My bank only has images online for 18 months which means I'm missing the first three cancelled cheques from 2017. I tried putting in a request online but that didn't work, she didn't have access to them either. So I have to go to the bank. Not a big deal, as long as they have them.

I'm now missing the good old days when everyone had paper statements and received one's cancelled cheques back. That way, when the government wanted a piece of paper, I had it. I have downloaded the first 6 months of this year, since I'll need those images for next year if we are questioned again.

Ds texted that he has 3 more showings tomorrow and is OK with me coming too. So I'm off in the afternoon with him to the west of here. Three places, two of which are very close to the river. I found 2 of them last night, he found one this morning. It is in the village in rural Ottawa that was hit by the tornado. We'll have to figure out how to get there, not all roads are open yet.

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Re: Thursday Two by Two

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Sep 28, 2018 9:05 am

d lucy - you are way too hard on yourself.
having a little one IS a lot of work!
You are busy!
Be kind to you!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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