belief sunday!

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belief sunday!

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Sep 30, 2018 11:49 am

Happy Sunday!

Many times on Saturday and Sunday we celebrate our religious beliefs but what about the belief's about why or who you are as a person.

My question this morning is how do you promote your belief in yourself as a person? Do you take time to reflect each week to see if you are following your path that you want to be in... staying to your own true north.

Today can you take time to believe in yourself and your journey in a good way. Too many time as SHE's we tend to have the habit of seeing what we think we haven't done rather than accepting the beauty and the belief in ourselves as good strong devoted and involved people in our own lives.

Take time this week to plan to appreciate yourself. Believe in the smallest triumphs and ignore the negative that you place on yourself when you think you should do it all.

I believe in you each and every day... Have a wonderful week.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: belief sunday!

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Sep 30, 2018 12:11 pm

I have been reflecting on why I chose wanting to be a homemaker, a wife and a mom. I sometimes forget to celebrate and enjoy the path because I get caught up with what I haven't done instead of finding the joy in the littlest moments.

I have always loved the home and land arts since I was a young girl. I love homemaking crafts and homesteading arts as well as the out of doors. I think that's why I loved scouts so much - you got to try all different things.. I love boy scouts and their ability to support young people by having them learn from already skilled individuals. It gets me to wonder where I lost the ability to find joy in learning the arts and seeing the home as a chore. I don't want that. I want that joy again.

I wonder why women don't have programs that are like scouts where women can learn things (without tons of money) from each other. I always went into things full force instead of just being a dabbler to learn a little here and there. I loved the dabbler badges when I was a girl scout - where you can try things here and there that may help you find something you love. My perfectionist in me thought I had to learn everything about it and spend money on everything to be perfect at a home skill. So funny to think that way.

I chose homemaking because of my grandmother and grandfather. During ww2 in france the families lived in the same village and supported each other through their grandparents homestead/farm. I know even with the horror of war behind them they still supported each other and helped each other live in a very difficult time with these home and family arts. My grandparents and my mom and aunt and uncles told me they always felt loved and the things that their parents did - making bread, feeding the animals, growing a garden made this family a joyous family and their house/farm a home of safety in an unsafe world.

This is why I chose this path. I realized that I took what I believed in and loved and made it a chore instead of an honoured joy. House cleaning is not exciting but I do love so much about making my family happy and comfortable. I forgot to just believe and celebrate what I love and practice some of the things I love. I looked at it as a failure when things fell apart instead of seeing it as a temporary time where I didn't keep up with my routines or take time for what I love.

I want that excitement and feeling to be part of my every day life and I want to share that with other women and learn from other women just like we did when we were scouts. Just because it is a routine doesn't mean you can learn from it and find joy in learning different things.

I want to make my homemaking a joy again. I am going to ask friends to share in learning with each other just like we did with scouts. I have such talented friends and I want to take time to share and afternoon with each other learning from each other. maybe a once a month thing.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: belief sunday!

Postby DeeClutter » Sun Sep 30, 2018 12:43 pm

Dh gave the bed a 'try' last night. He lasted till about 12:00. I never heard him get up but did hear him in the bathroom. I woke up then and never got back to sleep until after 5am. Took my T-med at 5 and crawled in the recliner. Fell asleep & heard dh up around 7ish. Never heard him go out. Woke up about 9:30 -too late to get ready for church.

I'm through breakfast and just a yogurt for lunch. I'm going to head out to W mart in just a bit. Also want to go to A ldi's to see if they have dh's cheese spread he likes. Need to put together just a few things to take to G oodwill while I'm near there. Then that will be a task done for the year (I think).

Dh (and friend) are supposed to do 2 winterizations today, but so far only 1 person has shown up.

Went to a friend's pig roast at Boulder Hall (here) yesterday afternoon. There was so much food! Luckily I didn't seem to gain the 2-3# that I can easily do at something like that.

Finally found the $4.01 check that we got as refund from F rontier (our former internet service). Got that deposited this morning.

Still waiting to hear from RV repair guy. Hoping he contacts dh soon. I do think it's supposed to be warmer later this week and that will help. Had our septic tank pumped Thursday. It's about 17-cents a gallon to remove waste and we were full at 1,000 gallons. Oh, can't wait to get that bill! But at least it'll be done for the year. We've paid our whole fee for our site for 2019 so that's also done. All we'll have left is the electric bill which could be hefty. :roll:
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: belief sunday!

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Sep 30, 2018 1:22 pm

hi d dee - hope tonight is more restful for both of you - sending sweet dreams and a contented sleep for you both tonight!
wishing you a great day!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: belief sunday!

Postby Twins' Mom » Sun Sep 30, 2018 4:03 pm

Still on first page! What a quiet day in the village.

I did my third Jewish genealogy session with kids this a.m. - the younger girls are just not interested and are a pain. Some of the older kids are interested and they were a joy. Kids are coming for supper tonight - we are grilling burgers. Had a box of the frozen burgers that you throw on the grill left from Labor day so we'll use some of those.
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Re: belief sunday!

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun Sep 30, 2018 4:07 pm

Blessed: you asked

I wonder why women don't have programs that are like scouts where women can learn things (without tons of money) from each other.

When I moved out to the village the Women's Institute was still a going concern. But not enough young women joined to keep it going. They were off working and raising families, also running the PTA and teaching Sunday School.

They didn't need to know how to do things, they had enough money to buy things already made, or hire people to do the things they needed done (childcare, cleaners, tutors, gardeners.)

If they did have a passion they set aside time for, they'd join a specific club/organization so historical societies, and gardening clubs, still existed but the multi-interest organizations died off.

Today, you might get something like you are looking for from Toastmasters since people give speeches to inform others. Aside from that, we now have YouTube.

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Re: belief sunday!

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun Sep 30, 2018 4:31 pm

I had a good sleep of about 8.5 hours. I woke up at 5:30 but went back to bed and quickly fell asleep until 7:30 when I woke up naturally. I shifted from dreamworld to reality so smoothly that I was surprised I was awake since just moments before nonsense was happening.

I started out strong and handled email and texts from my phone, then worked culling email (I had 400 pile up while) and inbox well under 600 for over 800. There's still almost 200 unread but many will have been read on my phone or tablet on the days I was ignoring my computer.

That strong start led to a headache so I worked on writing in the page numbers for my next bullet journal and setting up the sections.

Then I went so shower and discovered the bed (although made) was calling me so I lay down for 90 minutes.

I'm up now, s2s and had the leftover corn from last night as my lunch. It is delicious. Dinner will be a stir fry to use up any veggies that survived the power outage.

Dh arrived in Zwolle no problem. I should be watching for an email from him now. He did write me back to explain an item on the Costco grocery list. That was an indication of how my brain isn't working. Cranberry made no sense to me but he meant his cranberry pills. I just stared at it and thought "I get cranberries from a grocery store, not Costco."

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Re: belief sunday!

Postby Nancy » Sun Sep 30, 2018 5:20 pm

I believe I am creative. We got tne new kit. Lite uo. May have to replace a part on the house and redo it later. Game day.poof...sheets are dry and ready to go back on the bed.

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Re: belief sunday!

Postby Twins' Mom » Sun Sep 30, 2018 5:53 pm

I did the "feedback" for the rough drafts we turned in last week. The Pro Gen chat is tomorrow afternoon. I think October is the last month with an assignment, maybe.

I may be catching a cold. Have been sneezing and have a slightly sore throat.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: belief sunday!

Postby Elizabeth » Sun Sep 30, 2018 7:40 pm

Hi everyone! Just wanted to share my happiness in getting both of my WTFs done: all invitations done but 3 that have to go by text AND bills and budget are complete. Of course, that means I am broke again, but there is food in the freezer, pantry, and fridge and gas in the car. The other woman's xMIL turned out to have a migraine instead of a stroke. The x and the other woman are off camping and I had DD16 all weekend. As usual, she is doing homework, but we did make church. She took her Bible study book as her substitute for Sunday school, but didn't work on it because her favorite friend is back and they had to catch up after a month's absence. DD did a literal happy dance when she realized there was turkey for dinner.

Dad called and they have decided to visit us this Jan instead of two years from now. This means I do not have to break bad news to DD. I have done much cooking today and much DW loads. I have also done LOLs, but still need to put away. One of the cats is getting hairballs, so I have to search the house for places to clean.

I think my stomach is finally better. I know foster cat B is feeling better. He is out of the sewing room and seeking attention.

To make the LR party ready, I need to complete some sewing. Taking a break then getting back to useful stuff.

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