First Friday of Fall

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First Friday of Fall

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Sep 28, 2018 8:54 am

For me fall is:

Soup days, bread baking
sweaters and hoodies
Colours of the trees orange, red, yellow
crisp air
Canadian geese, robins, herons and Cranes flying south in large numbers making lots of noise as the leave.
lap blankets

What does Fall Or in for dear Australia Spring mean to you?

Wishing you a blessed first day of fall. What is on your cards/control journal or your l*st today :D
Are there things you need to do for this part of your life?

For me it is getting the outside of the house ready so I do not end up playing "Name that lump**" when it snows

**"Name that lump" Pam and Peggy
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Re: First Friday of Fall

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Sep 28, 2018 9:10 am

My day is now up in the air.
Originally I was going to go downtown to see John Singer Sargents work on the gilded age - it is closing this weekend; it turns out that probably won't happen. That just means something better or something that really needs doing is going to happen. Both are a win.

dd and I went to the wool Appliqué class and it was fun. I love learning new things. (especially hand work)

Since I do not know which way the day will blow me (I am thinking of Winnie the Pooh and Windsay) I will start with my morning routine.

hello everyone

from a blustery day. I don't know why but it makes me laugh and think of fall.
Roo: Look, mama, look! A kite!
Kanga: Oh, my goodness! It's Piglet!
Winnie the Pooh: [Being dragged behind Piglet] Happy Windsday, Kanga. Happy Windsday, Roo.
Roo: Can I fly Piglet next, Pooh?
Last edited by blessedw2 on Fri Sep 28, 2018 9:40 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: First Friday of Fall

Postby CathyS » Fri Sep 28, 2018 9:18 am


We have some possible lumps on our driveway. We plan on getting the rest of the wood dealt with this weekend. Dh is on vacation from tonight at 5 until the Tuesday after Canadian Thanksgiving. We have a lot planned, but nothing is set in stone.
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Re: First Friday of Fall

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Sep 28, 2018 9:37 am

hi d Cathy - wishing you a wonderful day with your dh home!
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Re: First Friday of Fall

Postby Twins' Mom » Fri Sep 28, 2018 9:39 am

LadyM, I have not gone back to Tai Chi this year. I think the class was too slow moving and unfocussed for me right now, and I wasn't finding time (i.e. making it a priority) to practice. I might feel differently if I had friends in the class.

I am probably claustrophobic to some degree also. I try for a seat on the aisle at temple when I can and try to leave space between me and dh and any others we're sitting with. It makes me crazy tho when a group (even people that we're friends with) come and keep crowding into the row so we're all mashed like sardines and there's no "personal space." And I hate a big crowded noisy party too.

We had a lovely evening last night in spite of the rain. Dh and I had dinner at a new to us place, so nice that it was close to the theatre so we could park once and walk. Ds had to leave work late so missed dinner with us, dd had an event at temple so met us there also. It was nice to have both kids there and I hope they enjoyed the evening. The last work was so interesting with a lot of percussion and a long period where it was only percussion but by that time felt almost interminably long. Afterwards dh, dd and I went to the bar at a close hotel where dfriend M and her dh had a little party - champagne for a toast and hors' dourves. Her dh had been commissioned to compose a piece which was performed last night - the "world premiere" - and it was her BD. We left pretty early but it was a nice evening and the rain had stopped by then.

The weather has finally changed, slightly. It's cloudy today but rain is not predicted. And the temp and humidity has dropped. It's been too humid for a raincoat.

-see dmom
-figure out Sunday genealogy session with kids
-get a photo duplicated at CVS or somewhere and frame for it

Right now:
-walk the dog
-brush teeth, wash up etc.
-figure out Sunday
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Re: First Friday of Fall

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Sep 28, 2018 9:56 am

I am glad you had a lovely time yesterday d twins!
wishing you an awesome day.

time to start for me:
morning routine
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Re: First Friday of Fall

Postby Nancy » Fri Sep 28, 2018 9:57 am

Fall Fun - home coming, crock pot meals, soup and stew, hot cocoa comes to mind.
I have good news decluttered the outlets we took out when I was shaking rugs this morning they went out I dumped some trash as well.
Got the kitchen swept. Vacuum next up. Journal, qt, and planning done.
WTG on all your progress gals!

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Re: First Friday of Fall

Postby DeeClutter » Fri Sep 28, 2018 10:21 am

Had planned to type in 2 recipes (from the soup cookbook our dcooking friend lent me), but ended up managing to do 5. I would never have done well on 'piece work'. I get too bored too quickly. I can remember picking blueberries with my Mom and I would hop from bush to bush. She would point out there were lots of good berries on the bushes I left -just couldn't help it. I have to change, can't do too much repetitious work at a time. Anyone else like that? I'm betting anyone with ADD can't keep at one thing too long. :P

Dh took a load of copper in to the recycling plant today. Had planned to take it to FL to recycle it. Glad he didn't. He thought the receipt he put in said $278 and he was happy with that. That was until the machine spit out 11 50's and some other bills. Looked again and it was $578! He was really happy then. So glad he's not trying to take it south!

I think I need to find a PT place in Lakeland for dh. They really want him going for PT until at least January. He told them yesterday that we planned to leave for FL in about 4 1/2 weeks. That didn't make them very happy.
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Re: First Friday of Fall

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Sep 28, 2018 10:27 am

I am exactly like that d dee. I get bored easily and to stick to one place doesn't have adventure... I love your story of you as a little one.
so happy he got that much for the copper! wonderful.

A local contractor had all the copper taken out of the new homes he was building on our block. they stripped all the houses that were open.

wishing you a great day d dee
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Re: First Friday of Fall

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Sep 28, 2018 10:28 am

I am struggling with I don't wanna's regarding my dailies. I will (unwillingly) put my timer on and kick myself in the franny 8-) ;)
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