First Friday of Fall

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Re: First Friday of Fall

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Sep 28, 2018 10:35 am

Still not s2s and haven't managed to complete anything today except making the bed and eating. Eating breakfast and eating snacks.

Talked with dgs for 40 minutes on Skype. This is becoming a time sink. I don't mind doing it when dd is stuck in a hotel room with him (and she sounds so very sick and her dh is sick too.) But this will not be able to continue here (although having him sit and watch us cook dinner is acceptable.) Today he was naming off all the things I have for him here (Nana Highchair, Nana potty, Nana food!)

I need to leave here in 3 hours so I better get s2s now. And maybe do something.

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Re: First Friday of Fall

Postby Elizabeth » Fri Sep 28, 2018 10:55 am

Good morning everyone! DD16 did get most of her studying done in the library, but had some Spanish left to do at her Dad's house. She told me about a class at her high school - Fifty Shades of Gray :o :oops: . Yep, you read that right. On further questioning, it turned out to be a class on banned books. More sociology than s*x. As I dropped her off, the x was pulling out. The other woman's x MIL had a stroke (which the x recognized from the phone description). They were on their way to persuade someone who doesn't trust doctors to go to the ER. Normally, one doesn't hope a person will collapse, but it may be that the only way to get her in a hospital is when she is incapable of refusing. I don't know if this will affect DD's other family's weekend travel plans. All I got done after that is printed invitations.

Tonight, I will be having dinner with friends, then picking up DD, assuming travel plans are unaffected. Tonight's WTF = bulls and budget (payday was today). Weekend's WTF = finish invitations. I haven't heard whether I owe the car rental place.

Fall is just the season of DreadWinter to me. Starting September, it's a road downhill. Winter has no redeeming value, just unpleasant, cold, dark, and dreary. Fall stinks because it is the prelude to winter. It's only redeeming feature is Halloween.

Found out this morning that my parents weren't planning on coming this January, but next year. Except I have DD before Christmas on odd years. So the trip won't really work until 2020. Their reasoning is that they don't have the money this year (I can relate). Mom wants to talk about future travel when I am home for the holidays. She still wants Europe. I still haven't won the lottery.

There are now MRI machines that are open. When I had an MRI in TX, they asked me about enclosed spaces before pushing me in. I had to laugh because the preceding weekend I was belly crawling through Airman's Cave. However, I cannot stand sitting touching someone. Or lying down touching someone.

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Re: First Friday of Fall

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Sep 28, 2018 11:48 am

hi d elizabeth
hi d lady
hi d kathryn

I got my kitchen routine done. started on laundry started.
talked to d mom re: today errands (if she wanted to go with) (she is staying home bc my errands are boring today lol)

found out local relative still asked d mom to go up north (free vacation) along with taking her to the cemetery even after I told her I couldn't go but I would be happy to set it up with mom this coming summer. She went behind me any way. Nice thing Is I am not upset more than expected. Mom told her no which is a good thing. Can't say it was a surprise.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: First Friday of Fall

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Sep 28, 2018 12:24 pm

Normally, one doesn't hope a person will collapse, but it may be that the only way to get her in a hospital is when she is incapable of refusing.

Ds and I were talking about this 2 days ago. It is called implied consent. If someone is unconscious, our law says that medical personal are to assume the person consents to treatment. Paramedics often pull this one out when someone refuses to go to the hospital.

"You don't want us to take you to the ER? Fine. We'll just sit here and wait for you to pass out, then we'll have implied consent and can take you in. Or you can just consent now and not tie us up while we wait for you to faint."

Actually, there have been times I've been hoping Mr. Lucylee would pass out so he could be treated.

I'm s2s. Had soup for lunch - this will be the last time I serve it since it was made on Sunday. Also had toast (still eating up the bread that I bought last week and didn't get into the freezer.)

My bedroom is tidy now - I had made the bed when I got up but not tidied the room.

I leave in an hour. More than enough time to accomplish something but I can't think of anything I want to do.

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Re: First Friday of Fall

Postby Twins' Mom » Fri Sep 28, 2018 1:54 pm

Have to say I agree about Mr. Lucylee - thank goodness he seems better these days!

I saw mother, got to post office, had photo scanned and printed, had lunch at Subway and then got a frame at Michaels for the photo. The photo is my maternal grandparents and their children and spouses ca. 1948, as identified by dmom. The dcousin who is turning 80 is a younger in this photo and I wasn't born until 1955. You can tell it's out in the country where they lived them. I got a gold pen so I could write on the back of the frame who is in the photo and the clerk at Michaels suggested I just write it on the matt but my handwriting isn't very good or consistent. It would be nice that way, tho.

I am going to ck with dcousin here about whether she needs a ride tomorrow.

Then I am going to nap a little.
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Re: First Friday of Fall

Postby Nancy » Fri Sep 28, 2018 3:01 pm

I vacuumed the living room. Did a round in the kit. Pupa as well books papers etc. Sipping tea after lunch. It is cool but I do not want to turn the heat on, it gets too warm with days at or near 80*. I dusted upstairs also.

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Re: First Friday of Fall

Postby Sunny » Fri Sep 28, 2018 3:22 pm

Good afternoon everyone. It doesn't feel much like autumn here and we could use some of the rain other parts of the country are getting. However, I am content enough to sit here in front of the dining room fan to cuop.

Dh's PT nurse was to be here at 10:30 this morning. Between the work I did yesterday and this morning all my weekly chores and morning routine were done by 10 a.m. Nurse R did not show up until 11:20 a.m. She is late almost every time, but that gives me more time to make sure everything is tidy. Lunch is now over and dishes cleaned up; I still have a load of laundry to put in the washer. I really want to get it done today as I have put it off for a couple of days already. I have checked my planner for the next week and caught up my notes in that.

Since dh is having to be more strict with his sodium and potassium intake I have done some research and have some information ready to print out. I also have a letter to answer and get in the mail soon.

***Well, this sat here when I got interrupted a few times. Now I have to print out those copies for dh.
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Re: First Friday of Fall

Postby Harriet » Fri Sep 28, 2018 3:23 pm

I was able to read through Happy Thoughts on Wednesday but Two by Two on Thursday and First Friday of Fall must stay on my reading list!!!

I want so much to catch up but if I don't post and say "hello" now I don't know when I can.

Promised myself a certain amount of creative time and it's hard to keep up on that, too. But if I will, I'll have a nice wall hanging to put up at the holidays (I foresee it hanging anytime, but nice to have by then to decorate, let company see something new).

Dd18 is more rushed than I am. She has 5 and a half classes this semester and asked me to stop her in the future from taking more than 4 if she's also working the part-time job. She is handling the training at work this evening - well above her pay grade to be doing this but maybe something good will come of it.

Her second show is hanging in another gallery now (all works from the last semester's acrylics) with the rest of her class' work. This gallery also has receptions but can't afford a caterer, so the students cater. She took something nice last night but honestly I don't even know what it was.

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Re: First Friday of Fall

Postby lucylee » Fri Sep 28, 2018 5:28 pm

Ha ha — I’ve thought that about dh too! He IS so much better now... we are on our way to College Town now. He normally does about 3/4 of the driving.

Hard to look back and reply to everyone when typing on phone — just wanted to wave to everyone!
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: First Friday of Fall

Postby Elizabeth » Fri Sep 28, 2018 6:01 pm

WHEW!!! I thought a bug had been uncovered in two rather complicated reports. However, it is a product ID problem and not associated with reporting. I also thought it would take forever to track down, but it didn't. We will now return to our regularly scheduled programming.

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