Monday, the Month's Fresh Start

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Re: Monday, the Month's Fresh Start

Postby Nancy » Mon Oct 01, 2018 2:14 pm

Showing this afternoon changed my day got sheets back on the bed, doing a few things that did not get done this weekend.
Put away ladder. Dumped trash. Swept patio and deck. Swept steps inside. Cleaned dust bunnies under bed and beside bed rug downstairs.

Cooked and peeled eggs, as a test I put in three carrots in as well to see if they would be done yep so I can cook them the same time I am doing eggs i. The future! Learned something today. Wrote a letter and 2 cards they are off in the mail now. Glad I got them off in time.

I still need to spot mop and vacuum the traffic areas. Then staging after that, slow and steady not in a rush bc it is a 2:30 - apt. For showing 2day I like that time slot.

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Re: Monday, the Month's Fresh Start

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Oct 01, 2018 2:31 pm

wishing you the best on your showing! have a great afternoon d nancy!
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Re: Monday, the Month's Fresh Start

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Oct 01, 2018 2:33 pm

sad to hear that
Le chanteur (signer) Charles Aznavour passed. my grandparents and my mom listened to him (part of my own childhood).
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Re: Monday, the Month's Fresh Start

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Oct 01, 2018 2:42 pm

Pausing for lunch. Homeschool had a rough start but I was expecting it after having a 4-day break. I just reminded DS10 about the acceptable and unacceptable attitude that I would accept. As long as I clearly define the boundaries and stay consistent, then he is a quick study.

Wondering when RR will be back home? I miss her posting.

I would love to see what your cards are..

I suspect only the most sidetrackable person would understand my need to use these cards. When I set up my card box this time, I did it with one rule. I can only add a card for things that I forget to do. AFTER I forget to do something then I add a card to remind me and set the frequency to do it. I suspect 99.9% of the people would not need a card to remind them to do the simplest of things. But I fall into that .1% that do need them. Example.....
** the day my teeth felt yucky, then I realized I forgot to brush them....I added a "Brush teeth" card that is checked off daily.
** I started wondering when the last time I changed the sheets on the beds. Was it last week or last month? I really didn't know. So....I added a weekly card "Change bed sheets". If life is busy and I can't get to this card, then it sits and waits for me with a reminder of how many days it has been since the task was last done. 8 days. 9 days. 10 days. 11 days. 12 days....etc.
** When I completely clean and decluttered an area....then I added a daily card to check that area to make sure nothing has changed. I have learned the hard way that if I don't purposely "stop & look" at the area then it will slowly fill up with STUFF. Because this is a daily card, most times it takes less than a minute to put that area back to company ready status.
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Re: Monday, the Month's Fresh Start

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Oct 01, 2018 2:55 pm

Recently I have started adding NTBE cards. NTBE= Need to be eaten. This tells me when the food item has to be gone. The food item is either eaten by this date or I throw the food away. When I cook food and put the leftovers in the refrigerator then I add an NTBE card. When I bring home fresh produce or meat and put it in the refrigerator then I add an NTBE card for it. I would someday like to expand this to also include food in the freezer and pantry but that is too complicated for me and I get overwhelmed. Maybe someday I'll get there.
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Re: Monday, the Month's Fresh Start

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Oct 01, 2018 3:02 pm

Blessed: that is sad news, I love his records (have downloaded many songs to my Google Play Music.

LadyM: "Stop & Look" is an excellent use of the cards.

LadyM: I used to have a freezer inventory list on my fridge door. It tracked both the upstairs and basement freezers. I need to go back to having that, but now that we live in the city, I don't stock up on food as much. We also use to designate January as the 'eat from the freezer' month. I'd make things for Holiday Grand Plan but we didn't always eat them plus we'd have leftover party food.

January was also "pay cash" month years ago because it was a way to have a lower credit card bill after the eye-watering ones with the December spending.

Before I left this morning, I:

* got the plants watered,
* the kitchen floor vacuumed and mopped,
* the bed sheets changed and into the washer.

I need to move them to the dryer now.

I booked the snow-tires on appointment while at the tire shop. The repair was free (tire has a lifetime road hazard warranty.) I had to stop the car on the way there and inflate the tire.

I had my lunch near dd's but dgs was running behind schedule so I didn't go visit. I offered her the car while I babysat over his nap but she turned me down and then he woke up and needed to be settled back to sleep so it was just as well I didn't go over.

I picked up an email while at lunch that said if I bought a $50 gift card to the restaurant chain we go to most often, I could get $7.5 in points. The store making the offer was across the parking lot so I ran that errand. Picked up my allergy pills while I was at it since they were on sale there (and on my list.)

From there I went Costco and picked up the groceries and vitamins on my list, the calendars for the business to mail out, a massage thingy (looks like a rubber spiked yoga mat) that will make it easier to do the tissue stimulation my trainer wants me to do, and a fire truck for dgs who is suddenly into fire trucks (and his birthday is in two days.) I'm pretty sure ds won't have bought a present for dgs so this will take care of that for him (he's on nights right now.)

I've put away the groceries so think I'll have a rest now. Then maybe dust and vacuum the apartment. We'll see. I'm pretty wiped but it is only 3. I also have a report to write but that will be after a rest.

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Re: Monday, the Month's Fresh Start

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Oct 01, 2018 3:32 pm

this home blessing is taking so long. (and then I go back and there is dog hair again :shock: ;)
maybe because i am feeling the I don't wanna's

hi dearest kathryn!
a cash month - what a great idea.
do you have to put chains on your tires where you live?
yay on all you have done and do.

hi dearest lady - I should do those cards bc I waste food.
It IS hard to start again on routines and work after a few days off. your d son is a quick study... wishing him a great school week.
I am that person d lady... I am a terribly sidetracked person so that was why I was asking. You are a smart woman!
my card that I must do is s2s first thing. thank you!!! I need a visual card or journal page to get things done.
My new card is don't put things at the bottom of the stairs for put away - unfortunately I tend to create hot spots and this is my goal.
I figure it must not take long to just do it right away.
thanks d lady!
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Re: Monday, the Month's Fresh Start

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Oct 01, 2018 3:34 pm

Next front hall blessing - there is still a basket to put away ... last blessing areas are the 3 season room superficially and the laundry room (not perfect)
I need to do yoga - big girl yoga
It is amazing how my attitude makes my day good or a drudgery. today there was a lot of I don't wanna's.
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Re: Monday, the Month's Fresh Start

Postby Harmony » Mon Oct 01, 2018 4:25 pm

I don't know how fresh my start was today... 1 step backwards here for sure.

I got my upper wisdom tooth extracted this morning. I did not expect this to be so painful. Not the process but the recovery. It is 4 hours past when it was done and my info says the first 6 hours are the worst. They got that right.

Stopped at store on the way home to fill antibiotic prescription, but they couldn't find it and called the dentist who said she sent it...and there it was so not filled and I had to wait almost 40 minutes to get out of there with it. All the while my Novocaine was wearing off. And of course I had to wait to speak to the pharmacist...who took 10 minutes to come to the window... it was not a pleasant time there.

Just took 2 ty lenol hoping they will help. Iced cheek.

I'm waiting for someone to come by and pick up a check, sure wish he'd get here so I could relax.

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Re: Monday, the Month's Fresh Start

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Oct 01, 2018 5:05 pm

I rebel at being told NOT to do something. But I don't have a problem telling (reminding) myself to do something. Yes, I'm sure this is weird. The end result is the same. I would not respond well to a card reminding me to not put something at the bottom of the stairs. However, I would be perfectly fine with a card reminding myself to put things at the bottom of the stair away. Both cards would give the same result..... a clean stairwell.

DS10 is doing the last assignment for today = SSR for 20 minutes. He received a VERY EXCITING surprise item in the mail today so we will be adding that to his homeschool studies this week.

DGD7 is here from school. I asked her how her school day went and she answered with a big smile "Amazing!". She is eating a snack now.

I've completed 74 cards so far today so I think I will be able to hit my 80 card goal.
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