Thursday Thimbles and Mending

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Thursday Thimbles and Mending

Postby Harriet » Thu Oct 04, 2018 8:14 am

What are you mending lately?
Is your mending basket overflowing with good intentions?
Do you know where your thimble is?

Have you brought anything back to usable status recently by repairing it?

Can you keep your household thriftier by being a handywoman sometimes, either with needle and thread, hammer and nails, a coat of paint or some other handy-talent? Do you believe in duct tape?

Let us know about the redos and make-dos that make your home hum along!

" ♫ Anything loose or broken, it keeps it in place to stay.
♫ Life is too short to spend it on maintenance. Try duct tape today. "

- Prairie Home Companion lyrics for "The American Duct Tape Council" commercial

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Re: Thursday Thimbles and Mending

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Oct 04, 2018 8:41 am

I'm still working on mending my brain. Didn't get much sleep last night and had a hard time figuring out how to write an email (the actual logistics, put the body of the text in the big box not the To: field.)

Soup stock is done. I think the smell of that had something to do with me not being able to fall asleep again at 4. Plus my hip ached.

I'm in a bit of a panic over how to get ready to leave for a 4 day trip. I've committed to not taking a checked-bag, then last night I stressed over not having my pillow. Maybe I can cram it in if I leave something else out.

I don't have shoes I can walk in so I either have to buy those or take my new dress boots. Which means I should wear them around a bit before I go. I could take those plus my runners. No room for slippers, though. Argggghhhh!

Still no hot water in my bathroom. Had I been home yesterday, I would have called that in. I'm not home today either but have to shower before I leave at 11.

I'm just doing tea and chocolate now. Then I'll figure out showering (I can use the office bathroom's shower because it has hot water) and then clean up the kitchen. While wearing those boots.

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Re: Thursday Thimbles and Mending

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Oct 04, 2018 9:00 am

Booksaver or Blessed I'm pretty sure one of you asked about SAD lights. Sorry I failed to respond in a timely manner. Yes, get one. I have a Philips small travel one from Costco (dual voltage.) They are selling something else now but I'm sure it will be fine. My previous one was a HUGE desk lamp style and was about $200. The tech has changed and now they realize you only need certain spectrums of light. That seems to make my little one more efficient than the big one was but it is also whichever you'll use regularly is the one you should have.

I'm debating starting mine up because it is dull here and my head's already struggling with the depression component of a concussion.

I have not heard from dfs this morning so don't know if I'm a ???? yet. There's really no word for me, basically, ds is dfs's "brother from another mother" and I'm that other mother! The poor baby will have 4 sets of grandparents before you count me so Nana doesn't seem right. Maybe I can be Auntie K.

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Re: Thursday Thimbles and Mending

Postby Harriet » Thu Oct 04, 2018 9:02 am

I didn't mean to buy a thimble, but it came free with a bundle of sewing notions I did need. So "thursday thimbles" tripped off my tongue this morning.

Nancy, BookSaver and I
are having "Fun with Notions" these days, as recorded in Arts, Crafts and Needlework thread (I love how that's a pun without trying).

At lunch with friends yesterday I was able to share my "Fix" of my NutriBullet that I managed by looking up my problem on YouTube and mending. One of my friends was saying she seldom looks at YouTube and others of us were all jumping on her, poor thing, to tell her all her mending around the house needed a YouTube how-to injection. :lol:

Twins', I was intrigued by whatever made you interested in a petition, so looked up that school principal situation. This is an example of scripture being twisted and cited inaccurately, in a way that causes division between the sexes and perpetuates harmful thinking. Someone said the principal was maybe just joking, but he went on for several sentences, so that excuse doesn't make sense. I understand him to actually be spouting this "Eve was bad and females can be blamed forever" mentality, which must have come to him from somewhere. So, if someone is out there trying to find a way to defend him, they should try shifting blame to those who influenced his lousy understanding of scripture, because this guy was poorly educated. And now, he's in a position in which young minds around him could be harmed.

Cathy and Sunny, Happy Birthday!

Kathryn, how exciting to be waiting for that particular call. So hard to believe dgs is 2!

Next Up
Errand Day - I had blood work yesterday to check thyroid and see doctor today. Hoping to do a few errands while out.

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Re: Thursday Thimbles and Mending

Postby DeeClutter » Thu Oct 04, 2018 9:47 am

We had a gorgeous sunrise this morning -which both dh and I spent several minutes enjoying! But now -it's raining. Should be gone shortly though.

Let dh take himself to his PT this morning. He was very much up in the air on whether he was going to go to his Retiree's breakfast (they meet first Thursday of each month). The # is growing ever smaller however. He has several things he wants to do and I spent 3 days trying to figure out directions for him from the PT location to the restaurant. There was no easy access to the expressway from there. I figure he probably decided to go as he's not home yet and his PT was at 8am and the breakfast at 9.

I've been lollygagging all morning. Feel very sluggish this morning. Knee is better but quite obviously not anywhere near normal yet. Still walking very stiff legged. At least it wasn't bothering me through the night.

Our cooking friend made us turkey dinner with many trimmings yesterday. We're having it tonight as he'd also sent us chicken noodle soup. Have asked dsonil to join us as there's certainly plenty.

Been just picking up a little here and there so far this morning. Not sure if I'm truly tired or lazy -both I guess.
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Re: Thursday Thimbles and Mending

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Oct 04, 2018 10:34 am

hi - just a quick one
but cheering you all on in your day - rah rah rah

my day was not a rah rah rah - not bad but not a rah rah rah :lol:
I ended up with a stress headache and slept all day. my house that I cleaned beautifully monday looks terrible and not packing last week and shopping Tuesday I panicked. (thus headache and shut down). I learned a lot about me in this moment - I stress out not being ready even though it was doable.
the clean laundry I have didn't get packed as I hadn't tried on the cloths I bought.
last night lost the cat for 1-1/2 hours (we have coyote's so we looked and looked) she finally came home when dd looked at midnight-I put tuna out. Then old dog suddenly was wheezing and her breathing went crazy. Her larynx, what ever, is fluttering and stays open and her body temp can't regulate. I took her to the doggy ER and they took a chest x ray to rule out pneumonia because now that her larynx won't close right she will get pneumonia eventually. They can do surgery but she is 14. At least her heart is good. I got home at 3 am.
Can't say it wasn't interesting. But there is always something to learn and adapt with these situations.

Not sure how we are going to work it.. praying old dog will do okay while we are gone
good things happen from learning opportunities. 8-) ;) :D
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Thursday Thimbles and Mending

Postby Twins' Mom » Thu Oct 04, 2018 10:43 am

Harriet, I really think the guy was just running his mouth and that he was joking. He was referring to the dress code - how the girls ruin everything because they don't dress appropriately (and that was inappropriate in itself) then he ran on to Adam and Eve. And he was filmed and this film was available online. He really should have known better as an educator in this environment. So he's guilty of poor judgement and not understanding why this was offensive, in my book. This is a HS in my county; I'm pretty sure they will require him to do some "sensitivity training" of some kind and reinstate him however.

I need to s2s and walk the ddog and pick up dcousin in a couple of hours to go see dmom and have lunch with her.

I'm feeling less sure of my kinship determination proof argument. I need to refute the conflicting evidence and I'm not getting there at the moment.

Oh, bw2, what a day/night! Poor doggie.
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Re: Thursday Thimbles and Mending

Postby Nancy » Thu Oct 04, 2018 11:01 am

I am up having coffee. Rain in the forecast today. Watching the 2nd week of back to basics by fly lady. Mending dining room lite had a socket that cuts in and out will be replaced this week at some point not sure when. Journal next up. Planning done, I need a plan for dinner - soup or wraps! Glad I did the mowing, yesterday. More seeds to plant later on. Tossed some jeans that were beyond mending last month. Last dishcloth in this batch is done finished it up last nite. I need to rest my knee today. One load of Laundry in the dryer to fold and put away. I need to do the a m stuff.
I vacuumed up a spot in the living room last night mess from the dog had a stitch I gave her. I have been ceaning windows not the glass the part around the glass. How often do yous scrub the kitchen counters?

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Re: Thursday Thimbles and Mending

Postby Elizabeth » Thu Oct 04, 2018 11:14 am

Good morning! I should mend cat beds for the animal org tonight. Last night's drive home was a nightmare roundabout to/from Hades and tonight's will be no better. Bleah! I was so late and so hungry, I had dinner out. I barely got to the library in time. At home, I did manage to get the checkbook balanced and the daily stuff done, but after that wasted time on computer jigsaws. I found evidence that Loki and Briggs had another fight sometime during the day. Age and experience still trump youth and size based on the presence of black and white fur, absence of brown, and presence of Briggs in the disputed territory.

LadyMaverick: Please ease up on the whole attitude thing. Telling someone to improve their attitude makes things ten times worse. Not only is the rightful anger and frustration still present, but now it is clear that no one understands or cares. It will only make DS angry and frustrated at you as well as whatever he has to do. Sitting and pouting, whining, and temper tantrums are all actions and it is reasonable to require them to stop. The best way to remove a bad attitude about a task is to get it over with as soon as possible, in other words WTF. As and example, my xBFF constantly told me I should improve my attitude about the x and the other woman and be happy for them that they found each other. Did that help? No, but it did put the x in xBFF. I cannot and should not have to feel bad about legitimate anger and hatred. I just avoid them as much as possible and get interactions over with as quickly and politely as possible. Actions I can control. Do you really want to give DS an impossible attitude task that makes you the target of his anger and frustration? This is a battle that cannot be won, though you can teach him that he is not allowed to communicate real feelings to you.

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Re: Thursday Thimbles and Mending

Postby Harriet » Thu Oct 04, 2018 12:34 pm

Twins', well this is probably voice communication coming in clearer than written communication, then, if you feel he was making jokes. I could only find it In print, and I hope he and bosses look over it carefully and realize how it "reads". It's the kind of thing that contributes to a historic self-doubt in young women.

By the way, dd20 had a big opinion on dress codes - in fact, I barely got to the "girls and high school dress code" part. She was off on an irritated tirade : "Girls? Girls!? The real problems are boys wearing tee shirts with images of unclothed women, or the F word." :shock:

My appt was good, but my thyroid med needs tweaking. May chat about that in H and F.

I called HRH in case there was anything he needed while I was out and his answer was Fritos. :roll: I said, "you NEED Fritos?" (knowing he hasn't had any in years) :lol: He insisted it was a NEED he couldn't get off his mind, so a quick spin through grocery was added, and sure enough they did have a few things they were out of last trip, so that's good.

The back-ordered top I've been waiting for arrived, and it is just perfect. Whew. It's about time a clothing purchase worked out - I haven't exactly had a good record on that lately.

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